Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 590 Meeting in Prison

Chapter 590 Meeting in Prison (2)
When I opened the new line, I found some information in it that I already knew, but the evidence was not complete at that time, so there was also a speculation, but now, it is the confidence that the evidence is complete.

When the emperor saw this, he realized that Mu Jin had already started to investigate these things so long ago, and it was no wonder that Mu Jin was able to prepare all the evidence in such a short period of time.

After the emperor finished reading it, he threw the things on the table, "Come here, arrest Ou Qili, and then send troops to the Pingnan Palace, and arrest Pingnan King too."

The emperor really didn't expect that King Pingnan was grounded because of Zhou Xiaoxue's incident before, and then he learned from Tian Hui that King Pingnan was also involved in the business of his gauze shop.

Originally, I thought that if it was only because of making money, I could bypass him again, but I didn't expect that now that the evidence was presented, I found that things were not that simple.

The emperor's anger successfully frightened the ministers, and those people also looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what happened, and they didn't let them know about these things the whole time.

When Ou Qili heard the emperor's order to arrest him, he began to resist, "Your Majesty, what did I do wrong that you want someone to arrest me? The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die, but you also have to let the minister know Why!"

Ou Qili gave people a particularly sad feeling, as if he had been unfairly wronged, or he didn't know anything, and then he was arrested.

The emperor didn't want to take care of him at first, just arrest him, but when he shouted, the emperor became even more angry, "Why don't you say it? Don't you know what you did yourself? You must pay Xiaojin a sum of money." Can I make it clear to you?"

These ministers were all beating in their hearts, what the hell was going on, not to mention that Ou Qili himself wanted to know that those things had been discovered, even those who had nothing to do with him wanted to know what was going on.

"Your majesty, if you want to arrest the prime minister and King Nan, that's your business, but they are both valuable, so you should tell me why you want to arrest them, otherwise if people in the world ask, How should I answer?"

A speaker said to the emperor, after hearing this, Marquis Fu felt that this man was really courageous, and the emperor was so angry that he dared to say such things.

In fact, the emperor was also very angry, but the duty of the speech manager was to raise opinions, so although the emperor was angry, he didn't take care of that speech.

"Okay, if you want to know, then let Xiaojin talk about it, Xiaojin, explain everything clearly, and let them know why these people were arrested." The emperor handed over this matter to Mu Jin.

As soon as Mu Jin heard it, she didn't delay, and immediately started telling the story, which was a long, long story.

"It's like this. The matter is very complicated. Let me just say it briefly. There is nothing wrong with Tian Hui of the Tian family doing business with the Wang family of Haidian City. Behavior of treason. In this act of treason, King Pingnan is the most direct boss behind it. This is why the emperor arrested King Pingnan."

"Secondly, on the frontier battlefield, there are always people who destroy the morale of the army and affect the battle situation. Many of them are from Ou Qili. Similarly, Ou Qili also participated in the Wang family's traitorous behavior. This is what the emperor wants The reason for arresting Qili in the district. Of course, the things on the battlefield should be explained more clearly by General Lan."

Mu Jin briefly talked about the crimes committed by the two, and at the same time handed over the matter to Lan Mo to describe.

"You all heard it, let's not talk about how bad the details are, and have done other things, these alone are enough to send the two of them to jail. As for the more detailed things you want to know, you can find Xiaojin and Lanmo, let's make it clear to you. I don't want to hear any more."

As he said that, the emperor actually left the emperor's throne and went to rest next door. It's no wonder that during this period of time, there have been many big and small things, and the emperor is tired. Now that he knows everything, he naturally doesn't want to listen to it again.

The ministers were suddenly at a loss, the emperor had left, what should we do now?So many people looked at Mu Jin, and only Mu Jin had the highest status here, because King Duan didn't come.

"What are you watching me do? If you want to know, Lan Mo and I can tell you, do you want to hear it?" Mu Jin saw that all the ministers were looking at him, so he said that.

Lan Mo was annoyed at this moment, thinking why did Mu Jin take over this matter, since the emperor is gone, why should everyone go, why stay here and tell stories to everyone?
When the ministers heard Mu Jin's words, they didn't know how to answer for a while, and they really wanted to know what happened, but they couldn't say it directly, after all, the emperor left because of this.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mu Jin said, "Since you have nothing to say, I'll go first. Those people are going to arrest King Pingnan, and I still have things to deal with!"

After Mu Jin finished speaking, she walked out of the hall without giving everyone time to react, and Lan Mo was naturally elated when she saw this situation, and immediately followed her out.

The ministers realized it later, but there was nothing they could do.

After a while, Ou Qili was taken to the prison and placed in the same cell as Liushui, and King Pingnan was also brought in and placed between Tian Hui and Liushui. This arrangement was absolutely deliberate.

Once they came in, no one paid any attention to them, in fact, there was no need to pay attention to them, the evidence was all solid, it didn't matter whether they admitted it or not.

When King Pingnan saw Tian Hui, he knew what was going on with him, "Tian Hui, you betrayed me, didn't you?" King Pingnan was very angry, and he never thought it would be like this.

"Hehe, it's not just you, I also betrayed the Secretary of the Household Department." At this moment, Tian Hui suddenly didn't feel lonely. How could he feel lonely when he was accompanied by these people?

"You..." King Pingnan didn't know what to say, everything was like this, now he could only think of a way to see if he could alleviate his guilt a little.

"By the way, since you also betrayed the Minister of the Household Department, why hasn't he been arrested?" King Pingnan thought it was too strange, it was illogical at all.

However, King Pingnan didn't know about it, and Tian Hui didn't even know about it. "How do I know, you ask me, who should I ask?"

Same as here, in the next cell, Ou Qili questioned Liu Shui likewise, and Liu Shui readily accepted it.Ou Qili also did not expect that he would fall into the mouth of Liu Shui.

(End of this chapter)

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