Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 633 The Untitled Book

Chapter 633 The Untitled Book

The next morning, when Yixin woke up, she got the result of Zimei's investigation at night. The owner of the medical center also owns pastry shops, wine shops, inns, coal mines, and leather shops. The industry is rich and powerful.

Yixin felt that the pastry shop was someone she could cooperate with, so she searched for various pastry recipes and business methods in her mind, and even a few friends came to her today to hang out and didn't agree.

During lunch time, Father Ling asked, "Girl, what are you doing? Why doesn't Chunhua come to play with you?" Father Ling felt that sometimes his daughter was not like a child.Others are worried that their children are too playful, but I am worried that Yixin is not playful at all.

"It's nothing? I just want to study. I have class tomorrow, so I want to take a look first."

"Girl, you have just started studying, so don't put so much pressure on yourself, Daddy hopes you have a happy childhood, you know?" Ling's father felt that the child was too sensible, and it was also a headache.

"Well, I know, I see my brother is studying so hard, I should work hard too!" Yixin didn't blush at all when she panicked, she was calm and composed.

"Girl, your brother is older than you, so of course you have to study hard so that you can be your younger sister's backer in the future!" Liu Shi looked at Yixin and hoped that her daughter would not work too hard, "Look at you, you don't go out to play very much. His face turned pale."

Yixin touched her face and went out these few days. This is obviously the result of washing her marrow, but she didn't miss any traces: "Hehe, mother, why don't I be a little whiter? That's how I look good?"

"Yes, my baby girl is the prettiest no matter what." Liu smiled brilliantly.

"Sister, you don't want to go out to play because you want to become white and beautiful?"

"That's not it! I just want to study hard and be better than you in the future!" No matter how you look at Yixin's appearance, she is funny and cute, making the lunch time full of warmth.

"Okay, sister, you are better than me!"

"Hehe, girl, your brother taught you knowledge, how can you be better than him?" Father Ling said with a smile, but he also wanted to know whether Yixin was joking or telling the truth.

But hearing these words in the ears of Yixin and Yixuan, it became that Yixuan was responsible for imparting knowledge to Yixin.

"Daddy, don't you know that 'blue comes from blue and is better than blue'? So I will definitely be better than you and brother!" Yixin didn't believe that she would lose to her father and brother in this respect.After all, I have already had 20 years of foundation, and there is still room for this cheating artifact, so I am full of confidence!
"Well, sister, brother is waiting for the day you surpass!"

"Then wait and see!"

The dialogue between the siblings made Ling's father and Liu even more convinced that Yixin's performance these days was taught by his brother. I have to say that this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

Time is always fast. In these days, Yixin goes to school during the day, and plays with her good friends after class. After all, it's not a problem to hide like this all the time.At night, Yixin went to the space to learn various knowledge and practice.

By the way, squeeze Yichen, ahem, let him help write the formula and business strategy.no way.Who made Yixin not know how to write calligraphy?While being squeezed, Yichen also decided that Yixin needed to learn one more thing, and that was calligraphy.

Since feeling the warmth of 'father and daughter' in the space last time, Yichen now completely treats Yixin as a daughter.Moreover, he is also a strict 'father', which makes Yixin dare to be angry but dare not speak out.However, there are always two sides to things. Under Yichen's strictness, although Yixin has less freedom, she will be able to write well in the future, which makes Yixin herself proud of it.

This day is a rest day, Yixin went out after breakfast early in the morning, euphemistically saying: 10 days of study, I want to go out and relax.But Yixin came back not long after she went out.

"Father, mother, brother!"

Father Ling, Mrs. Liu and Yixuan heard their daughter's (sister) call and came out, only to see Yixin trotting over.

"Father, mother, brother!" Yi Xin panted, her cheeks were flushed, she was really cute.

"What's the matter, girl, you are running so fast, be careful not to fall."

"Mother, I'm fine, look!" Yixin handed the box in her hand to Father Ling.

"What is this?" Mrs. Liu looked at this quaint box. The patterns and carvings on it were very delicate. She didn't want ordinary people's things, and she didn't know where her girl got them.

"Mother, I found this when I was digging bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest. I saw that I had finished soaking bamboo shoots last time, so I went to dig some back today. I didn't expect to play this, I don't know what it is Things, but they look very nice, so I'll take them back and show them to you!"

"Oh, that's it. Girl, where are the bamboo shoots you dug? Can you still get them at this time?" Mrs. Liu also knew that Yixin liked to eat pickled bamboo shoots very much. Last time, she ate them once or twice.It is early autumn, and although there are bamboo shoots, they are very few and difficult to dig.

"Hey, mother, I didn't dig it up. The only one is very old and can't be eaten." In fact, Yixin is also very depressed. I can't dig bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest, and I can't take out the bamboo shoots in the space bamboo forest. Great?It is impossible to have such good bamboo shoots outside at this time of year, so we can only eat them in the space.

"It's okay, it's fine if you don't dig it, let's go into the house!"

"Okay, mother."

The family back in the room sat on the table, waiting to open this extraordinary box, and today is destined to be an extraordinary day.After Yixin returned to her room, she deliberately closed the door, making it very mysterious.

"Daddy, quickly open it and see what it is?" Yixin's urgent look made Zimei in her arms speechless. She knew what it was, but she insisted on pretending that she didn't know anything. The master's acting skills were really good it is good,,,

Under everyone's expectation, Father Ling opened the wooden box, and all the people looked inside the box, only to see a book lying quietly inside.

Father Ling carefully took out the book, and Yixuan was surprised when he saw the text in the book: "Why doesn't this book have a title?"

(End of this chapter)

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