Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 456: Jianpai Address

Chapter 456: Jianpai Address (2)
"No, I haven't finished my work yet, it's not enough, and I came to see you today for something." Ling Yixin said apologetically, and looked at Mu Jin cautiously after speaking, and she saw it in Mu Jin's eyes. When it came to loss, Ling Yixin also felt very uncomfortable.

"Okay, what do you want to ask?" Mu Jin sighed and said unwillingly.

Ling Yixin said: "I just want to ask you, do you know of any place where you can write books in batches?" Now that everything is ready for Ling Yixin, she needs to find a place similar to a printing factory, and then wait for the storytelling effect , the effect is good, start writing books in batches.

In fact, Ling Yixin can also use her own private power to handle this matter, but after all, this is suitable for Lan's cooperation, and it is better not to expose too much to outsiders, so it is best to find Mu Jin.

As soon as Mu Jin heard it, she knew what Ling Yixin wanted to ask. Mu Jin also knew something about the cooperation between Ling Yixin and Lan's, so it was not surprising.

"Of course I know. The imperial court also needs to write out some projects in batches, so there is such an organization. I will take you to take a look when I have time!"

Mu Jin is really a good man who can solve everything, and Ling Yixin is really grateful for having such a man who belongs to her.

"Okay." Ling Yixin is very happy that the matter can be resolved, as long as it goes well, then Ling Yixin will have time to spend time with Mu Jin.

Of course, Mu Jin also thought so, so she tried her best to help Ling Yixin, hoping that Ling Yixin could finish her work quickly, so that the two of them could get along more.

So, with Mu Jin's help, Ling Yixin quickly completed her part of the task, and now she only needs to see the result.

Of course, as a matter of course, Ling Yixin will start to accompany Mu Jin well, and Mu Jin will also stop practicing, and get along with Ling Yixin for a few days before talking.

On the day when Ling Yixin was completely busy, Mu Jin couldn't wait to get along with Ling Yixin.But because you haven't been with u for too long, and you are too anxious, so before and after the event, Ling Yixin, you forgot to take measures.

When I remembered it, several days had passed, and it was too late to do anything, so Ling Yixin was still very worried.Mu Jin didn't know what Ling Yixin was worried about, she only knew that Ling Yixin was unhappy.

In order to make Ling Yixin happy, Mu Jin thought of a way, that is to take Ling Yixin out to relax, as for where to go, that is the sky is high and open, let you swim freely.

For this reason, Duan Wang and Lan's were so envious and jealous, because Mu Jin and Ling Yixin left suddenly, so Duan Wang and Lan's had no chance to stop them, and they would not know until they had left.

Because of Mu Jin's practice, lightness kung fu is not so good now, and with Ling Yixin, there is absolutely no need for anything, just fly directly.

When Mu Jin asked Ling Yixin where she wanted to go, Ling Yixin unexpectedly replied that she wanted to go to an inaccessible place with a beautiful environment, or a mountain or valley.This can also be regarded as Ling Yixin's preliminary exploration of the place where martial arts can be built in this world.

When Mu Jin learned about Ling Yixin's idea, she still didn't understand, but no matter how she didn't understand, Mu Jin still took Ling Yixin with her.

If you want to ask how Mu Jin knows these places, then you have to talk about Mu Jin's sincerity. In order to take Ling Yixin to relax and not be disturbed by others, she also specially brought a map so that she can walk easily.

With this map, Mu Jin can know all the inaccessible places.But the base map in Mu Jin's hands is limited to East Vietnam, and there is no way for other countries.

That is to say, Ling Yixin was playing, and during the investigation, he still found a few places that were okay. Although there were not many flowers and plants, they were not barren. The key point was that there were absolutely no people around for hundreds of miles. This is a good place to build a sect.

However, there is another place that Ling Yixin likes very much. The green mountains, green waters, flowers, plants and trees are definitely a fairyland on earth. But while she is satisfied, Ling Yixin still has doubts. Why is there no one living in such a good place?

At this moment, Ling Yixin and Mu Jin were standing on this land of green mountains and green waters, and Ling Yixin asked out the doubts in her heart.

Mu Jin heard it, looked at the map carefully, and then slowly replied: "I'm not very clear about this, but looking at the map, this place should belong to the intersection of three provinces. And this intersection is There are hills, so everyone doesn't care about it, and it's not very convenient to come and go, probably that's why no one cares about it, no one lives there!"

As Mu Jin spoke, she still felt that it was a pity that such a good place was overlooked because there were mountains on three sides.

When Ling Yixin heard this, her eyes lit up, "You mean, this place is surrounded by mountains on three sides?" Ling Yixin thinks this is really great, maybe her mind is about to change.

Ling Yixin nodded, and showed Ling Yixin the map, and said, "I'm going to say it's surrounded by mountains on three sides, but in fact there are three arc-shaped mountains that basically surround this place. This place seems to be isolated from the world. .”

Ling Yixin listened, watched, and became more and more satisfied. It seemed that this place was much bigger than she imagined, so Ling Yixin decided to read all of it here, and she must understand what it is like here. how big.

If it is suitable, Ling Yixin may regard this place as the address of the largest sect, that is, the main sect. At that time, she can still live here, which is very good.

Mu Jin adhered to the belief that women sing and husbands follow suit, and Ling Yixin said to keep watching, so keep watching.So in the following days, Mu Jin and Ling Yixin kept looking at this place.

After a thorough understanding, Ling Yixin decided to go back and quickly talk to Yichen about the matter, and then make a plan.

Even if Ling Yixin didn't go back, Mu Jin would say to go back. The two had been out for half a year, and if they didn't go back, they might cause panic in the family.

Sure enough, as soon as Ling Yixin and Mu Jin went back, what they received were overwhelming lectures from Duan Wang and Lan's.

Moreover, it seemed that other people were involved in this lesson, such as Father Ling, Mrs. Liu, Ling Yixuan and others. Now, if Mu Jin and Ling Yixin want to go out again, they will definitely have to face the pressure of everyone.

Anyway, if it's going to be like this this time, it's impossible to run out quietly, but Ling Yixin and Mu Jin didn't plan to run out like this either.Even if you want to go out, you will go out in an open and aboveboard manner!
(End of this chapter)

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