Zerg evolution road

Chapter 15 Termite Storm

Chapter 15 Termite Storm
Zhang Fan had a gloomy face along the way?His springtails are not here to fight, they are here to lead the army.

This kind of fire-headed army does not make fire or cook food. Anyway, everyone eats raw food.

Zhang Fan kept cursing in his heart: "Do you know what you are eating? What you are eating is my body! You bastard!"

Just scold them in your heart, but don't dare to show it on the surface, this is already the fifth Zergling army.

Bulldog Ant wanted Zhang Fan to continue sending troops, but in the end Zhang Fan didn't do anything and let the springtails lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

Do you want to send troops, come on, you guys eat, I won't resist, after tens of thousands of springtails died, the ant clan started to give up targeting Zhang Fan.

The Golden Feather Ant King estimates that the number of springtails should be around 5000 million, and it is reasonable to send [-] million out.

The Golden Feather Ant King knows things like a god, there are really only [-] million old springtails in the lake of life.

This does not include the new and old worker bees, the new springtails, and the Zerg who are hiding in Yaohu Lake.

Since there are still so many, why not resist?Or because the strength is too weak, and the number of enemies is not clear, it is better to be careful.

There are not only pure grasslands on the grassland, but also some water resources such as rivers, swamps, and lakes.

When the large army crossed a river from the ground, they finally came to the termite gathering place.

What greets the eye is blind scars, rotting branches strewn here and there.

From some signs, it can be seen that this place was once prosperous, but now there is only a desolate area left.

I just don't know why these termites can survive in this environment.

The ants were gone, had left after the main force had crossed the river, and they were all watching the situation from the other side of the bank.

No one told Zhang Fan why this happened, all the secrets can only be discovered by himself.

The mighty army moved forward and destroyed several termite nests. If the termites were just like this, they shouldn't pose a threat to the ant clan, right?Why are these bugs so nervous.

At this time, the cockroach in charge of the frontline reconnaissance quickly ran back and slapped the ground anxiously with its tentacles: "Ahead, there are countless termites!"

countless?That's a lot. Zhang Fan is also a person who has seen big scenes, so he was a little confused about the concept of countless, until he saw countless termite storms.

Why the word storm is used is actually debatable. It is definitely not acceptable to use the word "big army", nor is it acceptable to use the word "group". It is more appropriate to use the word "storm", which fully demonstrates the concept of countless, and strikes like a sandstorm.

"My God! I finally understand the concept of countless!" Zhang Fan looked at the termites all over the mountains and could not see the edge, and he was so stupid.

The king tiger armor next to him was very irritable, and his front jaw kept clicking, as if he was afraid.

The termite storm was constantly approaching, and they were no longer allowed to think. The king tiger armor no longer sat still, and plunged into the endless abyss at the first, and was instantly submerged in a white ocean.

The infected bugs were no longer afraid, and rushed in one after another.

Zhang Fan didn't move, he chose to back away, wanting to see where the termite's weak point was, but the storm would not give Zhang Fan time to think about it.

The middle part was resisted by the army of insects, but the termites on the two wings were still attacking, forming a siege.

Zhang Fan couldn't bear to think too much, and his army of springtails had to participate in it.

The termites are not big, the largest one is only one centimeter long, and they look a bit like a baneling, with their white abdomen occupying almost two-thirds of their body.

The first springtail was besieged, dozens of termites climbed onto its body, and corrosive formic acid was continuously sprayed out of the insect's mouthparts.

Blue smoke began to rise from the exoskeleton, which was water vapor generated by the reaction of strong acid and weak base.

After being attacked, Zhang Fan also started to counterattack, and the springtails began to form a circle around them, fighting against the enemy in a defensive posture.

The sharp and strong forelimbs constantly waved and stabbed, and achieved rich results.

In just a quarter of an hour, a ring-shaped hill made of termites was formed.

Zhang Fan could no longer see what was going on outside, so he could only stick to his guard. In this situation, he thought of ****, that tragic and heroic feeling.

Termites were still pouring in from the corpse, and Zhang Fan's jumping circle kept shrinking.

Before they knew it, there were only 100 million springtails left, unable to break through, they could only fight to the death.


The king tiger armor is not dead yet!

He smashed through the hill made of termites and rushed into Zhang Fan's defensive circle.

"You are really a pig teammate!" Zhang Fan felt deeply hopeless.

The king's tiger armor was covered in wounds, and there were corroded holes everywhere on the shell, and blood continuously flowed out along the holes.

But it acted again with tenacious willpower and knocked open the termite hill on the other side.

Looking at the bull-like King Hujia, Zhang Fan suddenly came to his senses, no, this is not the pig teammate!This is a god assist.

The moment the termites stopped attacking, Zhang Fan changed the battle formation to a cone formation!
This formation is like a sharp dagger, it can preserve vitality in the chaos and quickly withdraw from the battlefield, and it can also be used as a beheading action.

Zhang Fan must have used this formation to escape, relying on this formation to keep chasing the king tiger armor.

The termites on his body shook off like a sieve, and finally the king tiger armor fell down. When Zhang Fan passed by it, it was not completely dead.

Through the pair of compound eyes, we can see the tiger armor's nostalgia for life, desire for freedom, disgust for war, and hatred for ants and termites.

Goodbye, my good comrade-in-arms, my good partner.

Zhang Fan's troops had dropped to one hundred thousand. Once he was run over by termites, he would be crushed again.

Finally reached the shore, what greeted the springtail was not the rushing river, but an army of ant tribes lined up.

The springtails and the ant army fell apart as soon as they came into contact. The feeling was that a sharp knife had been stabbed on the steel plate, and the tip and body of the knife were broken layer by layer.

The corpses of springtails were scattered all over the shore, just like that, Zhang Fan's tens of millions of troops were gone.

The matter is not over yet, countless termites are still charging.

This time it was innumerable to innumerable, before Zhang Fan closed his eyes, he truly realized the hugeness of the ant clan.

The war was over, the termite army retreated, but countless corpses were left on the ground.

A termite pretending to be dead wobbled up.

"Fortunately, I was prepared." This termite was Zhang Fan, who secretly controlled it when it was surrounded.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you game friends

(End of this chapter)

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