Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 437 Rubbing the Stomach

Chapter 437 Rubbing the Stomach (1)
After Ling Yixin and Mu Jin got married, their lives became much more busy. Not only did they have their own affairs to do, but they also had to manage Duanwangfu.

On the second day after Ling Yixin got married, the Lan family gave Ling Yixin the key that symbolized the hostess. From then on, Ling Yixin would vigorously manage all the affairs in the palace.

Ling Yixin is a person who loves life. Since she is in charge of the house, she must make the life at home more perfect.

Ling Yixin personally formulated some health care plans for her family. For example, Duan Wang and Mu Jin often deal with various events in court, so their brains and eyes need extra care.

And Lan's, Ling Yixin formulated some nutritious meals according to Lan's physical condition, as well as milk before going to bed.

Naturally, Mufeng and Muchen are the growth packages, but because they are children, Ling Yixin carefully makes some egg tarts for them to eat every day.

As for these nutrition and health care packages and plans, Ling Yixin just designed them, but whether they are willing to eat this way or not, that is their own business.

However, they can also understand Ling Yixin's painstaking efforts. In addition, Ling Yixin's preparations are quite good, and after taking over with an open mind, she is still enjoying it contentedly.

On this day, Ling Yixin is designing a family suit for the family, which is the most popular one now, what Ling Yixin wants, and what the family likes.

However, Ling Yixin couldn't calm down, always thinking about how the princess of the neighboring country left before.

Because the princess of the neighboring country lost face here, and even the son-in-law was not found, she was very unwilling, but there was nothing she could do, so when she left, she said viciously, asking Dongyue to wait.

Ling Yixin is really worried, if the princess really wants to carry out, it will be difficult for the people.

Seeing Ling Yixin like this, Yinping said, "Miss, don't think too much about it. Even if something really happens, there are still sons, Master Lan and the others?"

Yinping really felt that Ling Yixin was too worried, worrying about everything.

Ling Yixin sighed and said: "It is because of them that I am more worried. To put it bluntly, if others like to fight wars, as long as they don't affect me. But these people are my family and friends. Once a war starts, They must be in the lead, so they are very worried. Besides, this matter was caused by me, so I still have to take some responsibility."

Asuka heard it and said: "Miss, don't think so much. If something really happens, let's go out and kill them. It is said that the apprentices of Ban Xia's group have already achieved success in abuse, and when the time comes, they will fight too. Good hand."

Asuka is eager to try it out, it seems that Asuka still has a lot of impulsive factors in his body!
"Really?" Ling Yixin became energetic immediately after hearing what Fei Niao said.There are more and more spiritual practitioners, which means that they are getting closer to Yichen's wish.

"Yes, miss, so we can say that we are fearless, and no one can do anything to us." Asuka said with bright eyes, obviously very proud of it.

"That's right, since they have achieved results, the master's wish can be further expanded. But before that, the mysterious person in the pill must be solved. If he is good, then it's okay, but as far as the collected The bloody pill is probably a bad one." Ling Yixin feels that there are still many things that need to be resolved!

Yinping said immediately after hearing this: "Miss, what do you mean to say, after you get rid of the mysterious man, you can spread things like spiritual power?"

(End of this chapter)

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