world of planes

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

On the other end of the phone, I couldn't tell the age of the other party.
But it was probably about the same age as Li Yue herself, and there was no trace of anger and impatience in her tone because she didn't speak immediately!
A little nervous, and forgot Li Yue who spoke the first time,
He hurriedly made up for his rudeness, and the tone of his speech was unconsciously intimate,
It seems that this brother is relatively easy to talk to!
"Oh, I know, you are Uncle Li's eldest daughter! What's the matter? What's the matter, do you need my help?"

Luo Chen didn't feel that the girl opposite had any scheming intentions.
After all, the other party was a little nervous, and he could still feel it through the phone signal!
"Well, it's like this. My dad said that you can help us arrange to work in Xingchen Technology. I don't know if it's true?"

He looked cautious, as if he was afraid that the bamboo basket would be empty, and the joy would be empty.
"Didn't your dad say that you were an intern in a foreign company? Why, aren't you used to it?"

As a person who lives in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han, Luo Chen doesn't really care if he can let her work in his company,

As long as she can promise to do her duty, if it is not suitable,
Just fire her.
After all, he had promised Uncle Li that he would give him a chance to join the job, so he still had to sell his face!
"I submitted an application to terminate my internship before the May Day holiday. This company's salary, benefits, and other aspects are actually very good, but I can't adapt to their too westernized office model!"

Li Yue is a girl with a more traditional personality, even after she graduated from college,

She still looks like a good student, she doesn't care about dressing up, and she doesn't care about celebrity luxury,

Focus on learning and future career development,

Her classmates and teachers joked that Li Yue would go to the research institute in the future to do scientific research?
With a gentle and quiet temperament, he stands out from the crowd of competitors and successfully enters the world's top 500 companies, the Bashi Group,
At that time, Li Yue was the most enviable one among all the interns in their class!

However, wearing professional suits,

High heels, short skirts and stockings made Li Yue feel a little uncomfortable.

She will only feel disgusted and disgusted by her male colleagues and the strange and fiery eyes around her.

Coupled with the unique corporate culture of foreign companies,
Humanized management, everyone is the same equal, there are no different rules for men and women,

Even the toilets are mostly shared by men and women!
After several months of adaptation, Li Yue still couldn't take it anymore.

Even if the superior notifies her that her performance has met the requirements for regularization,

She still decided to leave, resolutely!

Interns do not need to apply for resignation one month in advance,

Just a week in advance is enough,

Li Yue had already completed all the handover work yesterday, and today is her last day on duty!

"Oh, if that's the case, that would be great! You can come here at any time, and you can report for duty at any time. I will notify them from the personnel department!"

Luo Chen didn't think about it that much, or broke the casserole and asked the end,

Since the girl on the phone for the first time said so, just trust her,

Anyway, Luo Chen doesn't care, is there anyone who will design a routine for him!
Luo Chen is still willing to keep the trust between people and the sincerity of being a human being!

"Huh? I don't need to interview and take the assessment? Can I just report to the company directly!"

What is the position of this acquaintance?

Talking so directly, it's like he's the boss himself!
Li Yue is a little unsure. Is this person really an employee of Xingchen Technology?

It can't be a bad guy who uses the banner of a big company to bluff and deceive everywhere!
"You can go to Xingchen Science and Technology Park with Li Ming, he is your brother, right? Let's visit the working environment first. When you get to the gate, call me and I will ask someone to bring you in!"

Luo Chen didn't think so much,
It is true to have spiritual perception, but let alone beyond the distance, he is generally unwilling to use this ability in the main world.
To spy on other people's invisibility!

But since I promised my sister, the younger brother I agreed with before,
Naturally, it's hard to say that there is only one person, and it's to prevaricate Uncle Li, who is an acquaintance.
One sheep is also herding, and two sheep are also being chased,

Both siblings are from prestigious universities, so they must have real talents.
If Star Technology wants to continue to grow and develop, it cannot do without a large number of people.

Whether ordinary people or high-quality talents,
Luo Chen is now always open to comers!
"Oh, good, thank you Brother Chen!"

When Li Yue heard these words, the suspicion in her heart disappeared immediately.

How can it be possible to bluff and cheat in other people's factories?

After feeling relieved, he quickly called Brother Chen sweetly!
In the future, maybe we will have to deal with each other frequently, and there is also the relationship between my father,

He directly agreed to arrange work for him, and called him Brother Chen,
Li Yue also took it for granted!
After hanging up the phone, Luo Chen walked towards the elevator,

At the same time, send a message to tell Yang Shasha that he is waiting for her downstairs!
The relationship was delayed for a while,
When Luo Chen came to the lobby on the first floor, he couldn't even see a single figure.

It may be that there are not enough people today, or the efficiency of the elevator is too high,
All employees, when it's off-duty time,
The boss himself said it all,
They are not active after get off work and have problems with their thinking. Naturally, they run fast!
The clerk at the front desk hasn't come to work today,
The cleaning aunts who do hygiene also leave work on time,

Luo Chen also didn't say that he wanted to hide his relationship with Yang Shasha, he just stood at the gate,
A quiet look of waiting, like a wife-watching stone!
But for a minute or so,
Yang Shasha, who was dressed in a rare formal dress and had a smiling face, walked over on high heels.
"Hey, why are you standing here waiting for me? If someone else sees it, won't you be gossiping about me again?"

While walking over in an awkward posture, he also used his nervous little hands,

Pull Luo Chen to the parking lot and walk quickly!
Red nail polish, black stockings?

Why didn't I notice this when I was in a meeting?

Is it because there are too many people!
Luo Chen held a handbag in his left hand, which contained a brand new lunch box.
The right hand was embraced by his girlfriend in front of his chest, pulling him forward!
The strange personal feeling, coupled with the visual charm brought by the sudden change of style,

Can't help but make Luo Chen's heart beat faster!


Because of the energyization of his body, it is impossible to do anything at all!

And to be honest,
If Luo Chen appreciates it by himself, he still likes it very much.

But Yang Shasha is like this, wantonly exuding the charm of women, he is more or less tasteful,

There is always a feeling that my girlfriend is being taken advantage of by others,

Being taken advantage of by others is equivalent to Luo Chen being taken advantage of by others!
never mind,

As long as she likes it, I'd better put up with these grievances!

(End of this chapter)

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