Chapter 112
Fanwei Restaurant.

I stood at the door and looked around. Compared with other Chinese restaurants, this place only has a different name, and there is not much difference in appearance and layout like modern ones.

"What are you looking at, let's go!"

The woman in white glanced at me, walked straight inside, and I followed.

When I entered the restaurant, I felt that I was a little wrong, and it turned out to be slightly different.

Although the layout and furniture are still in Chinese style, the murals on the walls and the music in the restaurant already have a Western flavor.

There are not many people in the restaurant, probably because most Chinese people have not yet accepted western things.

The woman in white chose a seat by the window and sat down, quietly looking out the window, thinking a little.

I also sat down slowly, looking at her delicate face and fair skin, I was a little obsessed.

The waiter brought two menus and put them in front of us, then stood respectfully beside the woman in white.

The woman in white didn't even glance at the menu, she spoke slowly.

"Black pepper steak, medium rare, mashed potatoes, borscht, thank you."

The woman in white simply finished ordering the menu, and then turned her eyes to me, as if she wanted to see my joke.

"A red wine steak, medium rare, milk corn soup, pasta, thank you."

The waiter quickly wrote it down, then turned and left.

I could feel the surprised eyes of the woman in white, slowly raised her head, and stared at her.

"Tang Zhongzheng, don't you know Miss Fang's name?"

"Qin Ruonan, you can call me Ruonan or Rose."

"Rose, you are indeed as beautiful as a rose."

I looked at Qin Ruonan with an expression, and praised him flatteringly.

Qin Ruonan couldn't help laughing suddenly, his laughter was as crisp as a copper bell.

"I didn't expect you to be quite funny, but you are also very dishonest!"

I smiled embarrassingly, and took a sip of water in embarrassment.

Girls who have stayed abroad are different. They speak straightforwardly and neatly, no different from modern girls. It seems that Qin Ruonan and I chatted a bit speculatively.

"I'm a normal man, let me ask, is there any man who won't be tempted by such a beautiful woman?"

Qin Ruonan blushed immediately, turned his head to look out the window, and ignored me.

In order to break the awkward atmosphere, I started to find something to say.

"Excuse me, why are you called Ruonan?"

"Then why are you called Zhongzheng?"

This woman is still a hedgehog, she always wraps herself tightly, and there are thorns everywhere, but she is just like the name, a rose with thorns.

"My father always wanted a boy, but my mother only gave birth to a girl like me. Because of this, my father always felt that he was missing something, so I called him Ruonan."

"Why are you there?"

Qin Ruonan and I asked at the same time.

Both of them were surprised for a moment, and couldn't help laughing.

"Ladies first, you go ahead."

I left the trap to Qin Ruonan and looked at her with a smile on my face.


Qin Ruonan looked at my sinister expression and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay! Let me say first, I went there to find opium, what about you? Is it also to find this?"

"Yes, I'm also looking for opium. That's my hobby, isn't it?"

I asked a question back, trying to figure out her hidden secrets.

"Of course, I thought you were an upright gentleman, so..."

The woman in white suddenly stopped talking and looked at me with contempt.

"So you're a hypocrite?"

Seeing her expression of not stepping on it, I took the next step.

"Don't you? You don't look like you are short of money. If you have the ability, go smoke it openly! Why do you want to steal?"

Qin Ruonan asked in confusion, with a look of suspicion.

"You're wrong, I'm actually a poor man, and I just rented this outfit."

Seeing Qin Ruonan's serious expression, I planned to make fun of her.

"How is it possible?! If you are a poor ghost, then I will die. Is there any poor ghost who can understand foreign languages ​​and eat Western food!"

Qin Ruonan's words were right, and exposed my lies.

"Okay! That's the end of the joke."

"Not funny at all."

Qin Ruonan pretended to be angry and ignored me.

After a while, all the meals we ordered were served.

"Such a festive day, don't we have something to drink?"

When I looked at the table full of things, I always felt that something was missing. It turned out to be wine.

Qin Ruonan snapped his fingers proudly, and the waiter came over immediately.

"Ma'am, what else do you need?"

"Bring me a bottle of red wine."

According to such a plot, a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite is really nothing at present, and maybe there is no such thing!
"Which do you want? We have..."

"The most expensive."

Qin Ruonan was simple and straightforward, and ordered the most expensive red wine directly. Although I don't know how much the most expensive red wine is worth, I know very well that my purse has been lost.

It's just that I'm penniless now, if I pay the bill later, I will definitely be beaten as if I'm eating a king's meal.

However, it is impossible to be beaten, but the behavior of not eating other people's food is not good, at least with Qin Ruonan, wouldn't I lose all my face?
I remained calm and acquiesced to Qin Ruonan's decision.

The waiter brought up the red wine, put it in front of us, and asked with a low body.

"Ma'am, is the wine open now?"


The red wine was opened, and the rich aroma of the wine wafted out immediately.

The waiter poured wine into our glasses and walked away.

Qin Ruonan picked up the wine glass and shook it gently, allowing the bright red wine to fully blend with the air.

"Come on, let's make a toast to our shared adversity."

I raised my wine glass, and deliberately emphasized the words 'common weal and woe'.


After clinking a glass with me, Qin Ruonan picked up the glass and drank it down.

The red wine enters the mouth and flows into my taste buds, soft and full of flavor.

It is indeed the most expensive red wine, but unfortunately I didn't drink anything.

Appreciating every movement of Qin Ruonan's wine tasting, I became a little crazy.

"The luminous cup of grape wine, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately remind me. Jun Moxiao, who is drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times."

I couldn't help reading a few lines of Wang Han's poems, and I felt infinite emotion in my heart at this time.

""Liangzhou Ci", I didn't expect you to be an emotional person."

Qin Ruonan cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth.

"I'm very emotional, but more realistic. What I care about now is why is such a beautiful woman there?"

I gently cut the steak with the knife and looked up at Qin Ruonan.

She was slightly drunk, poured herself another glass, and drank it down.

"I said it was my home, would you believe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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