Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 93 A Busy Day

Chapter 93 A Busy Day (6)
"Well, it's not bad. But I want to buy some people who can help me with some things. Both men and women must be not too old. The most important thing is that all the things I bought today are dead contracts." Yichen saw It's getting late, I don't want to waste time, especially listening to the self-proclaimed words of the two women.

"That's no problem, we're all dead contracts here, we're selling people to big families..." Mrs. Hao started talking about this accident again.

"Okay, I get it, just talk about it, those things can be done, such as the things in the workshop. Besides, do you have any suitable personal maids here, as well as servants? " Yichen really doesn't like someone like Mrs. Hao who keeps talking all the time, but she doesn't show anything on the surface.

"Hey, okay." Mrs. Hao is also a winking person. She was influenced by Yichen's nature as a businessman outside, but now she is sober.

"Do you want to choose some who can do things? Those few are fine, because they have all done it before. As for the personal maids, you are right. The younger ones here are all trained as personal maids. And There are also a few smaller ones, which are very suitable as personal maids for little girls. There are also young servants here, but there are not many, we mainly have more maids here. But there are also a few, the most suitable one is the smaller one, Because the teaching time is relatively long, the older ones are not suitable because the time is short and the temper is more twisted."

Mrs. Hao pointed to a group of servants over there, saying one by one, like pointing at the vegetables in the vegetable market, but it seemed that the people Mrs. Hao pointed to were not bad.

"My lord, I'm completely relying on my conscience. What I mean is true." Although Mrs. Hao is more reliable in her words and actions, she will not let go of the opportunity to praise herself.

Ling Yixin likes this kind of character, she does things with a conscience, and praises herself honestly, which is actually quite cute.Ling Yixin felt that after the previous difficulties, God took extra care of her now, and now everything is going smoothly.

"Okay, then I bought everything you said." Yichen had met a lot of people and had a good eye. Without Ling Yixin interrupting, Yichen made a decision, anyway, he still had to go to the space I'm training.

"Really, you bought all of what I just said?" Both Mrs. Hao and Mrs. Xia stared and opened their mouths in surprise.I didn't expect to buy so many, let alone make a decision so soon.

"Well, I bought them all." Yichen replied very simply, but Ling Yixin was very depressed, and really wanted to say that there is no price yet, what if it is too expensive?And it's impossible to buy all of them, we still have to distribute them according to the population of the family!In fact, Ling Yixin didn't know, or even thought about it, that this was done on purpose by Yichen, just to let Ling Yixin solve these problems by herself.

"That Granny Hao, how do they sell it?" Ling Yixin couldn't help asking. After asking, Ling Yixin felt that she was shopping for vegetables and felt that something was wrong.

"This one is very cheap. The kind of work you mentioned is ten taels of silver, and the servant girl is 15 taels larger, and the smaller one is also ten taels." Mrs. Hao said it with anticipation, thinking that it might be later. After receiving one or two hundred silver, I was very excited.

"Grandma Hao, I want the workers you mentioned, and then two big maids, two little maids, and a little servant. Grandma Hao, we buy so much, can you have less?"

Ling Yixin's plan is that her two little maids and Liu's two big maids can also help in the bamboo shoot shop.Then my elder brother Ling Yixuan was a little boy, because "there are not many in the first place, let alone the quality is not good", it is okay to have only one little boy here, so I gave it to Ling Yixuan.As for Father Ling, let's talk about it!Anyway, it's impossible for Yichen to want a servant.

"Oh, little girl, the ones here are very good, and they are already very cheap." Mrs. Hao wants to make money, so of course she won't get cheap easily.

At this time, Ling Yixin was already tired, and didn't have much thought to bargain, so she started to play tricks.

"Grandma Hao, if you're not cheap, we won't buy it. We're tired too, and we don't have the energy to tell you anything now, so you should be cheaper!"

Seeing Ling Yixin like that and what she said really worried Mrs. Hao and Mrs. Xia. If they really didn't buy it, it would be a big loss.In the end, they had to compromise, and everyone dropped a tael of silver.But Ling Yixin was still not satisfied.

"Grandma Hao, you've dropped too little! Why don't you give me all eight taels of silver." Ling Yixin's price was much lowered.

"Little girl, you are too short! Those two big maids cost 15 taels of silver, and now you can buy them for [-] taels of silver, and I will die at a loss." Mrs. Hao said with a heartache on her face. look, and feel that he will not agree.

"Grandma Hao, there are only two big maids, not much less, but I bought so much? And you know whether you lost money or not?" Ling Yixin didn't believe Mrs. Hao's words, and she had never seen anything in her previous life. , There is still a big sale at a loss, what is the last day, it will always be the last day, so what Mrs. Hao said is of no use to Ling Yixin.

"Little girl, you..." Mrs. Hao was really speechless, "Is this good, everyone is in a half, okay, this is already the cheapest." For today's huge business, Mrs. Hao also It was a pain.

"Okay then!" Ling Yixin said reluctantly, but her heart burst into laughter. That's what she planned, and Ling Yixin silently praised herself in her heart.

Afterwards, Ling Yixin left with twenty people and twenty contracts of selling herself, spending a total of 170 taels of silver.On the road, in a place where no one was around, Ling Yixin took out water for everyone to drink.Because Ling Yixin and Yichen came in a carriage when they came, it is impossible to take a carriage when they go back now, so they took out all the things in the carriage.Everyone was very grateful, and felt that they had followed a good master and had water to drink on the road, so they drank it happily, and fell down after drinking it.After falling down, Ling Yixin brought them all into the space.

(End of this chapter)

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