Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 458 Confession

Chapter 458 Confession (2)
Seeing that Mu Jin didn't talk to her, Ling Yixin thought it was strange, and after thinking about it, she felt that Mu Jin must be angry, so she walked up to Mu Jin and hugged Mu Jin.

"Mu Jin, don't ignore me, okay?" Ling Yixin posed Mu Jin, looked at Mu Jin, pouted and said, this is pure coquetry.

Mu Jin felt her lovely wife in her arms, and she still had the posture of a little woman. Mu Jin's heart beat faster, but she still endured it. If she let it go casually this time, maybe it will happen again next time.

Ling Yixin saw that Mu Jin was ignoring her, so she reflected in her heart. Now that she is married, she can't do whatever she wants, she must consider the feelings of her family.But now, Ling Yixin has a lot of things to do, and may need to go out at any time. If Mu Jin still doesn't know anything, it will be inconvenient to leave by herself. This time, it will cause great inconvenience and harm to life, especially the relationship between the two of them. .

Thinking of this, Ling Yixin decided to confess, but confession is also skillful, and it is impossible to explain everything clearly, and there are many things that cannot be explained clearly.

So Ling Yixin planned to tell Mu Jin about the establishment of the sect and the reason, so that not only Mu Jin could understand, but also help.

"Mu Jin, I have something to explain to you." Ling Yixin spoke up immediately after thinking clearly, without procrastinating.

When Mu Jin heard Ling Yixin's words, it would be a lie to say that she was unhappy. At this moment, Mu Jin was still a little excited. There were fewer and fewer secrets between the two of them, which was a manifestation of their closer relationship.

But Mu Jin still said: "No, you don't need to tell me about your own affairs." Although Mu Jin was happy that Ling Yixin was willing to explain, Mu Jin was also very willing to give Ling Yixin her free space.

It can be said that even though Mu Jin answered this way now, her heart is still entangled.

When Ling Yixin heard Mu Jin's words, she thought that Mu Jin hadn't let go, so she didn't talk about anything else, but just explained it with practical actions.

"Mu Jin, do you know what I've been busy with these days? I'm busy with something very important, Master." Ling Yixin said to herself right there, and Mu Jin didn't need to answer the questions she asked. It's a way of telling yourself.

When Mu Jin heard Ling Yixin speak slowly, she also listened slowly.

"Now you have started to practice, and you understand the issue of spiritual power and energy. You should also know that the master is different, so the master also has his own dream. And the dream of the master is to spread the practice of spiritual power. "

After Ling Yixin spoke a few words, she looked at Mu Jin, and saw that Mu Jin was listening carefully, so she continued to talk.

"However, promoting spiritual power is not an easy task. First of all, will everyone believe it, and after believing it, will they agree that spiritual power training is better than ordinary martial arts? Even if you know it, people who know spiritual power now Rarely, then other people think this cultivation method is very popular, and there may be riots. All of this needs to be planned slowly, and things cannot be turned into tragedies."

After hearing Ling Yixin's words, Mu Jin was quite shocked. Ling Yixin was right. Spiritual power cultivation is indeed very attractive. If other people knew about it, some unexpected things might really happen.

"Then how did you plan?" Mu Jin asked unconsciously. After asking, Mu Jin realized that Ling Yixin might not be able to talk about such an important matter.

However, Ling Yixin originally planned to explain, but now that Mu Jin asked, she just explained faster.

"Our plan is that we take in some people, tell them to practice, and then let them accept disciples. When we have a large number of people, and even have the help of other forces, we will slowly promote it. This way, the number of people will be large and the promotion will be convenient. Quicker."

Mu Jin listened and nodded, this is indeed a good method.

"But now, the apprentices they have recruited have achieved something, and these people also need a fixed point to accommodate them. And now that there are too many people, since they want to promote, then there must be a way to promote them. Everyone knows how to practice."

"So we plan to establish a sect. As long as someone is willing to believe and learn, we can let them join the sect and study systematically. At the same time, the sect is also a guarantee for them. After they enter the sect to study, their family members You must know that this pair of spiritual powers is equivalent to strengthening publicity."

"However, the establishment of a sect is very complicated. It needs a suitable address, that is, a very wide area, and no one will disturb you. The sect also needs a suitable staffing, such as who is in charge of cultivation, who is in charge of pills, and who is in charge of weapons. Yes, wait."

What Ling Yixin said was quite clear, but for Mu Jin, a layman among laymen, there was still something she didn't understand.

"Pills? Weapons? Others?" Actually, Mu Jin didn't quite understand, since cultivating spiritual power, what does it have to do with these, and the sect also needs them?
Because there is no sect here, Mu Jin doesn't know anything about it.

When Ling Yixin heard Mu Jin's question, she immediately began to answer: "That's right, pills and weapons. When you are practicing, you can strengthen yourself. Pills can assist in cultivation, and can also heal diseases and injuries. To be strong, sometimes you need the help of weapons." The weapons used after cultivation cannot be the same as the weapons sold on the market now, they will be very indestructible, so special weapons are needed to match, which also need to be specially refined and distributed by someone."

After Mu Jin listened to it, she suddenly realized that she was still too ignorant and didn't know much about it, "So, that sect is actually a very comprehensive family?"

This is Mu Jin's understanding of the sect described by Ling Yixin, and it is also an understanding that Ling Yixin likes very much.

"That's right, the sect is a very comprehensive home. There is a kitchen for cooking, and an area for growing herbs. Herbs can be used to cure diseases, refine medicines, and sell them for money. There are also shops where you can buy all kinds of things for your family. Daily needs during cultivation."

"There are also various books for everyone to read and study. Of course, refining medicine and refining weapons are all learned by practitioners. The more skills you have, the better it will be for you. Each part has a person in charge and an elder. People will pass it on to new disciples."

(End of this chapter)

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