Chapter 42
"Nonsense, it's already daylight, where did the ghost come from!" Lan'er shouted angrily, and slapped the table heavily.

"Since there are ghosts, let's go and see, this thing is not easy to see."

Although I said so, I dismissed it in my heart. Is it a bit of a coincidence that this 'ghost' appeared? As soon as Yixin and I came, this ghost appeared, it seems that someone deliberately arranged it.

"That's right, I'm so old, I haven't seen a ghost yet, Mr. Tang, let's go and see together!"

Obviously, Yixin and I have the same thoughts. If I doubt it now, the biggest suspect in this matter is Lan Er in front of me.

It's just that I know her character, and she definitely wouldn't do such a thing, so who else could it be besides her...

"Since this is the case, then Aijia will accompany you to take a look. Aijia also wants to know who did it!"

Laner stood up from the collapse and walked in front of us. Yixin and I looked at each other and followed behind Laner.

When we arrived at the Imperial Garden, the 'ghost' had long since disappeared, and there were only two young eunuchs squatting on the ground shivering, as if they had been extremely frightened.

Without thinking about it, I know that these two are the witnesses of the 'ghost', but they are already scared out of their minds, so they probably can't ask anything.

"Both of you, look up." I was thinking about it, and Laner had already spoken.

The two young ladies listened to Lan'er's words, and immediately kowtowed tremblingly, "The Queen Mother, save this servant! There is a ghost! There is a ghost!"

"What does the ghost look like? Where did it come from, and where did it go?" Prince Gong ignored the two young eunuchs' excessive fright at all, and began to interrogate them when they came up.

"No, no, I don't know! We don't know!" The two young eunuchs were sweating from fright, and they spoke incoherently.

I couldn't bear it, and said to the little eunuch next to me, "Let's help the two of them go back to rest, take good care of them, and don't have any accidents."

Even though I said that, I still had some doubts in my heart. These two little eunuchs seemed to be quite frightened, but the more they were like this, the more likely they were the accomplices of that 'ghost'.

They did this to confuse our attention. If this matter was not instigated by Lan Er, then this person's purpose would be obvious.

The so-called "ghost" is nothing more than to prevent us from continuing to investigate.

"It seems that we don't have that good luck today." Lan'er glanced at the two little eunuchs, turned and left with a cold expression.

Prince Gong and I also followed her back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When we arrived at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Lan'er put away her indifference just now and put on a look of doubt, "Master Tang, please tell me, what happened behind the scenes?" Those people, what is their purpose of arresting the maid?"

What Lan'er asked at this moment is exactly what I am wondering now, what is the purpose of those little maids, are those people just to create panic? !It seems that there is no need for this!
Under the cover of 'ghosts', what kind of evil intentions are they hiding!
"In my opinion, there are two situations in this matter."

According to what Prince Gong said, he probably already had an idea, so I couldn't help looking at him curiously.

"Which two situations?"

"One is seeking revenge, and the other is witchcraft." Prince Gong replied firmly.

I didn't expect that Prince Gong's thoughts coincided with mine. It seems that we are definitely good comrades who share the same goals!
"What Liu Ye said is very possible, but I think there is another possibility." I couldn't help but add.

"Which possibility?" Prince Gong looked at me with more interest in his eyes.

"There is a knife on the head of Sezi!" I expressed my meaning implicitly.

"Impossible, except for the emperor, it's impossible in this palace..." Prince Gong stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, and then immediately knelt on the ground, "Queen Mother, I definitely don't mean that!"

"The Ai family knows that the emperor is only six years old. Could it be that there are other people in this palace?" Lan'er also thought carefully.

"I'm just talking casually. In fact, revenge and witchcraft are more likely. Moreover, I know that many witchcraft use young girls."

I also watched these things on TV. In fact, I don't know the specific situation.

"He dares to practice witchcraft in the palace. This person is really daring. I will leave this matter to Liu Ye and Master Tang. I hope you can solve the case sooner."

"Don't worry, Queen Mother, I will definitely solve the case this morning."

Yi Xin cupped her fists at Lan'er, and then gave me a look. I understood, so she said to Lan'er, "If the Queen Mother has nothing to do, then I will leave first."

"Go ahead, if you two find it inconvenient, you can temporarily live in the palace." Lan'er said casually.

"Queen Mother, it's not appropriate to make a fuss about this matter. It's better for me to investigate carefully in secret." Yi Xin declined.

"It's estimated that the people behind the scene have already noticed it. Sixth Master, it's better not to have any more scruples."

"The minister obeys the order."

After Yixin and I withdrew, we followed the little eunuch to the Shouchun Palace. Now Laner lives in the Chunxi Hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so she arranged for Yixin and me to live there.

After the little eunuch sent us there, he said goodbye and left. Yixin and I were the only ones left in the huge room.

"Zhongzheng, who do you think did this?" Yixin sat down and asked me.

I also sat on the chair and shook my head lightly, "I have no clue about this matter, let's see what common characteristics those missing court ladies have in common."

"Sixth Master, Master Tang, this is the result of the slave's previous investigation, and now I'm sending it to you two." An Dehai flatteringly put a notebook on the table, and then stepped aside.

The current An Dehai is completely different from the previous An Dehai in Rehe, and his arrogance is more than 01:30.

"Since the things have been delivered, let's leave." Yi Xin said to him.

An Dehai bowed to us, but he was still unwilling to back down, "Master Liu, if there is anything you don't understand, this servant can help you answer it at any time."

"No, you go back first."

I want to take this opportunity to get rid of An Dehai, he's just getting in the way here.

"But..." An Dehai looked at us, and his eyes fell directly on Yixin's finger, "The queen mother said that the slave made meritorious service in Rehe, and he would want any reward..."

"Why, are you asking for a reward from us?!" Yixin was slightly angry, but she didn't show it.

I can see that Yixin is already dissatisfied with An Dehai, and my plan for a while will probably go more smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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