Chapter 30

Chapter 22
The head of the Griffiths of Lycurgus was far more conspicuous than the father of the Kansas City family.He is different from the younger brother who hasn't seen each other for 30 years, is short, mentally unclear, and manages the "Gate of Hope".He is tall and strong, although he is thin but has sharp eyes, and his manners and words are very alert.Because of his achievements, he considered himself superior in authority and business ability, and was always impatient with those who were inferior to him.He is not stingy, let alone annoying.He always maintained a calm, cautious demeanor.

He came to Lycurgus 25 years ago with a little money on his side, took advice from others, and invested in hard-collar businesses. Today, 25 years later, his home is undoubtedly one of the most luxurious and elegant residences in Lycurgus.They were also regarded as one of the few upper-class families in the borough, if not the oldest, at least one of the most conservative and respectable in the borough.His two youngest sons and daughters are among the best in social status among the younger generation.So far, his family's reputation has been very high.

He just signed a couple of contracts in Chicago that promise to be booming for at least a year.The smoothness of the journey also made him feel that everything was in harmony.In his absence, Griffiths' shirt and collar production was as orderly as ever, and orders were in good order.

As he entered the door, he had just dropped his bag and coat when he saw Bella springing towards him, as he had expected.His daughter Bella is his favorite thing, the most beloved and exquisite work of art he has created over the years, the highest crystallization of youth, fitness, intelligence and joy.

"Hi, Dad," she greeted sweetly as soon as he walked in, "Are you back?"

"Yeah, I'm back. My baby, how are you?" He opened his arms and picked up his little daughter who was running towards him.He kissed her and asked, "When I'm not here, are you naughty girl listening? Don't lie this time."

"Be obedient, I am the most obedient, Dad. If you don't believe me, you can ask whoever you want, and see if I am obedient."

"Where's your mother?"

"She's fine, Pa. She's upstairs in her own room and probably didn't hear you come in."

"And Myra, has she come back from Albany?"

"I'm back, I heard her playing the piano in her room just now! I just came back not long ago."

"I know, you must be out and running around again." He raised his fingers kindly, as if warning.Bella grabbed his arm and pulled him up the stairs.

"No, I didn't run around," she said softly. "You picked on me when you came back, Dad. I just went to play with Sandra for a while. Listen to this, Dad. They're going to Abandoning the house on Greenwood Lake, I want to build a big villa by Lake NO.12. Mr. Finchley also wants to buy a big electric yacht for Stuart. They will move there in summer, maybe from May to October Yue has been living there. The Cranstons are about to move there too."

Once the younger daughter said the last sentence, Mr. Griffiths knew what she was going to say next.Still, he listened with gusto.This is not for anything else, but in the social arena, No.12 Lake is indeed superior to Green Forest Lake.It was also because of this that the Fen Qilei family was willing to spend so much money all at once to improve their social status.

He didn't speak to Bella anymore, went into his wife's room, hugged her, and looked carefully at the eldest daughter Myra who came running, and then talked about the harvest of this trip.The way he hugged his wife showed that they were friendly and respectful, and the way he greeted Myra showed that he loved her too, although he didn't agree with some of her ideas.

They were talking when Mrs. Truesdale came in to say that supper was ready.Gilbert also changed and walked in.

"Dad," he said aloud, "I want to see you tomorrow morning and tell you something interesting, how about it?"

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow, you go at noon."

"Come on, everyone, the food is getting cold." Mrs. Griffiths reminded.Gilbert immediately turned and went downstairs, followed by Mr. Griffiths, taking Bella's hand. Mrs. Griffiths and Myra, who had just come out of the room, walked last.

The family gathered around the dinner table and immediately talked about some interesting local news.Bella was the primary source, gathering news from the Snatec school for family conversation.It seems that all the news can't be hidden from this school.She said suddenly: "Did you know, Ma? Mrs. Diston Nicholson's niece is that Royta Nicholson. Mrs. Nicholson came here from Albany last summer." , you remember. We held a graduate garden party on the lawn that night. Do you remember that little girl with yellow hair, blue eyes, and a little squint? Her father is the owner of a wholesale grocery store there. She came to visit last summer Mrs. Rembert's Utiga boy, Herbert Tickham, is engaged. I remember what he looked like, tall, dark, a little shy, quite pale, but handsome. Handsome, ah, like a movie star."

"Listen, Ma," said Gilbert mockingly, with a sly smile, "the students at Snatek School for Girls often send representatives out to the movies, so they can spot the movie stars."

Mr. Griffiths suddenly said: "I encountered a strange thing in Chicago, I might as well tell you about it." He thought of a person he saw in Chicago two days ago, and later found out that it was his brother Asa's eldest son.

"What's the matter, Daddy?" Bella begged him to hurry up.

"Dad, don't be a fool," Gilbert said too.Because his father likes him, he has never been restrained in front of his father.

"Well, when I lived at the Union Club in Chicago, I met a guy who was a cousin of the three of you, the eldest son of my brother Asa. I think Asa was in Denver. I haven't seen him in about thirty years I've passed him, and I haven't heard any news about him." He paused and said while thinking.

"Is that the uncle who preaches somewhere?" Bella asked, looking up.

"Yeah, that's him. At least he preached before he left home. But his son told me he's done with that now. He's working somewhere in Denver now, maybe in a hotel, I think."

"And what about his son?" Bella asked.Due to her social status and parental discipline, she can only meet some rich and conservative young people, so she is very interested in this matter.What kind of character was he, the son of a western hotel owner?

"A cousin? How old?" Gilbert interjected.What he is most concerned about is the character, status and talents of the person.

"Well, it seems that the young man is a bit interesting." Griffiths said hesitantly.Because he hasn't figured out what happened to Clyde yet. "He's handsome and well-behaved, and I think he's about your age, Jill. He looks like you too, with the same eyes, mouth, and chin." He looked Jill carefully, "just For one thing, he looks taller and thinner."

Gilbert was unhappy.Because he had heard that there was a cousin who was like him, and probably as good as he was in every way.You know, until now, everyone in Lycurgus knows that he is the heir to his father's business, at least one-third of the property.But now? What would people do if they found out that he had a relative, a cousin who was about his own age and looked and acted exactly like him? He didn't like it. (He himself can't figure out this kind of psychology, and he can't control it.) He was thinking in his heart that he didn't like him, didn't like him.

"What does he do?" he asked nervously and sourly, though he didn't want to ask the question in such a sour tone.

"All I can say is, he's not a big shot," Griffiths said with a smile. "He's just a waiter at the United Club in Chicago right now, but he's generally quite likable and a bit of a gentleman." Well, it's pretty good. He told me that he didn't have much chance to develop there, and he really wanted to find a more promising job. I said, if he wants to come here and try his luck with us, I will Can help a little, at least give him a chance to perform."

He didn't want to explain that he cared about his nephew all at once, but wanted to discuss it with his wife and children first.But since Clyde brought it up, he said it.He was also very happy, because Clyde was very like Gilbert, and he wanted to help him a little.

Gilbert was very reluctant, but Myra and Bella agreed.But Mrs. Griffiths was different.She has always stood with her only son, not even a relative.Myra and Bella were glad to hear that there was a cousin, also named Griffiths, who was handsome, about the same age, and who, according to Papa, was pleasant and well behaved.Mrs. Griffiths was displeased to see her son's displeasure, and to know that he did not like him.But she respected her husband's authority and ability to handle affairs, so she didn't say a word.But Bella said:

"You're going to give him a job, aren't you, Pa, that's great. But I hope he won't be as ugly as our other cousins."

"Bella!" Mrs. Griffiths snapped softly.But Myra couldn't help laughing when she thought of her cousins ​​from Vermont visiting them a few years ago and staying there for a few days, looking dumbfounded.Gilbert opposed the decision from the bottom of his heart.He felt that it was simply unreasonable.He spoke bitterly: "Of course, as far as the moment is concerned, we cannot refuse people who want to come in and learn our business immediately!"

"That being said," replied the father, "a nephew, a cousin, is another matter. And I think he's quite clever and enterprising. We take in some relatives, let them show off their talents, and No harm! I don't see why we can't hire him like we hire other workers."

"I think what Jill means is that he doesn't like a person with the same surname and the same appearance," Bella said slyly and maliciously.Because my brother usually always criticizes her.

"Nonsense." Gilbert scolded. "Can you use your brain when you talk? He has a different surname from mine, and he looks alike. What's bothering me?" His expression was even a little exasperated.

"Gilbert!" reproached the mother, "how can you say that, let alone to your own sister!"

"If it makes everyone unhappy because of this matter, I don't think so." Old Griffiths said, "I know best that his father has never been practical, and I wonder if he really has no chance for development .I brought him here to give him a head start. I don't know if he'll do it well. He may, he may not. If he doesn't..." He raised one hand, meaning, That would naturally throw him away.

"You are such a godly heart, the father of the child," said Mrs. Griffiths softly and happily. "I hope the child will be satisfactory."

"Besides," Griffiths said slowly, "as long as I hire him, I will not treat him differently from ordinary employees just because he is my nephew. He is here to work, not to visit relatives I hope any of you don't pay attention to him at social events while he's here at work. He's not one of those people who wants to depend on us, that's my impression. Being on an equal footing is simply a fool's idea. If he behaves well in the future, has some self-awareness, and can keep his seat, then you can consider taking care of him, but not now."

The maid Amantha removed the dishes and replaced them with sweets.Mr. Griffiths seldom ate sweets, except when entertaining guests.He often used this time to look at the stocks and checks in his study.He stood up, told everyone that he had something to do, and then left the dining room and went to the study.

"I want to see what he's like, how about you?" Myra asked her mother.

"Me too. And I hope he doesn't live up to your dad's expectations of him, or your dad won't be happy."

"I still don't get it," said Gilbert. "We're out of people and we're going to have to add people. And what would people say here if they knew my cousin used to be a waiter!"

"Could it be kept from them?" Myra asked.

"How can others not know? Unless we don't let him tell. But what if someone who has seen him in other places comes here? Isn't it all revealed?" He said more and more fiercely, "In short, he came to us all No good. It will only affect our reputation."

Bella went on, "I hope he's not as stupid as Uncle Allen's two boys. They're the most boring boys I've ever met."

"Bella." Mother scolded her again.

(End of this chapter)

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