Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 480 Fu Tingting Is Sick

Chapter 480 Fu Tingting Is Sick (1)
Ling Yixin said this to remind Fu Tingting to think of a countermeasure quickly, but Fu Tingting said indifferently: "It's okay, he arranged for him, so don't worry about me."

Fu Tingting didn't want to care about these things at this time, and she didn't have much energy.

Seeing Fu Tingting like this, Ling Yixin knew that Fu Tingting couldn't really not care. She either had her own plans and didn't want to tell her, or she had given up struggling.

But Ling Yixin still believed it was the former.

"Okay then, but you must tell me what you think, I don't want you to do anything stupid." In fact, looking at the peaceful Fu Tingting, Ling Yixin felt very uneasy inside.

Ling Yixin felt that it would be fine if nothing happened, but if something really happened, she must be the one to blame.

Fu Tingting knew Ling Yixin's worry, and said with a slight smile: "It's okay, nothing will happen, don't worry, I love myself very much."

If Fu Tingting really didn't intend to do anything stupid, but just followed her own feelings, at least in Fu Tingting's opinion, it wasn't stupid.

Ling Yixin felt that she had nothing to say, so she went back. Fu Tingting was alone in the room, thinking quietly, preparing for the future.

After returning home, Ling Yixin still felt uneasy. Mu Jin felt Ling Yixin's anxiety and asked, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Mu Jin knew that Ling Yixin went to find Fu Tingting today, but she didn't know what happened, so she was still very worried, because Ling Yixin rarely experienced such anxiety.

Hearing Mu Jin's question, Ling Yixin seemed to find someone to share with, so she told all the things in a hurry, making Mu Jin feel her worry.

Mu Jin understood after listening, it turned out to be such a thing, "Don't worry too much, Tingting has her own judgment, if she accepts it, there is nothing wrong with it, if she doesn't accept it, with her character, she will not accept it." They will look for death and life. So there should be no big problem."

Originally, Mu Jin wanted to comfort Ling Yixin, but she never thought that Ling Yixin's reaction was even bigger when she heard Mu Jin's words, "It's because of his personality that I'm more worried. Tingting has always been doing whatever she wants , She has been going to the battlefield, but she has been grounded, and now with the forced marriage, it is easy to do something drastic."

The more Ling Yixin talked, the more worried she became, "I wouldn't have told her if I knew about it." Now Ling Yixin is very distressed and annoyed.

Mu Jin knew Ling Yixin's temperament, and also understood Ling Yixin's regret, "Don't think so much, I'll just ask you, if you don't tell me, Tingting will marry without knowing, or marry someone he doesn't like Man, will you be happy?"

What Mu Jin asked was a very simple question, and it was also a very direct question. After listening to the class, Ling Yixin quickly answered: "No, I hope Tingting can find her own happiness."

After she finished speaking, Ling Yixin came to her senses, or she calmed down. Ling Yixin knew that she might have regrets and regrets if she said it, but she would definitely regret it if she didn't say it.What's more, now that it's been said, things can no longer be reversed, and we can only wait for the result.

Looking at the change in Ling Yixin's expression, Mu Jin also knew that Ling Yixin had accepted it now and was much better, so she was relieved.

However, hearing the news of Fu Tingting's illness the next day, and it was said that the illness was severe, Ling Yixin started to worry again, and immediately ran to the Hou's mansion to see Fu Tingting, and also take a look at the illness and treat it.

(End of this chapter)

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