Chapter 109 (1)
Chapter 38 (1)
After a sleepless night, dawn dawned.Roberta, those who came to arrest him..., the terrible nightmare, tormented him unbearably.Then, about an hour later, finally working up the courage to go downstairs, he met Frederick, the chauffeur who had taken him the day before, pulling out a car.He beckoned him to find all the newspapers in Albany and Utiga. At around 09:30, the driver came back. He took the newspaper back to his room, locked the door, and spread one copy in front of him. The shocking headline immediately caught his eye:
death of a mysterious girl

The body was found yesterday in Lake Amulondax

boyfriend missing
Immediately, his whole body tensed up, his face turned pale, he sat down on a chair by the window, and continued to read.

Fort Brinell, New York, July [-]th - The body of an unknown woman was pulled out of the water at the southern end of Great Patton shortly before noon yesterday.It is reported that this is the wife of a young man.The youth checked in at a lake hotel in New York on Wednesday morning, and they registered as Mrs. and Mrs. Carl Graham.Arrived at Great Berton at noon on Thursday, and registered at the Great Berton Hotel as Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Golden.A man's hat was found floating on the surface of the Moon Lake at the capsize site, and he mobilized to salvage it with bamboo poles and fishing rods for half a day... But until [-] o'clock last night, the man's body was found by Bridgeburg Coroner Hayter at [-] o'clock in the afternoon Arrive at the accident point.According to him, the man's body may not be found at all.Several scars and abrasions were found on the head and face of the deceased girl.During the salvage, three men came to the scene and testified that they had encountered a young man similar to Golden or Graham the night before in the woods south of the Lake District.Based on the above facts, many people have concluded that this is a murder case where the murderer is at large.

The lady left behind a brown traveling suitcase, a hat and a coat, which are kept in the box office at Kenloch Railway Station, five miles east of Great Berton, and the hat and coat are now in the cloakroom of the Lakeside Hotel, Gray Humm, or Golden, is said to have brought his own suitcase aboard.

Upon their arrival, according to the proprietor of the Great Patton Hotel, they were registered as Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Golden of Albany.They only stayed in the hotel for a short while, and Golden immediately went to the pier outside the hotel to choose a light boat, then took his suitcase, took the boat with the girl, and rowed to the center of the lake.They did not return.Last night, I found the boat turned upside down on the water called Moon Lake, which is an inlet at the extreme south end of the lake, or it can be said to be connected to the lake itself.Shortly thereafter, the young woman's body was fished out of the lake in that area. There was no dark spot on the lake, and the obvious scars on the face immediately aroused suspicion, thinking that the woman might have been beaten severely.On account of this layer, and the testimony of the three persons, and the presence of identifications in the vicinity, Coroner Hayter insisted that, in the absence of the man's body, he concluded it was a murder.

According to the two hotel owners of Grass Lake and Great Patton, as well as travelers and guides, Gordon or Graham, aged no more than 24 or [-] years old, tall and thin, with black hair, no taller than five feet eight or nine Inch.He arrived wearing light gray clothing, tan leather shoes, a straw hat and carrying a brown leather case with an umbrella attached to it and other items, possibly a stick.

The hat the girl had left at the hotel was dark brown, the blouse was hazel, and her dress was dark blue.

All nearby train stations have been advised to watch out for either Golden or Graham, and if he is still alive and attempts to escape, he should be hunted down.The body of the drowned girl will be transported to Bridgeburg, the seat of the county government, where an autopsy will be carried out.

In the silence, he sat there, silently planning.Since it was clearly a brutal murder, and it happened in the vicinity, such a news would not cause a sensation, and many people-perhaps all people-should pay close attention to all the people who came and went, Do you want to find the man who looks like what the newspaper said? Now that he is already watching him closely, if he goes to the police station in Great Patton or here in person, he will tell all the plots so far, as well as The original plan and the reason, the truthful confession, but it must be explained that in the end, he did not actually kill her, but he changed his mind and did not follow the original plan. Wouldn't it be better? But, no, This will reveal all his relationship with Roberta, and let Sandra and the Griffiths know, and it is not absolutely certain that he will die here.Moreover, after this escape, and after the scars were stated in the newspaper, would anyone believe it now? In this way, wouldn't it seem that he really killed her? Even if he tried his best to explain that he didn't, it wouldn't help.

It was probable that among all those who had seen him, at least a few would have recognized him from the features described in the papers, even if he were not now wearing gray clothes and a straw hat.God, they're looking for him, or a look-alike Clifford Golden or Carl Graham, to charge him with murder, but if he's the same as Clifford Golden He looks exactly the same, and those three people were found again, and he started to shake.And there are worse things.It occurred to him again, a dreadful thought, indeed, and at this moment, for the first time, that these initials were the same as his own! He had never thought of this level before. , now again, and he could see how fatal it was, why hadn't he thought of it before? Why? Why? Oh, my God!

Sandra called at this time.He was told it was her calling.However, even in this situation, he had to work hard to keep his tone on the phone.How is this sick child of hers feeling this morning? Is he better? He was suddenly ill last night, and it was so frightening.Now, is he really okay? Can he make the trip? That's good.The whole night last night, she was really scared, afraid that he would be too sick to go.However, since he also went, then everything went well.Darling! Does her little one love her very much, little one? She firmly believes that this trip will do him good.But, my dear, from now until noon, she has to use all the spare time to prepare.However, at one o'clock or 01:30, everyone will gather at the pier of Casino.And then, oh my! Oh? What a joy to be there! He went there with Bettina and Grant and some of the others who started from there.Once at the docks he could transfer to Stewart's motorboat.Of course they can have a good time and play a lot of tricks, but he has to go now.goodbye?

He was a colorful bird, and he flew away again.

But he had to wait three hours before he could get out of here, out of the danger of people looking for Clifford Golden or Carl Graham! But before he set off, he couldn't get out of here by the lake. Up, into the woods? Or, pack your suitcases, sit down there, and see if anyone comes up the long winding path from the main road, or takes a boat across lake come.If he sees anyone suspicious, he can run away, can't he? That's what he did in the end, just go into the woods and sit or walk around looking around, but keep looking, that's Who? What kind of boat is that? Where is it going? Is it going this way? What's on board? What if it's a police officer, one? Run away, (if you can, of course).But at last it was one o'clock in the afternoon, and the Cranstons' motorboat, with Bettina, Harry, Winant and himself, was heading for the pier.Once there, all the campers will be there, along with the servants.At Little Fish Bay, ten miles north on the east bank, they met up with the cars of the Baggots, Harriets, and others.There they were sent, with their packs and canoes, forty miles to the east, to Bear Lake, which was as wild as Big Bitterton, and almost as attractive.

What a joyful trip it would have been if it hadn't happened to him.The special joy of being close to Sandra.Her eyes kept saying how much she loved him.And, she was elated because he was by her side.However, Roberta's body was salvaged.His appearance was telegraphed everywhere and published in various newspapers and periodicals.Some of the others—on the boat, in the car—presumably read it too.It's just because I knew him that I didn't think of him.But, what if anyone thought it! What if someone guessed it! That would be terrible! Escape! Get caught! Police! The first people who would desert him, all of them, except perhaps Sandra.Even she would, yes, she would, of course.What terrors would appear in her eyes.

At dusk when the sun was setting, all the troops stayed on the west bank of the lake.On an open grass field, the grass is as smooth as specially maintained turf.Five tents of different colors, all surrounded by a fire, like an Indian village.The tents of the cook and the servants were farther away, and there were five or six canoes moored by the green lake on both sides, like flashing fishes, and then they had dinner around the open fire.Baguette, Harriet, Stewart, Grant, they prepared some dance music for everyone, then lit a large kerosene lamp, and organized a game of poker.Others sang camp songs and college hits.Clyde didn't understand a single song, but he managed to chime in.And bets: who's the first to catch a fish, or squirrel, or whatever, who's the fastest rower in the first race.Finally, there was a serious plan to move the tent at least ten miles eastward after breakfast tomorrow morning.There was an ideal beach, five miles from the Maitsey Light Hotel, where they could eat and drink to their heart's content.

And then, at night, when everyone was asleep and there was silence, what a beautiful place to camp.The stars! the mysterious, dark lake, rippling with the breeze, where the mysterious, dark pines murmured; To Clyde, it was really hard.How beautiful it all is, how beautiful, if... If it weren't for a kind of terror, like a skeleton following behind lightly.What he was afraid of was not just because of what he had done to Roberta, but because he was afraid of the authority of the law, lest the law would regard him as a murderer! Then came Sandra, while everyone else was asleep or hiding. Into the shadows, she crept out, to speak to him at last, and to kiss under the stars.He also whispered to her how happy he was, how grateful he was for her love and devotion, and for a moment he could hardly help asking her if anything should show that he was not as good as she imagined, could she still Loved him a little, didn't hate him terribly, but at last he refrained from fearing that, after the terror he had shown the night before, she might connect his present state of mind with the incident, or with the event. He is connected with the terrible and devastating secret that is consuming his life force.

After this he, with Baggett, Harriet, and Grant, lay for hours in the tent with four cots listening restlessly for the sound of soft footsteps, perhaps... Might be... God, even here, who can say what those footsteps mean? Law! Arrested! Exposed! Dead! Also, woke up twice at night from terrible nightmares And, as if... and afraid... he had actually shouted in his sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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