Chapter 49

Chapter 215
Clyde is torn between Roberta and her status.Hadn't Gilbert warned him? On the one hand, his life didn't change from day to day.Except that he has moved, and the surrounding things and neighbors are several grades higher than before, other aspects are not better than before.In the past, after all, he could still be happy and pastime with young people.Mrs Peyton now has a 30-year-old son who works at a local bank, in addition to a single brother of his own age.Apart from the two of them, it was very difficult for him to come into contact with anyone else.Like everyone else, they felt that he had rich relatives here, so they didn't talk about hospitality.I'm afraid they will be suspected of being high-ranking after they talk.

On the other hand, although Roberta is not an upper-class person, he has a crush on her.He is very lonely, but also has physical and temperamental needs. His feelings are getting stronger and stronger, making him always stare at her every day, and she is also like this. The two often glance at each other secretly.She always glanced after his glance and tried not to let him notice, so he always felt a little nervous.Such a charming mouth, lovely big eyes, and that shy smile that makes people unforgettable.Well, what beautiful arms she had, and that dignified, slender, lithe figure.As long as he was brave enough to talk to her first and then meet her, everything would work out.

He was very troubled, very eager to get her.The duality of his existence not only confused him, but also annoyed him.Many people think that he has a lot of status and always has entertainment, but how lonely he is!

So, for fun without losing his status, without being discovered by those who thought he had a lot of social life, he used to go to Gloversel, Fonda, Amsterdam and other places on Saturday afternoons and Sundays Strolling around, I have also been to Gray Lake and Crane Lake.There are boats for hire, a lovely lake, swimming pools and bathing suits for rent.He always thought that if the Griffiths family took a fancy to him, maybe he would have a better life.Therefore, he must practice all kinds of social skills necessary.It happened that he met a man who could swim and dive and taught him all the skills, and he learned it very well.But his favorite is canoeing.He likes that kind of summer dress up best, a tourist shirt, a pair of canvas shoes, rent a deep red or grass green or blue canoe for a fee, and paddle around on the lake.Also, the summer scenery here is really like a fairyland, especially when a few white clouds float in the blue sky.He also began to fantasize: If he also entered the infatuated circle of rich people, he would often go to those famous resorts, such as Lackett Lake, Qulong Lake, and George Chabran Lake.How nice it would be to go dancing, golf, tennis, canoeing with the rich!

At this moment, Roberta and Grace discovered Crane Lake and thought it was a good place.The Newtons thought so too.So, they always come here to play on Saturday afternoon or Sunday.There was a path by the lake that led into the jungle, and she sat under a tree and looked out over the lake, for none of them could swim or row a boat.There are many wild flowers and wild fruits here, and they love the beautiful white lotus very much.Twice they gave Mrs. Newton some of these flowers.

On the afternoon of the third Sunday in July, Clyde was still lonely paddling a blue canoe on the South Shore Lake.Jacket and hat on one side, dreaming of climbing up.On the lake, there are some men and women rowing canoes or rowing boats, and bursts of laughter and laughter come from time to time. In the distance, there are some canoes and couples intoxicated in love.Clyde felt that their intimacy was in stark contrast to his loneliness.

The entanglement of men and women aroused his always suppressed sexual desire, and he always thought of another scene: he was born in another family.At this time, he may be on Qulong Lake, or Lake Rackett.Sitting in a canoe with Sandra Finchley or some girl on Crane Lake, looking at a better view than this, or he's riding a horse, or playing tennis, or going to a dance, or driving Take Sandra for a ride in a fancy car.But what about reality? He is lonely, lonely, flustered, and what he sees and hears here makes him very troubled, because he is surrounded by people in love, and they are all happy.And he couldn't go on being so unfortunate and lonely forever.

Now he was in the mood to go back to those short but really happy, happy days in Kansas City before that tragedy, and he thought of Ratterer's sister Louise, and his good friends before those disasters, Then there are people like Dilat, Rita, and Zela, who were much better then than now.Had the Griffiths forgotten him? Had he come here only to be ridiculed by his cousin, and scorned by the circle of friends he had seen? What a desirable circle.It is evident that even in the heat of summer they are constantly active and the local newspapers have news of their activities almost daily.Samuel Griffiths, Gilbert Griffiths in Lycurgus, those big luxury cars parked outside where they live, or offices, or Lycurgus hotels, or It's the mansion, and some young people from society are seen here and there.

In the factory, as long as Gilbert or Samuel enters the factory, he will be accompanied by senior staff such as Smillie, Rach, Cotper or Burke, and will carry out a different mission in this big factory. It is inferior to the emperor's inspection tour; or consult business with lower-level departments; or listen to their reports.And he, Gilbert's cousin, was left to do nothing, and it was clear to him now that he was not qualified.His father wasn't as capable as the great uncle, and his mother (may God bless her) wasn't as respectable and tactful as the cold, self-righteous aunt.Get out of here? He's a fool to come here, what are these relatives doing to him!

He was lonely, angry, disappointed, and thought again of the world of the Griffiths, and especially of the heartwarming Sandra Finchley.Then there was Roberta, and the world between them, she was poor, but she was certainly prettier than the other girls he saw every day.

The Griffiths had strict rules that a man like him should not associate with such a working woman, which was ridiculous. He was not even allowed to be friends with her, to go boating with her on this lake or to visit her house.However, he is also not qualified, and has no money to be with someone who is more prestigious than him.What's more, she is really beautiful, which is very attractive to him.At this time, he seemed to see her working skillfully and gracefully beside the machine, her snow-white, slender arms and hands, smooth skin, and those bright eyes.What had excited him in the factory excited him now.He felt that it doesn't matter whether he is rich or poor, it's just bad luck. If they can be together, he will be very happy, as long as they don't get married.Because the issue of marriage has been tightly locked by people like Griffiths.On the other hand, she aroused his lust again.As long as I can muster up the courage to talk to her a little more, take her home from the factory, and come for a rowboat on Saturday or Sunday, just hanging out together is fine.

He walked around a protruding place by the lake, which was a jungle with many trees, and there was a shoal beside it, with dozens of lotus flowers floating on it, and the lotus leaves were floating on the water.On the left side of the lake, there is a girl standing there, looking at the flowers.Since she was facing the sun, she took off her hat, covered her eyes with her hands, and looked at the lake, with her lips slightly parted, gazing at the lotus flowers.He stopped the oars, how beautiful she was! A light blue waistcoat with sleeves reaching just to the crest of the arms, and a dark blue flannel skirt showed her shapely figure.It's not Roberta? It's not who she is!

He rowed the boat beside her, about twenty feet from the shore, and he glanced at her, as if the dreamer suddenly appeared, excited.As for her, he seemed to be a happy elf that suddenly appeared, and she stood there, staring at him, with her lips parted slightly, showing that she was very happy.

"Oh, it's you, Miss Alden!" he cried. "I'm not sure it's you."

"It's me." She smiled.A little overwhelmed, and blushing because he really saw him.She was happy, but didn't make it obvious.But when she thought of the possible troubles associated with him, she was a little uneasy.In this way, with the relationship, no matter what, she could no longer refuse him in her heart.Beside her friend Grace Marr.Do you want to introduce? Do you want to confess? She was very flustered, but she still couldn't help smiling at him. She missed him very much all the time, and hoped to see him properly, and there would be no change.Now, he was right in front of him, and they were all here, which was very appropriate.

"Come out for a walk?" He asked awkwardly, looking both surprised and happy.He remembered the lotus she was staring at earlier, and asked again, "You want to pick lotus, don't you?"

"Yeah." She replied, still looking at him and smiling.The breeze was blowing his black hair, the light blue shirt was open at the neck, the sleeves were rolled up high, and he was holding yellow oars on such a beautiful blue yacht, which made her heart flutter.It would be great if he could be owned by her alone! It would be like living in heaven.As long as there is him, nothing else matters.And now, here he is, so satisfying.At this time, he raised his head and smiled at her admiringly.Her friend is looking for lotus in the distance, what should she do?

"I'm checking to see if there's any way past," she panicked, her voice trembling. "I've never seen a lotus here before."

"I'll pick it for you, no matter how much it is." He shouted excitedly, "I'll pick it for you, don't move." However, he immediately thought that it would be great if she could sit on the boat together.So he immediately changed his mind and said: "However, why don't you come on the boat? Let's pick them together. There are many lotus flowers over there. Anyway, there is still room on the boat."

Roberta hesitated.Just then, a green canoe came rowing, with a young man about Clyde's age on board, and a girl about her age.The girl is wearing a white dress and a pink hat; on the lake in the distance, there is also a golden canoe with a man and a woman on board.He thought it better for her to come on board alone, if possible, without her friends.She belonged to him alone.It would be nice if she came out alone.And now, Grace Marr might know about it, and she might talk nonsense or speculate later.And she thought, if he didn't get on the boat, he might stop liking her, or even hate her, that would be terrible.

She stood there quietly thinking, and when Clyde saw her hesitating like this, and he was really lonely, he suddenly shouted: "Don't spoil the fun, come down, okay? Come down, let's go find the lotus together. You I'll let you disembark wherever you want to leave. It's up to you."

She noticed his request, which pleased her heart and gave her courage a little more.She had seen that he had integrity.

"But I still have a friend." She looked a little melancholy and hesitant, after all, she just wanted to get on the boat by herself.At this point, she didn't enjoy being with Grace Marr as much as she usually did.Why bother? She's not pretty, and Clyde doesn't like her.This opportunity will be lost. "Also," she was a little cautious, and she was struggling fiercely in her heart, "wouldn't it be dangerous to disembark?"

"Of course not, come down." Clyde replied with a smile when he saw that she was a little moved.To add to her impression, he added, "Absolutely safe." Then he leaned the canoe against the shore, with a foot of water on the shore, and grabbed a tree to stabilize the boat, saying: " If there is no danger, call your friends, anyway, this boat can accommodate more than two people, and there are many lotus flowers over there." He shook his head to the east.

Roberta finally couldn't take it anymore, grabbed a branch, stood firm, and shouted at the same time: "Grace! Are you there? Grace!" She finally decided that it was better to be together.

A voice came from a distance: "I'm here, what's the matter?"

"Come here, I have something to tell you."

"Come here, there are lotus flowers here, and they are very beautiful."

"No, you should come here. Someone invited us to take a boat." She wanted to say this aloud, but she found that her voice could not be heard, and her friend continued to pick her lotus.She didn't know what to do. "Okay." She suddenly made up her mind, stood up and said, "Let's just row to her side."

Clyde was very happy, and said loudly: "Great, come down. Let's pick the lotus first. If we don't see her by then, then we will row to find her. Stand in the middle of the boat, that way we won't miss her." It would be too shaky."

He gave her the place and looked at her; Roberta was a little confused, but more pleased.Her whole body seemed to be happy.

She stood firm on one foot, "Is there no danger?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Clyde said emphatically, "I'll stabilize the boat, you just hold on to this branch and you'll be fine." He tried to steady the boat as she boarded.Then the canoe rocked slightly and she yelped like a little girl and sat down on the cushioned seat.

"It's nothing." He comforted her, "As long as you sit in the middle and don't dangle, you'll be fine. The world is so small. When I was rowing over there just now, I was thinking of you. It's a coincidence." He waved his hand and flicked his fingers.

When Roberta heard this, she was intoxicated and worried, and said, "Really?" You know, she was thinking of him just now.

"Really, it's more than that." Clyde went on. "Today, all day, I think about you, it's true. I think it would be too much if I saw you in the morning and brought you here." All right."

"Well, Mr. Griffiths, you should understand that I don't think so," said Roberta.She was afraid that this meeting would immediately make them intimate, and she didn't like it, because she was afraid of him as well as herself.She looked at him, pretending to be indifferent, at least indifferent, but this kind of pretending was very artificial.

"Well, it's beautiful here," admitted Roberta, "and I've been here a few times with that friend." She smiled, to Clyde's delight.

"Have you been here?" he asked.Then, he told her why he always came out and how he learned to swim. "Think about it, I was rowing on the lake, and you were watching the lotus on the shore. What a coincidence, you looked so beautiful just now."

"Mr. Griffiths," Roberta begged again, "please don't be so straightforward. If you do that again, I will regard you as the kind of person who only wants to flatter."

Clyde looked at her affectionately.She wondered what he would think if she told him she was thinking of him before she saw him, and wanted to be with him. She also thought of them sitting together talking.He might still have his arms around her.She understood that this was too scary, it would be broken if people saw it, and it was absolutely not allowed to let him know about it.This is too bold.But what would the people of Lycurgos think if they saw them so close! He was a master, and she was only a workwoman.Perhaps this will be considered a scandal.Fortunately, Grace Marr was still here and she could explain it to her.He came to row the boat and they knew each other.So, why can't he help her pick some lotus flowers?

Clyde turned the head of the canoe, and after a while, they were already in the lotus bushes. As he talked, he plucked the lotus and threw it at her feet.She leaned back on the seat and reached into the water for a splash.His head and arms and jet-black hair were so beautiful that she worried less.

(End of this chapter)

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