Happy peasant girl in space

404 Chapter 1 I'm Not A Kiss

404 Chapter 1 I'm Not A Kiss ([-])
In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and now it is almost October in the golden autumn. At this time, Nie Xiaoqian is already in the process of giving birth, and because of this, Mu Feng and Mu Chen have been sent back in advance, and Mu Feng and Mu Chen are still very reluctant. But there is no room for negotiation on this matter.

Accompanied by Ling Yixin, Nie Xiaoqian took a walk in the yard, taking more walks was also good for the birth of the fetus.

"Yixin, what day are you going to give birth to? You are so worried every day." Nie Xiaoqian said to Ling Yixin who was beside her, because she was about to give birth, so Nie Xiaoqian was nervous.

"Xiaoqian, don't worry, the baby will be born when it's time to give birth, what you have to do now is to relax." Ling Yixin didn't want Nie Xiaoqian to be too worried to affect the fetus and affect herself.

"Hey, how can I relax. I'm always thinking that the child is about to be born, and they say that giving birth is a hell of a trip. Yixin, I'm really scared."


"Ouch, ouch, my stomach hurts..."

Ling Yixin was about to continue comforting Nie Xiaoqian, but Nie Xiaoqian started to exchange, now Ling Yixin was also nervous.

"Go quickly, call Wen Po, prepare hot water, towels..." Ling Yixin stabilized herself and arranged everything.

Then the servants carried out various preparations in an orderly manner. Father Ling and Mrs. Liu hurried over when they heard the news. After the court, Ling Yixuan got the news and ran back directly.

Right now, the Ling family is very nervous...

Ling Yixin, Ling Yixuan, Father Ling, Mrs. Liu, everyone was waiting anxiously outside, while inside, Granny Wen was delivering Nie Xiaoqian.

After a while, a baby's cry broke the existing atmosphere, and everyone knew that this was the birth of a baby.Sure enough, after a while, Wen Po came out with the baby in her arms.

"Congratulations, the young lady gave birth to a fat boy." After Wen Po finished speaking auspiciously, she handed the child to Mrs. Liu to hold her. Ling Yixuan looked at the child, and then went inside to have a look.

Coming to the delivery room, Ling Yixuan looked at Nie Xiaoqian who was weak on the bed. Ling Yixuan sat beside Nie Xiaoqian and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work, take a good rest, I will be by your side."

What Nie Xiaoqian needs most now is rest and a sense of security. With Ling Yixuan by her side, this sense of security is naturally very good.

"Yixuan, I want to take a look at our child first, and then rest." What Nie Xiaoqian wants to see most now is her child who was born in October.

"Okay, you wait." After Ling Yixuan finished speaking, she went out and brought the child in. Originally, Mrs. Liu also wanted to come in, but Ling Yixin felt that it was time for their family of three, so it was better not to disturb them.

Ling Yixuan put the child next to Nie Xiaoqian, and Nie Xiaoqian looked at the red and wrinkled child and frowned and said, "Why is the child so ugly, are you sure I gave birth to it?"

Yo, this is disgusting with your own child.

Listening to Nie Xiaoqian's words, Ling Yixuan was also amused, "This is always the case with newborn babies. After a few days, the baby will become white and fat."

"Really? Alright!" Nie Xiaoqian believed it temporarily, then gave the child a kiss, and fell asleep peacefully.

Seeing this, Ling Yixuan helped Nie Xiaoqian cover the quilt, then went out with the child in her arms, and handed the child to the nanny, who had already been found before.

After going out, Ling Yixuan said: "The young lady gave birth safely, so everyone in the house will be rewarded." Ling Yixuan was happy, and according to the usual practice, the whole house celebrated together.

(End of this chapter)

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