Chapter 67
After listening to Shi Dakai's words, I felt unspeakably aggrieved, and even had doubts about his character.

First of all, I tried my best to save him, and even thought of taking the risk of robbing him, but he didn't appreciate it. Now, when I was in such a predicament, I actually said the words of walking away.

How could I have misread him!
"It's okay to leave." I suppressed my anger and said lightly.

"Shunzi, let's go!" Shi Dakai said angrily to the little eunuch.

He looks like I owe him something.

I even doubt whether this historical record is reliable. Perhaps, from the moment I changed the history, everything has changed.

The 'little eunuch' called Shunzi was stunned for a long time, then shook his head firmly, "Yi Wang, you go, I can't go now, Mr. Tang is facing such a big crisis, I can't just go away .”

Listen, the so-called hero is not as good as a child, so it's really unnecessary for me to win him over.

"Hmph!" Shi Dakai snorted coldly, and cast a hostile glance at me, "Qinggou, do you think you can take me back with a cruel trick! Dreaming!"

"Since I can't subdue you, please do what you want, I am really too lazy to subdue people like you now." I was already very impatient.

I don't like to argue with others, but now I really can't bear it, it's obvious that the dog bit Lu Dongbin!
Shi Dakai glanced at me coldly, seeing that I didn't intend to do anything, he tentatively got out of the carriage, and we continued to move forward.

I know that Luo Bingzhang's soldiers must be following us. He was so worried when we left, and with his wily and calculating character, he would never let us go.

When Shi Dakai parted from us, he was undoubtedly going to die.

The carriage traveled all the way, and after leaving Chengdu, it met Han Yun and Chen Yucheng.

"No, where is King Yi? Why didn't you come with you?" Chen Yucheng looked puzzled.

As soon as Mei Shuang saw Chen Yucheng, she immediately became angry, "He went on his own way, why are you so fussy!"

"Sir, what's going on?" Chen Yucheng looked at me puzzled.

I wasn't in a good mood either, but I didn't have an outburst with Chen Yucheng. After all, this matter was beyond his control. "Shi Dakai felt that I had ulterior motives, so he left by himself."

"Chen Yucheng, why did my lord offend you? You came up with such a bad idea. Now my lord is falsely preaching the imperial decree. Going back will be a serious crime of beheading, and losing a serious offender like Shi Dakai is an even worse crime! "

"This..." Chen Yucheng looked apologetic, and after thinking for a while, he said, "My lord, in this way, if Qinggou makes things difficult for you, and I go out to take the blame, I will say it was all my idea, and my lord was completely kept in the dark .”

I waved my hand, "Okay, now is not the time to pursue responsibility, let's think about how to deal with it when we go back."

"My lord, we'll see what the Queen Mother has to say when we get back." Mei Shuang was a little dejected.

I pressed my temples and felt a slight pain. I was really pissed off by Shi Dakai today.

However, if he is safe and sound, then he will have to ask for his own blessing. I have tried my best.

May 1861, 11 sunny
We went back and forth for a few days before returning to the cottage. I was exhausted, and I couldn't think of a good solution after thinking about it for a few days.

This matter is really just like what Mei Shuang said, just look at how Lan'er sent me off.

"My lord, look, we've already done it, and the little seedlings have grown." Wan Quan reported to me excitedly.

After hearing what he said, I immediately followed him to those greenhouses. The weather is already very cold, but this greenhouse is as warm as spring. I took a closer look and found that furnaces were fired in these rooms.

Those small seedlings are lush and lush, and there is a room in which short-season vegetables are grown, which have grown to a height of more than ten centimeters.

"These dishes are already edible, but the brothers are reluctant to eat them until they grow taller." Wanquan introduced me excitedly.

"These coriander and small rapeseed can indeed grow longer, but don't let the brothers live too hard, eat as much as you want, and plant them in time after eating, by the way, save some good growth for future use. Seeds can be planted repeatedly."

I saw the success of the greenhouse planting, and my mood suddenly improved. I don't care if he preaches the imperial decree or not, and I will talk about it when I return to the capital.

"Don't worry, my lord. The little one has already set aside a room, which is carefully planted and reserved for seeds. In the future, the brothers will be self-sufficient. When the time comes, they will marry a wife, and their lives will be happy."

"You guys are very thoughtful. By the way, where does the carbon in your stove come from?"

I just noticed that every stove here is burning very hot.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Wan Quan immediately approached me as if offering a treasure, "My lord, this is a coincidence, the brothers originally wanted to burn some charcoal in the mountains by themselves, who knows, Da Zhuang found this , similar to charcoal, but very resistant to burning.”

I looked in the direction he pointed and found a lot of coal piled up not far outside the cottage.

I was overjoyed, even excited, "You have found coal! It's really great! Quick, take me to see where the coal mine is!"

I feel that there is a god in the dark to bless me, and it is really time for me to go to the temple to burn incense.

"So this black thing is coal! That foreigner dug up such a treasure from us!"

When Wan Quan mentioned foreigners, he became angry again.

"Take me to the coal mine first, by the way, tell the brothers, don't tell about the discovery of the coal mine, don't attract foreigners." I asked worriedly.

"Understood, my lord, I'll go right away." Wan Quan replied, and immediately ran out.

After Wanquan left, Chen Yucheng couldn't help admiring, "Sir, your method is really clever! This room is probably enough for dozens of people."

"Yes, in this case, the winter famine can be alleviated a little bit." I was really happy from the bottom of my heart.

Finally, one thing was accomplished, and the trip was not in vain.

"My lord, Yu Guoguo really followed the right person. The common people will depend on you for tomorrow." Chen Yucheng also became excited with me.

I think he will be happy only if he thinks he has found the Ming Lord.

"You can't say that. It's not about me alone, it's about all of us."

"Yes, my lord, Yucheng will definitely do my best to help you!"

"Okay, our most important task now is to go to the coal mine and see if we can dig up all the coal, at least to alleviate the current crisis."

I was happy when a hurried voice suddenly came from outside.

 I'm in a bad mood, maybe another chapter
(End of this chapter)

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