Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 668 Sing a Peach Blossom

Chapter 668 Sing a Peach Blossom

The carriage in front is better and faster than the carriage of the Ling family in terms of decoration and speed.There were two men, one old and one young, who looked somewhat alike, like a father and son.The old man is about 40 years old, and the young man is about [-] or [-] years old.Although the appearance is not too outstanding, it can withstand scrutiny. Both father and son look stable.

At that time, the father was resting with his eyes closed, when a pleasant singing sound came, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his son opening the curtain and looking back, as if he was looking for the owner of the song.

"Zhengqian, what are you looking at?"

"Ah?" Hearing the voice, the man named Zhengqian turned to look at the old man and said, "Oh, Dad, I didn't see anything."

"Didn't you see anything? Are you looking at the woman singing behind me?" The old man smiled, as if he knew everything.

The "father" boy seemed a little embarrassed, a little shy about being exposed by his father.

"Hehe, Zhengqian, you're already done, and Dad won't stop you from finding the girl you like, but don't even think about the latter one."

"Why?" The boy blurted out in a hurry, and when he said it, he wanted to swallow it back. Isn't it obvious that he is interested in the woman behind him?If Ling Yixin knew that one of her songs attracted a peach blossom, she would be shocked, and after the shock, she might just hehe.

The old man looked at the boy like that, I knew the clothes and looked at the boy, and he felt embarrassed.

"You, you usually look quite stable, why are you so stupid now? You haven't heard that the girl who sings Hu Lai has an immature voice, is she still a child?" The man looked at the boy with a little disappointment.

"What? Kid? How is it possible!" the boy said in disbelief, his voice much louder.It was the appearance of the young man that made the man no longer look pleasant, but looked at the young man with a serious face, and said to him, "Why is that impossible? Look, you just heard a woman's voice, and it was a little girl's voice. If you meet an adult girl, then you'll be fine."

The "Father" boy noticed that his father was a little angry, and felt that he was not calm enough, so he was embarrassed to shout.

"Our Xu family has been in business for generations, and our family has a big business. You are the only one in this generation. If you don't live up to it, how can I, Xu Yiqi, face all the ancestors after a hundred years."

"Father, why are you talking more and more serious." Xu Zhengqian became a little angry, and he didn't know whether he was angry with Xu Yiqi's words, or angry at himself for not living up to expectations.

"Why, can't I say a few words to you?"

"Of course not,,,"

"No, just shut up and listen to me." Before Xu Zhengqian finished speaking, Xu Yiqi choked him back, so Xu Zhengqian could only bury his head and listen to Xu Yiqi's long speech.

"What does dad usually teach you? He tells you to be calm in the face of everything, analyze it calmly, and withstand temptation. But look at you, ah, the steward loses his calm judgment when he hears a song, which proves that You can't stand the temptation; secondly, you are in the temptation but you can't figure out that the person who sings is a little girl, which means that you can't figure out who is singing? Also, the person who sings is a little girl, a child, naive Wuxie, singing to have fun is harmless, but if you are an adult woman, singing in this situation is not a good girl, so it is still impossible for you to get back together. Face anyone and everything and know what you are facing to the end What is it! You are not good enough at this point. Also, you jumped up when I told you that it was impossible. I spit it all out. It seems that you still have to learn a lot and integrate all of these."

After listening to Xu Yiqi's words, Xu Zhengqian knew that he had made a lot of mistakes, so he immediately admitted his mistakes. "Father, I know. I was wrong. I didn't expect so much. I will learn more."

Seeing Xu Zhengqian's good attitude of admitting his mistakes, Xu Yiqi's voice softened a lot.

"It's good if you know you're wrong. The most terrible thing in a person's life is not making mistakes, but knowing that they are wrong but not admitting their mistakes, and not daring to take responsibility for their mistakes. So you are still great in this regard. But,,,"

When Xu Zhengqian heard his father's affirmation of him, he felt a little comforted in his heart, when Xu Yiqi's words suddenly changed, Xu Zhengqian's heart was lifted.

"However, admitting mistakes is not enough. You must also correct your mistakes. You must know how to correct your mistakes. As you said just now, it is not enough to learn more. You need to listen more, watch more and analyze more. You must always remind yourself to be calm and calm. To be tempted, to know how to discover the essence of things, so that you can make better progress. Got it?"

"Got it, Daddy."

"Well, that's good. In fact, Daddy also came here at your age. He knows that you will have some desires at your age. Women are very attractive to you, but you have to know that choosing a partner is more serious than doing business. Business If you fail, you can make a comeback, but if you choose the wrong partner, you will have no chance. Even a good partner can help you make a lot of business, but a bad partner, you have more, and even the best business is likely to give you more Corrupted. So in this regard, you must be cautious, you know?"

"Understood, Dad, I will pay attention."

"En..." Xu Yiqi saw that the child had grown up, and there were still many problems to face. He sincerely hoped that he would not make a mistake like himself and become eternal hatred.

As time passed, it was dusk, and the Xu family and the Ling family went to an inn to rest. This inn was located next to the pipeline and was designed for the convenience of pedestrians.

When Xu's father and son got off the carriage, they saw a young man coming to greet them, "You two guests, are you going to eat or stay at the hotel?"

"At this point in time, of course I'm staying in the hotel, Xiao Er, come to the two upper rooms."

"Okay, guest officer, please come in!" Then Xu's father and son followed Xiaoer into the inn, and the coachman led the carriage to the stable behind.The Xu family father and son who entered the inn went to the room to rest for a while and then came downstairs.

"Guest officer, are you two ready to have dinner?" This time there was a second waiter, but they were both very enthusiastic, with smiles on their faces, making people look very comfortable.

"Yes, bring some of your signature dishes and a jug of wine."

"Okay, sir, do you want anything else?"

"Let's leave it like this for the time being!" At the same time, Xu's father and son came to the dining table under the leadership of Xiao Er to prepare.

"Okay, guest officer, just wait a moment, the food will be here in a while, if you need anything, just call me." After saying that, Xiao Er left.

Soon Xiao Er came with food, and Xu's father and son were preparing to eat when they saw two adults, a man and a woman, and two children, a man and a woman, obviously a family.

(End of this chapter)

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