Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 486 I want to go to the battlefield

Chapter 486 I want to go to the battlefield (1)
In fact, Marquis Fu didn't think there was anything wrong with what Shang said. He also knew that his daughter Fu Tingting was a bit willful, and if he even liked her waywardness, then he definitely really liked it!

"This..." Facing Lord Fu's question, Shang Haijie didn't know how to answer.

Shang Lai was also a little at a loss, looked at Fu Hou Ye, and was a little nervous. In fact, after he finished speaking, Shang Lai felt that it might be inappropriate for him to speak big words, but what he said was like splashed water, and he couldn't take it back.

"Okay, you can continue." Master Fu didn't care, he raised his hand and said to Shang.

Shang came to see that Master Fu didn't say much, so he was relieved, and then continued: "I think what I am most likely to attract Miss Fu is my kung fu and riding and shooting. Miss Fu is a female man, and I Naturally it will attract her."

Speaking of this, Shang Lai was really confident. He knew Fu Tingting's character and was very satisfied with his riding and shooting skills.And the term female man was learned from Ling Yixin. I heard this term by accident. Looking at their expressions, I can see that this woman man is not derogatory, so Shang Lai borrowed it.

Master Fu heard this, and felt that Shang Lai knew a lot about Tingting. Although the title of female man sounds indecent, it is very straightforward.

Shang Haijie heard Shang Lai's words and looked at Fu Houye's expression. For the first time, he felt that it was a correct behavior for Shang Lai to secretly learn riding and shooting.

In the past, Shang Haijie was very opposed to Shang Lai's riding and shooting. As a civil servant, he naturally didn't want Shang Lai to join the ranks of generals.But now, if Shang Lai got Marquis Fu's approval for riding and shooting, then Shang Haijie wouldn't stop Shang Lai from riding and shooting, of course, he couldn't stop him.

However, the matter has not been settled yet, no matter what Shang Haijie thinks, it is useless.

"You're right. Your riding and shooting will indeed attract Tingting, but..." Fu Houye's unspoken words aroused the suspicion of the father and son.

And Master Fu also deliberately didn't say it.

"Master Hou, but what, if there is something wrong with me, I will definitely change it." Shang Lai was more impatient, and asked right away. He finally got a little recognition from him. If he loses this opportunity because of something else, That was really going to make me cry.

"However, Tingting is thinking about going to the battlefield every day now, so your riding and shooting is really not that important." Master Fu also deliberately wanted to hit Shang Lai.

When Shang Lai heard it, it was indeed the case, but he really couldn't stop Shang Lai's eager heart.

"If Ms. Fu wants to go to the battlefield, then I will accompany her on the battlefield." Shang Lai has made a big decision, and this is also the time for Shang Lai to show his revenge.

Shang Lai likes to ride and shoot, and his kung fu is naturally not bad, so going to the battlefield is indeed a relatively good development path for Shang Lai.

When Shang Haijie heard Shang Lai's words, he jumped in his heart and wanted to stop it, but it was impossible, because Shang Haijie only heard it because Shang Lai had already said it.

There was only one single seedling in the Shang family, Shang Haijie would definitely not be willing to ask him to go to the battlefield, but seeing how satisfied Master Fu was, Shang Haijie still didn't say anything.

"Okay, very good, it's pretty good if you have this kind of heart." Lord Fu is really satisfied. Those who know martial arts may not be willing to go to the battlefield, and those who want to go to the battlefield may not be willing to bring women with them. Definitely not with women.

So, Master Fu felt Shang Lai's true feelings.

Monk Shang Haijie came to hear Fu Houye's words, and he was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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