Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 605 Disgusting name

Chapter 605 Disgusting name (3)
"Xiao Jin, so what if you let them take a look? Feng'er, Chen'er, you come here, you can't see your niece, it's the same with your nephew." For the sake of her son, Lan finally let go, and was willing to let Mu Feng and Mu Chen have a good time. Just look at their nephew.

"Oh, it's so inconvenient to call my nephew and niece, Xiao Jin, you still have to hurry up and give your child a name, even a nickname is good, so everyone knows what it's called!" Duan Wang felt awkward when he heard it. .

"I've thought about it a long time ago. The boy is called Mu Luoke, the girl is called Mu Luohe, and the nickname is Yixin. The boy is called Xiaocao, and the girl is called Xiaohua." Mu Jin talked about these two nicknames. , all want to laugh.

When Lan Shi and Duan Wang heard these two big names, they still felt nothing, they were fine, but when they heard the nicknames, they felt bad.

"Why do you have to name it Xiaocao, Xiaohua? It's so vulgar, can you change it!" Lan's simply dislikes it and doesn't want it.

Mu Jin also felt helpless when she heard Lan's words, "I can't help it. I told Yixin before, but Yixin insisted on using these two names. What kind of down-to-earth is she? I don't know what she is. I want to say something, but I also know that opposition is invalid."

Lan's understood now, it turned out to be down-to-earth, and the name is down-to-earth enough.

"Okay, Xiaocao is Xiaocao, I will treat it as the school grass, well, Xiaohua is the school flower, and that's the same." Lan Shi is very good at comforting herself, but she never thought that this is what Ling Yixin meant.

Mu Jin and Duan Wang didn't know what Lan Shi was talking about, anyway, they just didn't object. Since Lan Shi didn't object anymore, Duan Wang naturally wouldn't say anything.

In any case, the child's name was decided.

The next thing is Ling Yixin's time for confinement. During confinement, you can't touch the water. The witty Ling Yixin ran into the space to take a bath.

But when Ling Yixin entered the space and waited, she suddenly felt that she was so basic, she could have entered the space, why did she have to take a bath in the room?What did you think at the beginning?
"So stupid!" Ling Yixin patted her head while taking a shower, looking annoyed.

Finally, after washing, Ling Yixin came out, and suddenly thought why she had to take a bath outside, because she was worried that there would be accidents at any time, and she could get timely help outside.

"Oh my god, what kind of brain do I have, I'm confused all day long, and I don't know what I'm doing!" Ling Yixin thought it might be pregnancy stupidity.

It is said that she has been stupid for three years after being pregnant, but she doesn't know how long Ling Yixin will be stupid.

Even the matter of the sect has been dealt with by his subordinates. Speaking of this matter, it is because during this period of time, Dongyue has worked together from top to bottom to sort out the matter of annexing the enemy country.

Therefore, Ling Yixin can also start preparing for the sect's entry into the WTO. To be precise, it is not preparation, but an order.

Speaking of the day when Ling Yixin gave birth, Mu Jin happened to be called into the palace, which was also related to this matter, because the disciples of the sect were in a place where there was no management.

This time the emperor sorted out the country and discovered this place.

Although it is said that the land has been sorted out, some detailed problems still need to be solved in depth. Therefore, the emperor made some small areas of the territory and let the royal family live in each place in the form of princes, and carefully sorted out.

Once it is decided to sort it out, there must be more than one place that needs to be sorted out, even some original places in Dongyue also need to be sorted out. This matter is very serious, and it needs some people who the emperor absolutely trusts to go in person. Of course, Mu Jin is one of them.

That's why the emperor called Mu Jin into the palace, and he was talking about the territory. After explaining it, Mu Jin can start to understand the affairs of his own territory.

And the address of the sect happened to be in the territory allocated to Mu Jin by the emperor.

Mu Jin's territory is the largest, including the enemy's territory and the original Dongyue territory. Of course, the emperor was prepared for this, that is, King Duan has no territory.

If Mu Jin and King Duan have no disobedience, then King Duan will definitely not leave the capital very consciously, so this can be regarded as a moral and emotional constraint.
Of course, whether the restraint can be successful depends entirely on Duan Wang himself, if he wants to leave, the emperor has no reason to say anything.

Mu Jin told Ling Yixin about this matter, Ling Yixin was a little hesitant, thinking that before she went to the territory, the sect had to be thoroughly heard by the emperor, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles.

If after Mu Jin went to the territory, there were rumors about the sect, no matter how much the emperor believed in Mu Jin, he would always have doubts

(End of this chapter)

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