Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 441 Pregnant

Chapter 441 Pregnant (1)
Seeing Ling Yixin leave, Mu Jin followed, and when she came into the room, she saw Ling Yixin lying on the mat by herself, very comfortable.

Mu Jin followed and sat beside Ling Yixin, and said, "Yixin, are you angry?" Mu Jin was quite worried, what if Ling Yixin was really angry?
Ling Yixin looked at this man. After getting married, his private image completely changed, and he even became jealous with Mu Feng and Mu Chen.

"How dare you, my Prince Duan's son." Ling Yixin was not angry, but she was not used to Mu Jin's appearance.

As soon as Mu Jin heard this, she put her face in front of Ling Yixin and said, "Yixin, are you tired? Let me give you a squeeze!" Mu Jin thoughtfully began to squeeze Ling Yixin's shoulders and back , Ling Yixin quite enjoyed it.

"Mu Jin, do you have something to say to me?" Ling Yixin didn't quite believe that Mu Jin's sudden hospitality was purely for her own benefit.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

Then Mu Jin said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just see that you are working too hard, so I will relax your muscles and bones." Mu Jin said seriously, and the work of his hands did not stop.

Regarding this, Ling Yixin still didn't quite believe it, how could there be such a good thing?
"Yixin, how about this afternoon, or tomorrow, I'll accompany you back to visit your father-in-law and mother-in-law!"
Ling Yixin looked in surprise when she heard Mu Jin's words, could it be this matter?Ling Yixin was a little touched that he actually wanted to go back to see his parents.

Seeing Ling Yixin's surprised look, Mu Jin said, "What's wrong? Is my proposal not good?" Mu Jin actually knew that Ling Yixin didn't dare to elaborate on what she said.

When Ling Yixin heard Mu Jin's words, she said, "No, it's pretty good." Ling Yixin thought it was hell, and Mu Jin was really good usually, but today she was extraordinarily considerate.Ling Yixin felt a little abnormal.

"Mu Jin, what's wrong with you today? You suddenly became so nice?" Ling Yixin still expressed the doubts in her heart.

"Isn't it okay to be nice to you? Don't be so tired every day, get more rest, let the servants sell what you want to eat, and do it yourself, don't do it yourself." Mu Jin said a lot.

But the more Mu Jin said, the more Ling Yixin felt strange. Ling Yixin touched Mu Jin's forehead and felt that there was no problem, but what happened?

Looking at Ling Yixin's movements and expressions, Mu Jin knew that Ling Yixin was thinking wrong, so she said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just that mother told me that you already have our child, so be extra careful and pay attention."

Mu Jin finally explained the reason for today's abnormal reaction.

Ling Yixin was surprised when she heard Mu Jin's words. She opened her mouth enough to stuff an egg. She was pregnant, why didn't she know?Besides, because I am too young, I have no plan to get pregnant this year, so it is impossible to have a child.

"Mu Jin, I'm not pregnant..." Ling Yixin said, not wanting to be misunderstood, and she didn't want to be locked up at home for no reason.

Unexpectedly, Mu Jin heard Ling Yixin's words and said with a smile: "You are still young and young, and we have only been married for a month. It is normal for you to have no experience. Mother said, when she secretly went to the kitchen to see you today , I knew you were pregnant when I saw you vomiting. Yixin, you are two people now, so you must pay attention."

Mu Jin said very gently, and she has been massaging Ling Yixin with her hands, without letting up at all.

When Ling Yixin heard it, it turned out to be the case. I thought that when I was cooking today, I choked on some smell, so I retched for a while, and I must have been misunderstood by Lan Shi!
(End of this chapter)

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