Chapter 62
"Hehe..." I pretended to be mysterious with a smile, and then replied solemnly, "Master Luo, I heard that Shi Dakai is quite talented!"

"Yes, he is indeed a rare young hero." Luo Bingzhang said slightly regretfully.

"Since it is a talent, why can't it be used by the court?" I continued to guide Luo Bingzhang.

After listening to my words, Luo Bingzhang shook his head immediately, "Master Tang doesn't know something. This Shi Dakai is a stubborn ass. It is impossible to persuade him to surrender."

"If you don't try, how will you know it's impossible? In this way, let me try, maybe things will turn around." I fought for the chance to meet Shi Dakai.

If only I could see him, it would be possible to convince him, if only he would yield now, I would wait and see to get him out.

What's more, persuade Lan'er to reuse him, and then he will be able to contribute to the revolution.

"Master Tang, this..." Luo Bingzhang hesitated, looked at me with a troubled expression, and explained, "This Shi Dakai is a repeat offender, so he can't be visited easily."

"I understand this, Mr. Luo has a heavy responsibility, and he must not be careless." I first complimented Luo Bingzhang, and then put on an official tone, "However, please don't worry, Mr. Luo, I am just a lobbyist. If the Queen Mother blames it, I will do my best.”

"With Master Tang's words, I will arrange for Master Tang's next prison cell." Luo Bingzhang was relieved after getting my assurance, but he was still worried, "Master Tang, I can only arrange for Master Tang Half an hour, I don't know my lord..."

"No problem, but I want to talk to him alone, just send someone to guard outside." I took the opportunity to make a condition.

"Okay, I will make arrangements as soon as possible, I wonder where my lord is staying today?" Luo Bingzhang asked politely.

"This time I only brought a personal entourage, but I haven't settled down yet."

I can't let Luo Bingzhang discover Chen Yucheng, otherwise, not only will I not be able to save Shi Dakai, but even myself.

After all, this is Luo Bingzhang's territory. Although he is polite on the face, his aura is there, and I won't be allowed to be presumptuous.

"Since this is the case, how about Mr. Tang being wronged and living in the lower official's house temporarily to ensure his safety?" Luo Bingzhang suggested.

He wanted to monitor me. After all, I made a request to see Shi Dakai, which was unreasonable. However, I knew he wanted to monitor me, but I couldn't refuse.

If he refuses, he will definitely have doubts about me.

"Okay, let's bother Mr. Luo then." I bowed my hands towards him as a way of expressing my gratitude to him.

Luo Bingzhang returned the gift and led me to his house.

After arriving at Luo Mansion, Luo Bingzhang arranged me in the guest room, which is said to be the best room in the entire Luo Mansion.

I sat on a round wooden bench in the middle of the house and looked at the best room. It was raining lightly today, and the roof had begun to leak water. The surrounding furniture was so old that I don’t know its age.

It is estimated that the things in this room can be called antiques.

If this is the best room in Luo's mansion, then I have to admire that Luo Bingzhang must be a rare and honest official.

Judging by his age, he should have been an official for many years. Besides, to be able to occupy such a high position as Governor of Sichuan must be someone with old qualifications.

Moreover, judging from his defeat of Shi Dakai, he must be a man with good command of the army and a strategy.

It is a blessing for the people to have such good officials in the Qing Dynasty.

"My lord, the room here is leaking, why don't my servants go and block the roof for you." Mei Shuang walked in holding an umbrella, and said as she walked.

"No need." I replied.

I can't let a girl brave the rain to cover the roof for me. Besides, if we do this, Luo Bingzhang will definitely lose face.

For such a good official, I must have the minimum respect, although we may become enemies in the future.

"But, my lord, this house is leaking, how can you live in it?" Mei Shuang looked at me worriedly.

"It's okay, as long as the bed doesn't leak rain, besides, it's a different feeling to be able to hear the sound of rain falling while sleeping." I comforted Mei Shuang.

Mei Shuang sighed and teased me with a smile, "My lord, you are the only one who can have fun while suffering!"

"Hey, how can it be regarded as having fun while suffering, this is called having fun while having fun! Go to sleep quickly, I'm going to rest too." I urged her to leave.

I urged her to leave because I wanted to go to Tianlun Jue to continue studying. After all, I have been with Mengyao for several years, and I haven't completed the task yet, so I am anxious.

Being able to graduate from Mengyao's place, going to a grave in the future, making a divination or something is not a big deal.

"My lord, the servant should stay and take care of you. The environment here is so bad, and the servant can help the lord to share the burden." Mei Shuang said, and was about to lean on me.

I immediately reached out to stop her, and said solemnly, "Mei Shuang, you should go back to your room first. As the saying goes, if a man and a woman can't kiss each other, you always stick to me, so how can you get married in the future?"

"My lord, you don't despise my slaves, do you?" Mei Shuang's face was hurt, and after a while, she returned to normal, "My lord, Mei Shuang is already yours, no one dares to take Mei Shuang."

"I think Chen Yucheng dares to ask for it." I teased her.

Along the way, I found that Chen Yucheng has a good impression of Mei Shuang. Although he keeps hitting her with his mouth, he keeps taking care of her. If the two of them can get together, it would be a good thing .

"My lord! Don't mention that bastard to your servant!" Mei Shuang's face flushed red when she mentioned Chen Yucheng.

"Hehe..." I chuckled and shook my head, echoing Mei Shuang's words, "Okay, okay, don't mention it, it's not appropriate to mention it here, okay, go back to sleep."

Seeing my firm attitude, Mei Shuang reluctantly left, and I went to bed and entered Tianlun Jue.

I entered the third room, Mengyao was waiting there, there was a board of chess pieces on the stone table, and she was sitting beside the chessboard and deliberating.

Seeing me coming, he raised his head and smiled at me, "Master, it's been a long time."

"Recently I've been busy on the road, traveling day and night, and I always have no time." I explained and walked over.

I looked down at the chessboard, it turned out to be an end game, I was curious, "Mengyao, are we going to learn how to play chess today?"

"No, young master, look, although this is a broken game, the chess pieces are arranged according to the five elements and eight trigrams. The task of young master today is to break the broken game."

After Mengyao said this, I realized that there is indeed a mystery in the placement of the chess pieces.


(End of this chapter)

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