Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 685 Winning in two strokes

685 Chapter 2 Two strikes to win ([-])
"Yeah, you are the smartest, let me take it for 5000 yuan, and Xiaojin took it for [-] yuan, which is [-] yuan less than me. In this way, after the meeting is over, I will take you to dinner to thank you How was your instruction tonight?"

Originally, Ling Yixin was very happy to hear that she was going to eat late at night, but thinking that she had just taken four rejuvenation pills, most of the people would not have taken them by then, and there might be some trouble, so she hurried back home as well.

"Well, forget it, there must be a lot of people coveting your Huichun Pill now, maybe something will happen then? So let's go home!"

Looking at Ling Yixin's listless look, she knew that she wanted to go, but what she said was indeed reasonable, she and Mu Jin knew martial arts, Chu Li and Qing Ze were also masters, so they were not afraid of those things, but the Ling family didn't know anything Yes, it is inevitable that I will be overwhelmed by then, so I agreed to go home.

"Okay, then I will invite you next time I have a chance."

"No need, it's good enough to live in your house and eat your food." I'd be embarrassed to eat any more.Ling Yixin didn't say the second half of the sentence, and it would be too unfamiliar to say it, which is not good.Moreover, Ling Yixin didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but Father Ling and Mrs. Liu felt that it was very bad. My lord should be thin-skinned.

"Okay, then tell me when you want to eat." Lan Mo might have thought of it too, so he didn't say any more.

"Okay" Ling Yixin was also very straightforward, what she said at this time seemed hypocritical.

The auction ended in the midst of outcry, and the third batch of Huichun Pills was bought by the man downstairs at a high price of 7 taels, and the fourth batch was auctioned by the man on the second floor for 10 taels Next, the last two were photographed by the people on the second floor for 15 taels.Those who took pictures were happy in their hearts, but those who didn't get pictures were downcast.I even secretly regretted it in my heart, thinking about how the first two batches were photographed by two brats, and they were photographed at a low price, and my intestines were full of regret.

When Lan Mo and Mu Jin went to pay the bill at the back of the hotel, they also found other people's hostile eyes, but they didn't seem to see it, and left after paying the bill, leaving only a pair of regretful people to continue regretting together.

After returning, Ling Yixin rushed into the room, closed the door, put the bolt on the door, fell on the bed and entered the space.Ling Yixin, who came to Taoranju, was not surprised to see Yichen lying down and drinking tea in a leisurely manner.

"Master, I just saw the mysterious pill that was auctioned tonight—Rejuvenation Pill. After careful identification, I'm sure it's the elixir Rejuvenation Pill."

"Oh, I see."

"Master, are you going to find this mysterious figure who is in the same period as you?" Ling Yixin looked at Yichen's plain answer and was very puzzled, why didn't she have any curiosity at all?

"will not."

When Ling Yixin heard Yichen's concise answer again, if she really wanted to hit the wall, couldn't she say more?

"Why? He can make alchemy, so it proves that you are at the same time? Maybe you still know each other!"

"No, why do you think he didn't sell pills before, why did he start selling pills now? What's in it? Now that he has started, there will be more movement in the future, so we just need to wait He'll just walk out on his own."

"oh, I see!"

After Yichen finished speaking at once, Ling Yixin also knew Yichen's plan, so she had nothing to say, so she continued to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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