Chapter 84
"Brother, come here quickly. You see there are many beautiful hairpins here. Let's buy them back and give them to my mother, shall we?" Ling Yixin said standing in front of a jewelry store and looking at Ling Yixuan behind.

"Of course, you should buy some yourself! You've grown up, you should dress up well." In fact, Ling Yixin doesn't have any jewelry, and now she wants to buy it for Mrs. Liu, so of course she can't let Ling Yixin down.

But Yichen felt depressed, he didn't have anything to buy, and he had to help with things, and there were so many women looking at him on the street, Yichen suddenly doubted whether it was the right decision to find the space
"Master, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and come in?" Ling Yixin is now focused on jewelry, but she doesn't care about Yichen's current state that is attracting everyone's attention.

"Understood, I'll come in now." Yichen had no choice but to follow in, and then many women also followed in. The storekeeper saw so many people coming in, his face was smiling like a chrysanthemum.

The shopkeeper thought that the business must be booming today, but it was all because of Yichen, and thought that he must ask Yichen to stay longer later.The store wants Yichen to stay here forever, but this is impossible, so we can only settle for the next best thing.But with Ling Yixin here, the store owner's wish will come to nothing, because Ling Yixin doesn't like crowded feeling very much.

Therefore, Ling Yixin was choosing jewelry in front of her. Before she had seen a few pieces, she felt that there were more and more people, and she couldn't choose her favorite jewelry quietly.Dissatisfied, Ling Yixin picked up the selected jewelry one by one and went to the counter to check out.

The shopkeeper knew that Ling Yixin and Yichen were together, if Ling Yixin had already checked out and left, then Yichen would definitely leave together, so he was very reluctant.

"Little girl, there are many beautiful jewelry here, why don't you take a closer look?" The store looked at Ling Yixin with what he thought was a friendly smile, but Ling Yixin didn't buy it, and even thought the store's smile was ugly.

"No, hurry up and pay the bill, I'm leaving, it's too crowded here." Although Ling Yixin felt that the store's smile was ugly, but it was ugly, and it wasn't the store's fault that she couldn't smile, so Ling Yixin spoke peacefully.

"It's too crowded, which means that our business here is good because we have cleaned up, so you should take a good look at it." The store quickly tried to find a way to make Ling Yixin stay.

But now Ling Yixin is really dissatisfied. It seems that this store just wants to stay and let me buy more and give them some money. Ling Yixin understands this, a businessman!But it can't be too much, besides, Ling Yixin saw the eyes of those girls looking at Yichen, and she came in because Yichen was here, and the store also lied and didn't make drafts.I also want to use myself to make profits for them, so beautiful!

"Hurry up, if you don't pay the bill, I won't sell this jewelry, just leave." Now Ling Yixin got angry, and the store didn't dare to stop her, so she happily paid for Ling Yixin's jewelry.

With Ling Yixin's departure, Ling Yixuan and Yichen also left, and those women who admired Yichen also left.Looking at the deserted store, which is very different from before, the store has enjoyed the ups and downs from the clouds to the bottom of the valley, and now it is not in the mood at all.

Ling Yixin didn't care about that, she needed to find her own targets to move forward, although there was a large group following her, but Ling Yixin found some jewelry that she liked and suitable for Liu's, and today's shopping was considered a success.

Ling Yixin was shopping happily here, Zhao Yazi had already woken up, and seeing himself naked and the beautiful lady beside him who was equally naked, Zhao Yazi felt very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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