Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 62 Yi Chen Out of Space

Chapter 62 Yi Chen Out of Space (3)
"Of course I know, our family bought it and ate it! But we don't have the kind of land you want to buy here, and even these ten miles and eight villages don't match it. Think about it, who can plant bamboo forests for sale? What about it? Even if there are some natural ones, they belong to the public. As far as I know, the only bamboo forest around here was bought by you! It’s all gone now.”

Although Zhao Yazi felt a little disappointed that this business might not be possible, he made it clear with all his heart.

Although you, Zhao Yazi, said that there are no bamboo forests around here to buy, but because my family has discussed it before, not to buy bamboo forests nearby, the goal is too big, and it is not suitable for the implementation of my plan.So when Zhao Yazi said that there is no suitable bamboo forest nearby, the Ling family didn't show any expression, if there is no one, there is no one, and they don't plan to buy it here anyway.

"Oh, it's nothing, because we didn't plan to buy it near here. Do you have any news about other places?" Father Ling said very calmly, and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Instead, he cared more about whether Zhao Yazi had any news from other places. Although the Zhao Yazi he inquired about before was one of the best in the town, no one was sure if there was enough news, let alone the Ling family.

"That's it!" Zhao Yazi was surprised again when he heard Ling's father said that he didn't want to buy the nearby bamboo forest. This is the rhythm of opening the store to other places!But this is none of Zhao Yazi's business. Now he knows that this business may be possible today, because there is such a place in his memory.

"I'm not sure now. I want to look at the record book, which records information from other places. Wait a moment and I'll take a look."


Then Zhao Yazi got up and went into the room. The Ling family outside were talking to see if they could buy the bamboo forest they wanted today.After a while, Zhao Yazi came out with a small notebook in his hand, and Zhao Yazi was still flipping through it.

"Wait a moment, wait for me to look for it." Zhao Yazi continued to browse without looking up after finishing speaking.The Ling family didn't bother, so they asked Zhao Yazi to look for it.

"Hey, yes, you are really lucky. There is really what you want here, but this one is in the county seat and the other is in Zunyi Mansion. I wonder if you want it?" Zhao Yazi was happy at first, but when he saw So far away, my heart is hanging.Although the Ling family doesn't want anyone nearby, it doesn't necessarily want to be so far away!

"County town? Zunyi Mansion?" Father Ling didn't expect it to be so far away, so he looked at Mrs. Liu and then at the two siblings, wanting to see what they thought.

But when Ling Yixin and Ling Yixuan hadn't said anything, Liu said, "Can you tell us about the situation in these two places first?"

When Zhao Yazi heard it, there was something going on, so he hurriedly introduced the situation.

The county seat is a complete bamboo forest, which is very in line with the requirements of the Ling family, and it is very good.Because this bamboo forest is only too big to have a hundred acres!It was really useless in my hands, so I wanted to sell it, and it happened to be selling other land, so I thought about selling it together.Thinking that the bamboo forest alone might not be sold, but the bamboo forest mixed with so much land might be able to be sold.Now that the Ling family is willing to buy this bamboo forest alone, the main family will definitely be very happy and sell it.

The Zunyi Mansion is not a large and complete bamboo forest. It is in the outskirts, the environment is good, there is a small lake in it, and there is a large bamboo forest, but there is also some open space, but the open space is much smaller than the bamboo forest.Originally, this could be sold to a rich family to build a manor house, and it would be cool to live in in summer, but the rich don't care anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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