Zerg evolution road

Chapter 66 The Strange Stone Forest

Chapter 66 The Strange Stone Forest
The Zerg division of land is not the same as other civilizations. They give you a piece of land and let you reclaim it yourself. After reclaiming it, you will take it back, and then give you a piece of wasteland for you to continue to reclaim.

The Zerg do this very well. What they emphasize is that the land is collective, belongs to everyone, and is a sacred and inseparable part. Every Zerg warrior has the belief of sacrifice for the master and the mission of sharing everything for the land.

Well, in fact, the worker bees are covered with creep in front, and the bugs in the back are constantly eating.

Sleep when you are full, and eat when you wake up. Units with priority tasks will implement their instincts to perform tasks.

This time, Gaia suddenly became more relaxed, all it had to do was keep an eye on that big guy.

I don't know what Adam was thinking, but he didn't design an order for the magma worm to allocate resources reasonably.

You see, if you don't pay attention, this guy bites out a big hole again.

"Go over there to eat." After Gaia's order was issued, the magma worm obediently ran to the side to eat food.

Gaia observed the surrounding situation, and small teams of Zerglings went to various places to conduct investigations.

There was no special discovery in the news sent back, and everything was done step by step.

It seems that there are no intelligent creatures here, they are all living according to their own instincts.

In fact, Zhang Fan didn't know until now that it was the countless spores released by it that made the entire southern organisms wise.

The northern border was still blocked by mountains and it was cold, so I couldn't come over.

The springtails fifty kilometers ahead lost their signal and seemed to be dead.

Gaia was puzzled, it seemed to be a stone forest, and there should be no large creatures, so the springtails should have discovered it long ago.

So, Gaia began to transfer the scouting springtails towards the stone forest.

The stone forest is very common, and there are also in the south, but the stone forest is not as wide as this one.

The Zerglings were not lazy this time, but carefully observed every corner, not letting any enemy go.

"Strange? There's nothing there, let's look separately." Gaia asked the springtails to find the truth about the disappearance of the previous batch of springtails.

The stone forest is still the stone forest in the impression. The rocks forming the stone forest are mainly limestone, which belongs to carbonate rock.

Carbonate rocks are also sedimentary rocks, that is, rocks are deposited in water bodies.The biggest feature of limestone is that it is easily dissolved by water, especially when the water is rich in carbon dioxide, so limestone is also called soluble rock.

It seems that this area should belong to the ocean. By the way, it seems that there are no genes that enter the ocean in the gene pool.

"Huh? A few more springtails disappeared. What's going on? Could it be that the enemy is invisible?" Gaia began to fall into deep thought.

Zerglings continue to encounter poisonous hands, but Gaia has never been able to find the trace of the other party.

"No, it's impossible." Gaia turned her view to the entire Zergling team and saw a scene that shocked it.

Zerglings actually attacked their own people!

Zhang Fancai told Gaia that the Zerg race is a family, neat and harmonious, and there will never be a situation where one of his own will attack his own.

"Unless?" Gaia's brain ached, and it thought of the past life that Zhang Fan told it. Could it be that there are intelligent creatures here?And the kind that can think outside the box?
"Great, if I can catch it, I can definitely add another assistant to my father. Then I will draw him over and kick Adam's position with two swords." Gaia thought confidently.

Gaia then completely took over the Zergling's body, sending out brain waves all around.

"Where is your king? I am Gaia! Make it come out to me!"

Gaia is constantly sending signals, but these signals seem to have disappeared without any response.

Thinking back to the brain worm again, Gaia was thinking: "Could it be a wrong guess?"

Zerglings attacking Zerglings, this is something Gaia doesn't want to see very much, and it still hasn't figured out how everything happened.

It didn't dare to let the army attack rashly like this. If one accidentally controlled the magma worm, then it could only apologize with death.

The enemy Zergling threw its own Zergling down, and the four forelimbs were intertwined in a random way.

The springtails on our side seem to be still in a daze, not knowing what happened, and being eaten by the opponent in pain.

Gaia can't just wait for death, if he kills his own people, he will kill his own people, and he will apologize to his father later.

He personally went into battle to control the remaining springtails, and there was a fierce melee between the two springtails.

You come and go, fighting in this narrow stone crevice, it seems to have returned to the time of the deadly battle.

Gaia had never encountered such a situation before, and she didn't know how to deal with it, and felt very painful in her heart.

"Gaia, what's the situation?" Zhang Fan's voice appeared in Zhang Fan's mind.

Gaia felt that her savior was coming and hurriedly said: "Father, I don't know, these springtails have already entered the stone forest and have been controlled."

Zhang Fan also thought it was an intelligent creature at first, and was happy for a while.

But when it felt it carefully, it didn't feel the feeling that it was like Emperor Jingdi.

"No, there are no intelligent creatures here, so there should be something hidden, Gaia, what do you think?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Father, if you ask me, I don't know!" Gaia was about to cry. Although he was usually a bit sloppy, he was still very kind to his subordinates. Now that this happened, it really made him feel like Knife twisted.

Faced with this situation, it was impossible for Zhang Fan to criticize Gaia, so he decided to meet his opponent for a while.

"Gaia, you go out first, leave this place to me." Zhang Fan said.

"Yes, father." Gaia didn't dare to procrastinate, and hastily exchanged command rights.

Zhang Fan can also be regarded as experienced in hundreds of battles, having participated in countless battles, large and small.

"I haven't exercised for a long time, let me see how good you are." Zhang Fan sneered in his heart.

Zhang Fan's manipulation techniques are not as delicate as Gaia's. He pays more attention to opening and closing. This is a problem developed in the grassland period, when bugs fought like this.

The two sides entered into the most primitive fight, but Zhang Fan knew the weakness of the springtails well, and put the enemy springtails to the ground with a little delicacy in the rough.

However, he found that the matter was not over yet, and the springtails in another area had also rebelled. The distance between the two places was a little far, and it was not at all controlled by the brainwaves of intelligent creatures.

Multi-line operation is no problem for Zhang Fan, only a little troops are needed to defeat the enemy steadily.

However, gradually he found that his own troops were getting smaller and smaller, while the opponents were getting more and more.

 Almost forgot to post
(End of this chapter)

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