Chapter 15
"It's human nature. It seems that your feelings for him are only at the stage of admiration. When the admiration is gone, the feelings will fade."

I think this is a common problem among women. Their feelings for men start with admiration. When the seeds of feelings have not germinated, if the admiration is gone, they will basically stop thinking about this man.

"Even if there is nothing between us, the gossip and gossip in the palace seems to have never stopped. I don't know how those things got out. I only know that whether it's the eunuch or the maid, they are all whispering in secret."

"It's better to guard against people's mouth than Fangchuan. Since it's a rumor, why don't you stop it?"

I know that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty were best at curbing rumors, and the literary prison is the best proof.

"The first emperor seems to have always been happy to see such rumors come true, so why should I go against his dragon scales?"

Lan'er sighed, and then said leisurely, "When the first emperor was seriously ill, I was the one who wrote and reviewed the memorials all the time. There were many ministers in the court who had opinions, and what's more, it was said that the first emperor was the hen. Keep an eye out and hold my handle in your hands, once I have a different mind someday, he will use it to make use of it."

"So, Emperor Xianfeng never trusted you."

A person in a high position always laments that he can't get his sincerity, but he has never given his sincerity to others.

And I, the path I chose is destined to be accompanied by loneliness. How can I make such a big country rise up in the artillery fire of the great powers, and how can I make her stand in the forest of the world and let her continue to outshine others.

"I'm just a pawn of the late emperor, so there's nothing to trust me!"

"I trust you." I said emotionally, and took Lan'er's hand, "Are you willing to build a strong country with me? Create a peaceful era without war, powers, and classes."

Lan'er raised her head and looked at me a little bewilderedly. After a long time, she suddenly burst out laughing.

"Zhongzheng, it's good for people to have dreams, but now we can't even protect ourselves, how can we talk about the future."

I understand Lan'er's meaning, she really wants to continue saying, 'You should wash up and sleep'.

Although she now thinks that I am dreaming in the Arabian Nights, one day, I will realize my ambition.

"Let's go to school and learn the Analects of Confucius."

I changed the subject and stopped talking. Sometimes, it’s good to keep these things in mind, and there’s no need to advertise them to the world.

"That's right, it's time for me to study more. The emperor is young, so I need to help him more."

Lan'er stood up, walked in front, and went to the hall. I followed behind and sat behind the table in the hall.

"My queen, let's continue reading."

Today, we read the Analects together and express our own opinions. The atmosphere is more relaxed than ever, as if Sushun is not in Rehe, we have never faced death.

However, in the evening, the arrival of a young eunuch completely disturbed our tranquility, and what he brought would be strong wind and heavy rain.

At this moment, the moonlight outside the window is just right, shining on the ground, like flowing water waves, gentle and lingering, but, under such beautiful moonlight, there is a bloodthirsty sharp knife hidden among the flowers deep in the palace!
(End of this chapter)

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