Chapter 91 (1)
Chapter 244 (1)
Those people who are good at dreams but have unreasonable mentality, once their hearts are hit, they have no perseverance, and the problems they face are complicated. Although they still have reason, their reason has been shaken or shaken, so it is unreasonable. Thoughts will dominate.Under such circumstances, for some people, since they cannot control the disaster they are facing, they have no choice but to let their panic and recklessness go. The group of people stopped occasionally in their embarrassing escape, thinking about how to avoid being wiped out by the entire army, but in a panic, they implemented inexplicable plans, thinking that they still couldn't get rid of the entanglement of fate.His eyes sometimes seem to be possessed by demons.It won't be long before he reorganizes the messy thoughts just now, and he will show this look at this time.However, he couldn't think of any way.However, the approach, implied in the news in Die Zeit, emerged like a tidal wave.From the point of view of psychogenesis, that thought came to him when he was panicked and depressed, but once the thought came up, he couldn't get rid of it.

This is indeed the depths of hell or heaven that he has never considered, never seen... This is another world, neither life nor death, a life different from his... Like Aladdin's magic lamp After being rubbed, the elf suddenly appeared - just like the mysterious bottle caught by the fisherman's net, a demon turned into a puff of smoke and rose up - the evil thoughts hidden deep in the heart suddenly emerged.This state, he both hates and helpless; it is both cunning and fascinated him; He's disgusted, or scared, but it still gives him freedom, success, and love.

The part of his mind which uses the intellect may now be compared to a sealed hall.He sat alone in the hall, with nothing to disturb him but his own involuntary thoughts of those mysterious, evil, terrible desires, or the idea that the depraved nature in his own heart suggested for him.He had neither the courage to drive his own thought away nor the courage to act upon it.

In the darkest, most cowardly part of his mind, a spirit spoke.It said: That being the case, Roberta's demands seem inescapable to you, but do you really want to get rid of them? Listen to me! I'll tell you how, Lake Pass.You have seen that news, do you think that this news was shown to you for no reason? Remember that Big Burton?

Remember that deep blue lake, and that little island to the south, and that deserted road to Three Mile Bay? How well suited to your distress! On such a lake, if a boat capsized, Roberta would not appear in your life again.She can't swim! That lake... that lake... the lake you've seen, I've already shown you, isn't it wonderful? hundred miles.Besides, it's so convenient for you and Roberta to go there.Not to go directly, but to find an excuse, an excuse that you have already promised.In fact, it's a fabricated wedding trip out of thin air, so that's fine.Now you just need to change the names of both of you, or it doesn't matter if she uses her original name, and the same goes for you.You never allowed her to mention you, to mention this relationship, and, indeed, she did not.You wrote her only ordinary letters.Now as long as you make an appointment with her, as you have promised, and don't let anyone see you, you may as well go to Great Burton with her, as you used to go to Fanta or thereabouts That's fine. "

"But there isn't any hotel in Great Berton," Clyde immediately corrected, "there is only one small room that can only accommodate a few people, and the place is not very good."

"It's better that way. There are fewer people there."

"But if we go there together, we might be seen on the train."

"In Fonda, in Gloversville, in Little Falls, didn't you also get seen? Didn't you all sit in the same car, in the same row? Couldn't you just do the same this time? Didn’t you just excuse yourself and say that this time it’s a secret marriage? Then why don’t you have a honeymoon?”


"Won't it be easy to paddle out on a lake like Great Biltton--there's plenty of it--when you get it right? No one asks you, and you don't have to put your real names on. Rent a rent a boat for an hour or half a day, or a day. You have seen the southernmost island on this desolate lake. Isn’t this beautiful island also worth visiting? Why don’t you go there before you get married? What about once? Wouldn't she be happy too? She's so worried and miserable right now, wouldn't it be nice to play once, to relax before enduring the torment of a new life? Isn't that very reasonable? Not coming back either. You're all going to drown, aren't you? Who's going to see you? Just a guide or two, and the guy who chartered the boat to you. And, as you say, plus a guest Shop owner. But they don't know your identities at all. Also, you have heard how deep the lake is."

"But I don't want to kill her. I don't want to hurt her a little bit. As long as she lets us go our separate ways, as long as we don't see her again, I will be satisfied."

"But she'll never let you go unless you're with her. If you go your way, you'll have to give up Sandra, give up everything she stands for, give up the happy life here, give up your Status, leaving your uncles, friends, and their cars, and the ball, and the guest at the lake house, all of this, you have to give up. What next? A humble status! A small salary !Being a vagabond again, like after that bad thing in Kansas City. No matter where you go, you'll never get another chance like this. Would you like to live like this?"

"But, right here, is something going to happen and ruin everything for me, like it did in Kansas City?"

"Of course, an accident, but of a different nature. Take this incident as an example. Everything is under your control. You can do whatever you want, and it's very easy. How many boats capsize every summer? Drowning is the easiest way, there is no noise, just silence forever! In this way, you will be free, and the corpse may never be found. Even if it is found, it will not be recognized. One. Isn't it a very simple matter? As long as you think about it in advance, people will think that you are visiting other places before you decide to go to No. 12 lake. What's wrong with that?"

"But what if I capsize the boat and she doesn't drown? What if she pulls on the boat and yells and tells people afterwards... No I can't do that, I don't want to Hitting her, it's horrible... so shameless."

"However, if you hit her lightly, she will panic and die, won't she? Although she is miserable, she will go her own way, won't she? But she doesn't want to, and won't let you Go your way, isn't it so unfair? And, don't forget, Sandra, this beauty, she's home in Lycurgus, has money and status that you won't get anyway .Love, happiness, rivaling anyone here, even your cousin Gilbert." The voice fell silent for a moment, and disappeared, and there was silence.

Clyde thought about the conversation he had just had with himself, but he was still skeptical, gloomy and fearful, maybe it could be said that he had a little conscience, suppressing the voice of advice in the hall.But then the thought came to Sandra and all that she stood for, and then to Roberta, when suddenly the ghost returned and spoke more subtly.

"You haven't made up your mind yet? If you don't find a way out, you won't find one. I have faithfully and diligently shown you a way out, and it's the only way out. It's the long lake district, And row out to a secluded place, isn't it easy to do? Find a place near the south shore where no one can see, where the water is deep, and from there go through the woods to Three Mile Bay and Upper Grace Lake. Wouldn't it be convenient? Go to the Cranstons from there, wouldn't it? There's a boat there, you know. You're too cowardly to go for what you dream of. Beauty, money, status, you're in All material and spiritual wishes have been fulfilled, otherwise, you will have to do a poor job and be a pauper."

"But the thing is you have to choose, choose! And then act, you have to! You have to!"

Said the ghostly voice as it left, echoing in the shadowy corners of the hall.

When Clyde first heard it, he was terrified and flustered. Later, he took an objective and calm attitude of thinking, like a kind of person who doesn’t care what he thinks, what he does, or what other people think to help him. Even if it is the most absurd and dangerous, he has to think about it.In the end, because he couldn't give up his life of pleasure and pleasure, because he didn't want to give up his dream, because of his spiritual and material weaknesses, he was fascinated, and even began to think that maybe it would work.Why not? Didn’t that voice also say that this is a feasible way, and all his dreams can be realized by only doing one bad thing, isn’t it? It’s just that for him, because he doesn’t have firm Will is fickle and has shortcomings and weaknesses. Therefore, this problem cannot be solved by just thinking about it.

So far as this matter is concerned, it will remain so for the next ten days.

He is really unable to do such a thing with his own will, and he will not do it.According to the original situation, I would only follow this most absurd and terrible idea or give up this idea completely.At this moment, however, he received a series of letters, seven from Roberta and five from Sandra.Although Roberta's pleading was well-reasoned and threatening, Clyde didn't dare to answer it at all, and he didn't even dare to make a phone call.For he thought that answering Roberta's words at this point in time would only lead her into a dead end, or lead her down the path which, as the tragedy on Pass Lake had shown, would attempt to solve his calamity once and for all. .

(End of this chapter)

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