Chapter 87
"Uncle shopkeeper, I brought some here. Don't you guys run a restaurant? Then you must like this dish." Ling Yixin pointed to the jar in his hand and said.

"You mean you brought a dish, and it's still in this jar?" The shopkeeper thinks this is too strange, although he thinks that Ling Yixin is here to play, but it's not like this!
"Yes, yes, but it's not one dish, but there are many dishes. If you don't believe me, I'll make it for you to try, okay?" Ling Yixin looked at the shopkeeper very expectantly, but the shopkeeper didn't let him Disappointed, I agreed.

"Okay then, let me see what dishes you can cook?" Ling Yixin was very happy with the shopkeeper's promise.

This is also because Ling Yixin chose a good time and luck.It's not time for dinner, so Wangchun Building doesn't have any customers, and the kitchen is not satisfied, Ling Yixin's 'fumbling' can't bring any impact.In addition, Ling Yixin was really cute, and the way she looked at the shopkeeper reminded the shopkeeper of her own child, so she readily agreed.

"Okay, thank you uncle shopkeeper, you wait for me to prepare delicious food for you." Ling Yixin was very happy, and followed the shopkeeper to the kitchen. The chefs didn't understand that such a small girl was coming to cook.But the shopkeeper is the boss of the store. Since he has made all the decisions and brought them in, the chefs didn't say anything, and they couldn't say anything.

Ling Yixin saw that the soaked bamboo shoots in the jar were opened, washed and cut up, and then took some pork, chicken, and some other side dishes and started to stir-fry.Seeing Ling Yixin's proficiency, the chefs knew that Ling Yixin really knew how to cook.

After a while, Ling Yixin was ready. Ling Yixin made two dishes, one was fried pork with bamboo shoots, and the other was braised chicken with bamboo shoots.Smelling the unique aroma of soaked bamboo shoots, the chefs and shopkeepers were very satisfied with Ling Yixin's dishes.

"Come, come, I'm ready, you can try it!" Ling Yixin put two dishes on the dining table, and everyone gathered around, each with a pair of chopsticks in their hands, and began to taste the two dishes made by Ling Yixin .

"Okay, delicious, this chicken is also delicious, sour and very appetizing."

"Okay, delicious, this feels very different, greasy pork with refreshing... little girl, what is this called?"

Everyone felt very ashamed. After eating for a long time, they still don't know what this dish is?In fact, they are not to blame, because no one will eat bamboo shoots as a dish, or there is no concept of bamboo shoots at all.

In their hearts, everything in the bamboo forest is bamboo, so how could there be such delicious dishes?
"This is called soaked bamboo shoots. How about it? Is it delicious?" Ling Yixin was very proud and confident about it.

"It's delicious, little girl, you just said you wanted to sell this to us, didn't you! But this is too little, and it's all used up now." The shopkeeper really likes soaking bamboo shoots now and thinks it's delicious, but It's a pity that there is only so little.

"Uncle shopkeeper, that's not the case! Let me tell you, our family is going to build a workshop to make soaked bamboo shoots, so today I came to ask you to cooperate."

Ling Yixin didn't hide it either. Only when she said it did everyone know that she was telling the truth and was reliable. Who could make herself too small and too unreliable?

"Oh? So that's the case, so why are you here to talk to us? Where are your parents?" The shopkeeper didn't expect that things would turn out like this. This is simply to discuss business!But at the same time, I admire Ling Yixin very much, and think it's really amazing that she can come out to do business at such a young age.But business can never be discussed with children, after all, there are still many things that children don't understand.

"Uncle the shopkeeper said that you are willing to buy the soaked bamboo shoots?"

"Then you have to talk to your parents to find out, so you should call your adults over!" The shopkeeper didn't dare to agree easily now, he hasn't talked yet, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

"Okay, then I'll go home and call my lord, you have to wait for me here!" Ling Yixin was very happy, after so many bad times, finally there was a smooth one, Ling Yixin was very satisfied with Wangchun Tower today.

It was precisely because of this satisfaction that Ling Yixin gave up the idea of ​​opening another special auction venue.After all, Ling Yixin is not too surprised about the auction venue, but with modern feelings, it can still be opened, and it will be better than Wangchunlou.

But now Ling Yixin has a good impression of Wangchun Tower, and she also had a good impression of it during the previous auction, so Ling Yixin didn't bother to toss about the auction, which also allowed the status of the Wangchun Tower auction to be preserved.
"Okay, you go back and call the adults, I'll wait for you here." The shopkeeper looked at Ling Yixin and found it funny, such a small child is so smart, his parents must be very happy!

"Then thank you, Uncle Shopkeeper first." Ling Yixin felt that the shopkeeper was polite to her, and she would treat the shopkeeper very politely.

After speaking, Ling Yixin ran back to find Yichen. At this time, Yichen and Ling Yixuan were watching the workers build the fence and workshop in the bamboo forest.Because it is a strange place, you must be on the scene to know everything, and it can also prevent something that cannot be resolved in time if you are not on the scene.

"Brother, master, I went to Wangchun Tower, they are willing to buy soaked bamboo shoots, but the shopkeeper needs an adult to go, so master, come with me?"

"What? You've already made an agreement with Wangchun Tower?" Ling Yixuan felt that this was too fast!But there is a little surprise.

"Yeah, now I'm waiting for you to talk about specific things, so let's go!" Ling Yixin had an unconcealable smile on her face.

"Got it, let's go!" Yichen reluctantly followed Ling Yixin and Ling Yixuan away.Ever since Yichen left the space, he has been ordered by Ling Yixin in various ways, and now he has become an errand runner, so Yichen just feels that he has been tricked by Ling Yixin, so he shouldn't come out. It is more comfortable to have a carefree space.

The three of them came to the Wangchun Tower, the shopkeeper looked at Yichen's immortal appearance, and sighed that there is such a handsome man in time, and when he looked at the faces of Ling Yixin and Ling Yixuan, he knew that the family genes were really strong.But the shopkeeper was indeed wrong, because Yichen had no blood relationship with the two brothers and sisters, but judging from their appearance, they really felt like they were a family.

(End of this chapter)

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