Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 50 Expansion

Chapter 50 Expansion (3)
But now Ling's father also knows that sometimes he treats the villagers too well, so that in the future, he will not work too seriously and will not be efficient.Although my own business has not yet reached that stage, it is still in the plan, so some things must be handled properly so that the business can do better.

"Daddy knows, don't worry, if they don't work hard in the future, I won't be polite."

"It's good that you know. Now that we have decided to expand our business, we are going to sell the land to plant bamboo forests! But where is the best place to plant bamboo forests? There is not much land around here!"

Now comes the biggest problem, how to buy land, where to buy land, who to plant, how much to plant, since it is a bamboo forest for commercial use, someone must watch over it, how to arrange these things?There are so many things to think about right now.

"How about we buy some servants?" Ling Yixin tried to say, although she was not opposed to buying people to sign the death contract, but she didn't know what her parents thought.And if you buy a servant with a death contract, Master Yichen and Space can help you choose.

"Are you talking about a living deed or a dead deed?" Mrs. Liu used to be a merchant's lady, so she naturally had servants in her family, so she naturally didn't reject this kind of thing.

"Of course it's a death contract, and the servants of the death contract will be more loyal and reliable." Ling Yixin really didn't want the servants in the family to have different ideas and make the house a mess.

"Well, I think the same way. If you want to buy someone, you can buy a death contract. It's easier to manage and less worrying."

What the mother and daughter are talking about here is a lively one, you say what you say, completely ignoring Father Ling and Ling Yixuan next to you.Not to be outdone, Ling's father also wanted to join in.

"If you want to buy people, don't you have to decide where to buy the land and how much land to buy? Only in this way can you know how many people to buy."

As soon as Ling's father said this, both Liu Shi and Ling Yixin stopped and looked at Ling's father, and even Ling Yixuan looked at him.Everyone felt that Ling's father said something with a "golden content" this time, and he was right on the point.

"That's right, you have to decide on the land before you know how many servants you want to buy, so let's talk about the land!" Mrs. Liu felt that Ling's father had finally stepped on the right track and felt like a businessman.

"I think since we plan to build the village into a large bamboo forest, it's better not to have our new bamboo forest nearby. We can plant bamboo forests in new places, and at the same time open a shop in new places." Ling Yixuan first proposed himself With the idea of ​​opening up a business in a new place, you can gradually expand your business to more places.

"I agree with what brother said." Ling Yixin felt that she and Ling Yixuan had a good understanding, and they thought exactly the same.Ling Yixuan was also very happy to see his younger sister supporting him first, and smiled directly at Ling Yixin to express his joy.

"Well, I think it's good, but where should I choose? This is the key to the problem." Mrs. Liu also agrees. Mrs. Liu is also very ambitious and wants to open bamboo shoot shops all over the country.

"Actually, we can drive to the county town or Zunyi Prefecture. Where there are more rich people, the money must be more." Ling Yixin thinks that these two places are the only places to try.

"But we are not familiar with the county and the prefecture, how can we do it?" Father Ling asked a key question again at this time.

"I think we buy a large piece of land on the outskirts of the county or prefecture. The land in the outskirts is cheap and suitable for planting bamboo forests. There may be some natural bamboo forests. After planting, we can directly find a restaurant to cooperate with. We don't have It is necessary to open a shop to buy bamboo shoots by yourself. First, it is more troublesome to buy by yourself and you may not make more money than selling to restaurants. Second, selling to restaurants is also more stable. Third, there are restaurants in front of you, so we don’t have to face it. Other machinations. It's the best thing we can do without any context right now."

In fact, Ling Yixin has long thought that opening a shop and selling bamboo shoots by herself is not a long-term solution. Opening a shop without a background is easy to recruit people, not to mention troublesome.

"My sister has a good idea. We are only responsible for making bamboo shoots, and the restaurant will make all kinds of dishes and sell them to customers. This is good for everyone." Ling Yixuan immediately agreed with Ling Yixin's idea.

"Huh? Your mother mentioned this idea to me before." Ling's father recalled what Mrs. Liu had said before, and it was exactly in line with Ling Yixin's thoughts.

"That's right, I had the idea of ​​cooperating with restaurants before, but I also thought that I could open a store to sell bamboo shoots at the same time, sell them to poorer families, and let them buy them back to cook their favorite dishes. Give it all to the restaurant." It can only be said that Mrs. Liu is relatively greedy, hoping to have more opportunities to make more money.

"This is not good. It may not be good if we catch both. After all, if we open our own shop, it will affect the business of the restaurant we cooperate with. It will affect their business. Maybe the restaurant will buy less of our bamboo shoots. After all, we sell Soaked bamboo shoots can only be sold to some people who are not very rich, but the talents of restaurants can be sold to more people, richer people eat, restaurants will make more money, then we can sell them to restaurants at a higher price .”

Ling Yixuan talked eloquently and couldn't stop at all, the words in his mouth were like a torrent of river water, Ling Yixin stopped and took a breath before continuing.

"Because the restaurant is very profitable, so even if the price is high, they are willing to continue to buy, but for ordinary people, the price is high and they may not buy it. So it will be more cost-effective to sell to the restaurant, and it is like what my sister said. , for our current situation, this can save a lot of unnecessary trouble at home."

"Also, didn't my sister say that she has a new idea and wants to open another kind of store? Since my sister is saying that, then my sister's idea may be more profitable than the bamboo shoot store, so we can put more energy in the new one. In terms of thinking, soak bamboo shoots and make money steadily." Ling Yixuan's thoughts were very fresh, and he explained all the pros and cons clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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