Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 649: Moving

Chapter 649: Moving (2)
"However, what do you want to bring? You can't bring them all!"

"Well, bring everything you can! By the way, Uncle Steward, is your carriage big enough?"

Manager Liu saw that he couldn't understand what the mother and daughter said, so he decided to ignore it. Anyway, he couldn't control it by himself, so he asked himself this question unexpectedly. "Um, what do you want to bring? Why are you taking it?"

"Uncle Steward, I want to bring some tools for making snacks. With these tools, I can make more snacks. So I want to ask you, is your carriage big enough?"

"Uh, are you going to bring a lot of things?" Guanshi Liu felt that there seemed to be a lot of things to bring when hearing Ling Yixin's tone.

"Actually, there aren't many. I just want to sit so many people, and worry that there is no place to put things." Ling Yixin's big eyes indicate that there are really not many, and you really think too much.

"Oh, not much, then you can let it go, don't worry!"

With Guanshi Liu's words, Mrs. Liu went into the kitchen to pack her things.Father Ling was going to the school to let the children get out of school, and they will come back to class tomorrow, and they specially called Ling Yixuan.

The Ling family packed up their things and was ready to go. Steward Liu was also drunk when he saw those so-called tools. Those, bottles and cans, and things like iron boxes, didn't know what they were for.

After putting things on the carriage, there was almost no room. In fact, there were not many things. Even the homemade oven was the iron box in Liu Guanshi’s eyes. It really took up too much space. These are some ingredients made by Ling Yixin to make milk tea, snacks, and drinks.

After the family got in the car, they set off towards Qi'an Town. The Ling family set off, but the village was not peaceful again.Originally, I found out that Butler Li was here to find the Ling family, but because Ling's father is a scholar after all, it makes sense to come to her, so he just chattered at home.

Now the children of each family came home and said that there would be no class today, and the Ling family packed a lot of things into the carriage and followed them.The adults who didn't know the truth turned into the Ling family and moved away after being told by the children who didn't know the truth.

Many adults went to the village chief's house, "Village chief, Ling Xiucai is gone, what should the child do after school?"

"That's right! Only Ling Xiu has a school in this village. Now that he's gone, what will the children do? There's nowhere to go to school."

"Village Chief, please think of a way!"

"The school in the town is so far away, Shu Xiu is so expensive, we can't afford it!"

"village head,,,,"

"village head,,,"

The voices of the villagers drowned out the village chief, "Everyone be quiet, everyone listen to me!" Only then did the villagers quiet down and prepare to listen to the village chief, after all, the village chief is the highest decision-maker in the village.

"Ling Xiucai didn't move away, he just has some business to go to the town, so don't worry, ah, Ling Xiucai will be back tonight, you all go back, there is still work waiting for you at home Hurry! Go back!" After the village chief finished speaking, someone asked a question.

"Village Chief, you said that Ling Xiucai will come back tonight? How do you know? My child said that Ling Xiucai has already loaded things into the carriage?"

"Yeah, that's what my kids said too."

"Yeah, mine too."

"Quiet, that's because you children didn't understand the situation. My grandson Feng'er came back and told me that the man in the carriage just had something to do with the Ling family. He is going to town today and will be back tonight." In order to prove that he did not lie, the village chief called Li Feng to his side and asked him to tell the parents what happened.

"All uncles and aunts, what I Ye Ye said is true."

Just when the parents were still about to ask, a voice came to mind, "What the village head grandpa and Li Feng said is true!"

The villagers looked back and saw that it was Tang An. It turned out that Tang An saw many people coming to the village chief's house, so he also followed.

"Why is what your grandson said true? My son is a fake!" an unconvinced villager immediately spoke out.

"Because Yixin told us that." The little boy Tang An replied again.

"Well, after school, we saw that Yixin was going to leave, so we asked him. He said that he had something to do in town, and he would come back in the evening." Li Feng saw that his friend Tang An was so enthusiastic to explain to his grandfather, and he was not far behind in explaining. .

Under the explanation of the two children, the matter gradually became clear, and at the same time, I also understood why many villagers came to the village chief's house.It turned out that the children didn't know. They just said that the Ling family moved their things into the carriage and left, and said that there would be no classes. This caused many parents to misunderstand.But there are also some parents who understand, such as Li Feng, Tang An, and Goudan. They found Ling Yixin after school and knew the truth of the matter, so they didn't misunderstand.

There were also some who overheard the conversation when they were talking, so they also understood the problem. Only some children who rushed home after school forgot to mention that Ling Xiucai had said about tomorrow’s class, That's when there was an oolong.This also shows how important communication is!
However, the Ling family didn't know anything about the village, and they were now on the road to making money with a happy heart.

(End of this chapter)

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