Chapter 79 (3)
Chapter 237 (3)
It is very dangerous, Mrs. Howard, dangerous both legally and morally, to think that this operation will free them of this responsibility.And medically, it is not allowed.Many women who don't want to have children die like this.Moreover, if any doctor performs an operation on someone else, he or she will be sentenced to prison regardless of whether the result is good or bad.I think you understand this too. In short, from any angle, I am firmly opposed to this kind of thing.The only exception, it seems to me, is when, say, an operation is necessary, otherwise the mother will not live.Besides absolutely not.In such cases, the medical profession is completely unanimous in its views.Take this case for example, I don't believe that the actual situation needs to do so.You appear to me to be a very strong and healthy girl.There is no great danger to you in having a child.As for economic reasons, you can rest assured that you and your husband will figure out a way after you have a baby, don’t you think so? You said your husband is an electrician, right?”

"Yes," said Roberta, uneasily.After giving him such a serious lecture, she couldn't help being more afraid and more awe-inspiring in her heart.

"Oh, that's all right," he went on, "it's not a bad job. At least all the electricians pay pretty well, and you just have to think, and you have to, that you're going to What you want to do is such an important matter. You actually want to destroy a young life, and this life also has its right to exist, just like you..." He paused, in order to let himself say The words hit her heart, "Well, well, I think you may also feel that you should calm down and think about it carefully, you and your husband, the two of you. Then," he continued, his tone was very smooth , at the same time with the tone of an elder, and it can even be said to be very touching, "As far as I know, once you have a child, it will definitely bring happiness to both of you, and this happiness will definitely far exceed that after giving birth. Tell me about it," he asked curiously at this point, "does your husband know about it? Or is it just your own plan to let him and yourself Save yourself all the trouble?" He thought that he could capture some of Roberta's pure female frugality and timidity, so he was smiling all over his face.In that case, he thought, he could easily change her mind.She was also aware of his thoughts, and thought that telling one more lie and one less lie would not help, nor would it hurt anything, so she replied: "He knows."

"Well, then," he went on.He guessed wrong, which was a bit of a disappointment, but he was still determined to stop them: "I see, you should think about this matter seriously before deciding what to do. I also know that young people come first." The first time something like this happens, I tend to look at it from the worst side, but it's not like that when I get over it. I remember my wife and I having the same mentality when we had our first child. But , we have also dealt with it. I believe that as long as you calm down and think about it now, and have a good talk with your husband, your views will definitely change, so that you will not have any burden on your conscience in the future I'm done." After he finished speaking, he believed quite confidently that the fear and determination that Roberta had when she found this place must have been swept away by him. Since she is a sensible and normal wife, she will definitely get rid of it. The previous thought, she will no longer think of her original plan, and then she will go back.

But she didn't happily acquiesce in his words, or get up to leave, as he expected.Instead, he just opened his eyes wide, looked at him in fear, and then burst into tears.Because, the overall effect of his speech was to remind her clearly of the general society and people's traditional views on such things, which happened to be something she had deliberately forgotten in the past.Had she been married under normal circumstances, she would have thought exactly as he said.However, now that she has come to this point, she finally understands that there is no way to solve her problem, and this person can't help her.Therefore, the most appropriate way to describe her mood at this time is morbid panic.

Suddenly, her fingers stretched out and gripped tightly, and at the same time she beat her knee hard.As for her face, it was convulsed with pain and fear.At the same time, he cried desperately: "But you don't understand, doctor, you don't understand! No matter what method I use, I must escape this disaster! I must do this. The truth is not at all like I just now As said. I am not married, I have no husband at all. But, oh, you don't know how much it matters to me. My home! My father! My mother! I have nothing to do with you Speak! But I must escape this catastrophe, I must escape! I must escape! Oh, you don't understand, you don't understand! I must escape! I must escape!" She moved forward for a moment. , backward for a while, left for a while, right for a while, swaying back and forth, as if possessed by a demon.

Glenn became suddenly surprised and sympathetic by the sudden change, and realized that his initial deduction was right.In other words, Roberta just lied.If he does not want to get involved in the state of right and wrong, he must act decisively and adopt a firm and even ruthless attitude.He asked seriously, "You said you're not married, right?"

Roberta just shook her head and kept crying, even if she answered his question.Dr. Glenn at last fully grasped her situation, and stood up with an uneasy but cautious vigilance and sympathy on his face.

But he didn't say anything at first.When she cried, he just looked at her silently, and after a while, he said, "Ah, ah, this is too bad. I am very sorry for you too." However, he was afraid of getting into something. , paused, and after a while, continued to mumble comfortingly: "Don't cry, it's of no use." Then he paused again, determined not to interfere with this thing.However, he really wanted to know the real situation of this matter, and finally couldn't help asking: "Well, then, where is the young man who caused your trouble? Isn't he here?

Roberta felt so ashamed, so disappointed.He couldn't say anything, he just shook his head to show his absence.

"But did he know you were in trouble?"

"Yes." Roberta reluctantly replied in a very weak voice.

"He ran away."

"Oh, I see. The little rascal! Do you know where he's gone?"

"I don't know," said Roberta weakly.

"How long has he been away from you?"

"About a week." She lied again.

"You don't know where he is either?"

"do not know."

"How long have you been sick?"

"It's been more than two weeks," said Roberta, choked up.

"Before this, were you always on time?"


"Well, first of all," his tone was much calmer than before, and he was a little happier, as if he had grasped a similar excuse to get out of this thing that had no good other than bad luck. "It may not be as serious as you think. You may be very frightened, and I know that, but it is not unusual for a woman to miss her period for a month. Anyway, unless it is checked, it cannot be concluded. Even if You're like, better wait another two weeks. Then maybe you'll find out that nothing is wrong. I don't think it's a big deal. You seem too nervous and flustered. Sometimes the menstrual period is late , just to be flustered. Anyway, if you listen to me, then no matter what you want to do, don’t do anything nonsense now. Go home first, and wait until you really understand it. Even if you think of something, before that, you must Don't mess around."

"But I've taken some pills, and they haven't helped," pleaded Roberta.

"What kind of pill?" Glenn asked seriously.When he figured it out, he just said, "Ah, this pill. Well, if you are really pregnant, this pill won't really work for you. But I'd advise you to wait. If you find out a second time Menstruation has not come, and there is still time to think of a way. But even so, I still advise you not to do anything wrong. Because I think it should not interfere with the laws of nature. If you can give birth to this child, be careful He, that's much better. Then you don't have to add to your conscience by killing a little life."

When he said that, his attitude was very serious, and he felt very decent.But Roberta herself thought the future was dangerous, and others didn't understand it, and cried out as dramatically as before: "But I tell you, I can't do that, doctor, I can't! I can't! You don't know .Ah, unless I can find a way to get out of this, I don't know!"

She shook her head, clenched her fists, and shook her body.Seeing her so frightened, Glenn resented the idea of ​​such debauchery, which he believed to be the result of her own debauchery.But such things only got him into trouble.In terms of business, it is not worthy of nostalgia.Therefore, still as determined as before, he said: "I told you just now..." He paused, "Miss Howard, if this is your real name, I would never have this operation. Like this This kind of debauchery has caused young men and women to be unable to clean up. A doctor will not care about these things, if he is not willing to suffer ten years of lawsuits. Moreover, in my opinion, the law is very fair, not to say that I don't know you now But a girl like you, as long as you don’t commit anything morally or legally prohibited, someone will help you. Therefore, I advise you now, no matter now or in the future, you should not mess around. It is best to Go home and tell your parents the truth. It's the best way. It won't be as sad as you think, and it won't be as evil as the other way. If it is what you say, don't forget that it is a life Problem. A life that you want to destroy. I will never help you with this. Maybe there may be doctors in this area, and there may be people in other places who are not as committed to professional ethics as I am, but I am not them, sorry. "

"So, the only thing I can do to help you is, go back and tell your parents. Maybe you're having a hard time, but you'll be fine. You can also ask them to come to me, and I'll talk to them, and I'll let them It's not the worst thing in the world, you know. But that thing you're thinking, I'm sorry, I can't do it, my conscience forbids me."

He stopped and looked at Roberta sympathetically, but with a determined look in his eyes.Roberta was stunned because the hopes she had pinned on him were dashed.She finally knew that not only did Clyde's information lead her to identify the wrong doctor, but her efforts also failed.She walked unsteadily towards the door, and a great fear came over her heart.The doctor sent her out politely and slightly sadly, and closed the door behind him.She walked into the dark, stopped and leaned against a tree, physically or psychologically she collapsed.He had already refused to help her.what should she do

(End of this chapter)

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