Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 449 Confession

Chapter 449 Confession (1)
Duanwang Mansion, at the dinner table, the whole family was eating happily, and then Mu Feng said: "Sister-in-law, mother said you have a baby, when will you come out?"

Mu Feng couldn't help his curiosity, so he asked.

When Ling Yixin heard Mu Feng's words, she said, "My sister-in-law doesn't have a baby, does Feng'er really want a baby?" Ling Yixin said it without hesitation, and she could take this opportunity to make it clear, lest everyone treat her like a pregnant woman.

Duan Wang Mujin already knew about Ling Yixin not being pregnant, but Lan and Baozi didn't know. Now Lan was surprised, "Why not pregnant? I clearly saw you..."

Lan's didn't go on, and he also felt that he was a little too one-sided, thinking that he might really have misunderstood.

Mu Feng and Mu Chen didn't understand Lan's pause, and they were only focused on the fact that Ling Yixin was not pregnant.

Mu Feng looked at Ling Yixin and asked: "Sister-in-law, what do you mean? If there is no baby, when will we have a baby?" Mu Feng seemed to understand.

Ling Yixin looked at Mu Feng and said, "Sister-in-law doesn't know when she will have a baby, but sister-in-law promises that as soon as she has a baby, she will tell you, okay?"

Ling Yixin knew that Mu Feng and Mu Chen had expectations, so she could only coax them and slowly resolve their disappointment.

Mu Feng and Mu Chen seemed to understand, Mu Chen said: "Well, sister-in-law, you must tell us when the time comes!" Mu Chen opened his eyes wide and confirmed this matter with Ling Yixin.

After hearing this, Ling Yixin said sincerely: "Don't worry, I will tell you, I swear." Ling Yixin gestured with four fingers as she spoke, looking very serious.

Mu Feng and Mu Chen were relieved when they saw this, while Mu Jin laughed when he saw it. Ling Yixin wanted to swear that her hand gestures were all wrong, but Mu Jin didn't say it out.

But someone said it!

For example, Lan Shi is very familiar with this gesture, so he said with a smile: "Yixin, this gesture is in this place, and it doesn't mean that."

What Lan's meant was that the four-finger gesticulation method was not valid in ancient times, and Ling Yixin also understood this point.Then looking at Lan's, I thought, does Lan know that he is a person of the 21st century?

Ling Yixin kept this doubt in her heart, thinking to find some time to test Lan's.When Ling Yixin thought of this matter, she also thought of what she said about the Eight Parts of the Dragon in order to test the Lan family.At the beginning, we agreed to cooperate to write this book and sell it, but there is still no movement until now, maybe everyone has forgotten it.

Ling Yixin felt that this matter was a breakthrough, and she could know whether Lan Shi knew about herself or not.

But at the moment, Ling Yixin pretended to be confused and didn't understand, making everyone think it was a hand mistake or a wrong gesture.

In the evening, Mu Jin took out the books that Yichen gave him, and began to study them. After reading them, Mu Jin discovered that Yichen's martial arts method is different from what everyone knows now. Could this be the martial arts of the brothers and sisters of the Ling family? good reason?

anyway?Yichen would never harm himself, so Mu Jin started to practice, but because it was the first contact and no one explained it, it was a bit difficult to act.

Ling Yixin found out that Mu Jin had started to practice, so she hurried in to have a look and wanted to help.

Coming to Mu Jin, seeing that Mu Jin was trying to absorb spiritual energy, but it seemed that she was not successful, Ling Yixin said, "Mu Jin, please stop for a while."

Ling Yixin decided to give a good explanation first, and then let Mu Jin practice, so that she can understand a lot and much faster in practice.

(End of this chapter)

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