Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 429 Difficulty

Chapter 429 Difficulty (4)
Then slowly replied: "The measurements are: two feet six, one foot nine, two feet seven."

After Mu Jin answered, her face was still red, and then she looked at the silver screen anxiously, not knowing if she was right, but in her heart she still felt that what she said was right, after all, she had touched it with her own hands.

Then I heard Yinping answer: "The answer is very correct." Yinping was very surprised, but the answer was absolutely correct. It seems that the previous intimate contact is still very useful.

At the next level, in front of Asuka, before Mu Jin could speak, Asuka said: "The following question is still a personal matter, but it's actually not very personal."

Asuka spoke upside down, making it difficult for everyone to understand.

Then she heard Asuka's voice again, and she said, "Please explain, what are the three abilities of a man? The first one is eighteen feet, one foot eight, and one tenth eight feet."

After Asuka finished speaking, he looked at everyone's confused eyes, so he said very kindly: "Since you have never been in contact with it, I will give you an example. The first one, eighteen feet, is your height. It doesn't mean that you are really tall. The ones are eighteen feet tall, but your tall image can stand up to the sky. Next, please explain the latter two."

After Asuka explained it this way, everyone understood, and it turned out to be such a meaning.

But even so, Mu Jin still couldn't explain the last two, one foot eight, what is it?And that [-] feet, Mu Jin still didn't understand it, but she had to answer it!

So Mu Jin thought, these issues should all be considered for Ling Yixin, and Ling Yixin likes money very much, so one of the two should be about financial resources.

Mu Jin tried to answer: "It should mean that you have a lot of money." Mu Jin was not sure and didn't know how to explain it.

After hearing this, Asuka smiled and said, "That's right, there is indeed one that represents financial resources, because Miss likes money very much, but please explain clearly."

It was not so easy for Asuka to let Mu Jin go, so Mu Jin was in a difficult situation now.

So Mu Jin held the belief that a blind cat met a dead mouse and said: "The banknotes are piled up to be as high as one foot and eight." This is completely ignorant of Mu Jin.

When Lan Mo heard it, the banknotes were piled up to one foot eight, which is indeed very rich, but it is not impossible. The smallest banknote is ten taels. Isn't it a lot of money!
As Lan Mo thought about it, he heard Asuka say, "It's not entirely correct. The bank notes with the largest amount are piled up to a height of one foot and eight, which means that you have absolute financial resources."

As soon as Asuka finished speaking, Lan Mo was frightened. The largest amount of the banknotes was 10 taels. If these banknotes were piled up, if they were as high as one foot eight, wouldn't the financial resources scare people to death?

When Mu Jin heard it, although she was also moved, unlike Lan Mo, Mu Jin only knew that if Asuka said it, it meant that the question was correct.

Sure enough, Asuka said again: "Please explain the meaning of [-] feet." Asuka said very proudly, and was sure that Mu Jin would not be able to answer this question correctly.

When Mu Jin heard this question, she really didn't have a clue. She wanted to talk about her love for Ling Yixin, but why couldn't she fit in this [-] feet?So it is definitely not this, but if it is not this, Mu Jin really can't think of it.

Lan Mo saw that Mu Jin was in trouble, so he said, "Flying bird, just tell me, who would have thought of this? You said that this problem is something we have never seen before, so how could we have thought of it?"

Today, Lan Mo is very generous and has been helping Mu Jin. Although there is not much effect, at least he is doing his best.

Asuka looked about the same, and it was good enough to be able to answer the previous one-chihachi correctly, so Asuka didn't make things difficult for Mu Jin anymore, after all Ling Yixin was still getting married!

So Asuka said: "This [-] feet is actually very simple. This is the unique ability of you men." As he said that, Asuka looked down at Mu Jin, indicating what he meant.

Then Mu Jin felt it, knew it, and blushed again, which is really...

When Lan Mo saw it, he thought, oh my god, it's actually [-] feet, how is this possible?This requirement is too high!So Lan Mo looked at Mu Jin and felt that Mu Jin must not meet the requirements.

Feeling Lan Mo's gaze, Mu Jin gave Lan Mo a sharp look, and then saw the door of the Ling family opened.So Mu Jin walked in, and this embarrassment was over.

Lan Mo deeply felt that it was not easy, and the Ling family was too troublesome, especially the two maids, what questions were they asking?It's really private!

Mu Jin came to Ling Yixin's room and saw that Ling Yixin was fully prepared. Although she was wearing a red hijab, Mu Jin could fully imagine how beautiful Ling Yixin was under the hijab.

Fu Tingting supported Ling Yixin, taught Ling Yixin into Mu Jin's hands, and said: "Yixin said that brides are not allowed to touch the ground, so you have to take Yixin out of Ling's house, and then hug Duanwang's mansion tightly. That's how I took Yixin over."

What Fu Tingting said was all explained by Ling Yixin before, so from now on, Ling Yixin didn't intend to speak, and just waited for Mu Jin's embrace.

When Mu Jin heard this, it wasn't a problem, so she hugged her like a princess, and Ling Yixin was in Mu Jin's arms. She thought she was being hugged, but Ling Yixin's arms were still around Mu Jin's neck.

It can be said that the two are very close now.

Mu Jin carried Ling Yixin out, then carried her directly into the sedan chair, and then set off back to Duanwang Mansion.

At this time, Father Ling and Mrs. Liu watched Ling Yixin's bridal sedan go farther and farther until they were out of sight, then quickly got into the carriage, and then took a shortcut to Duanwang's Mansion.

Because Mu Jin got married and had fun together in the capital, the welcoming team took a long way, so Ling's father and his party could definitely arrive before Mu Jin arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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