Chapter 95
I have been immersed in my feelings for Lan'er, and I was forcibly drawn into Tianlun Jue again.

"Stinky boy, can you take the initiative? How long has it been since you came? If you don't come again, my old bones will be gone!"

The old monk started complaining again, so I had no choice but to listen.

Seeing that I was silent, the elder monk stopped talking, "Meng Yao, take him there!"

At this time, Mengyao came out, "Master, you really haven't come for a long time, don't you miss me?"

I was slightly taken aback, looking at Mengyao who is as pure as water, thinking about the charming and affectionate Lan'er just now, and the lively and lovely Mei Shuang...

My saliva almost couldn't help but flow out, it's better not to flirt!After all, these women are not my women, I still have self-knowledge.

"Young master, what's wrong with you?" Mengyao took my arm at some point and shook it gently.

Although there was a ripple in my heart, I still have to maintain my gentlemanly demeanor, even if it is pretending.

"Ms. Meng, I really have something to delay recently, otherwise, even if I forget the old monk, I can't forget you!"

My words from the bottom of my heart made Mengyao laugh and flamboyantly flamboyant, and at the same time, also provoked a scolding from the old monk.

"Brat, I didn't expect you to be so lecherous!!!"

"Let's go quickly! Otherwise, Xiaojun should be in a hurry!" Mengyao took my hand and walked quickly to the next room.

"Hmph!" The elder monk looked at our leaving back and stomped his feet heavily.

After entering the room, Mengyao closed the door.

Xiaojun was sitting behind the desk, looking at me seriously.

"Brother Tang, you don't have much time left, you must memorize this Shennong Encyclopedia immediately."

Xiaojun pointed to the thick book on the table, and looked at me without blinking.

"What?! Remember everything?! This is tens of thousands of pages thick!" My jaw almost fell to the ground.

"Brother Tang, don't be afraid. With your current memory speed, it should take about two years. After all, you need these very much now."

Hearing this, I feel that I still have the confidence to complete it. After all, this will play an important role in improving people's livelihood, and I just have a headache for a few days.

"Don't worry! Brother Tang, I will definitely complete the task."

After finishing speaking, I put away my hypocritical smile, sat down with a face of pain, and read the book bravely.

However, as Xiaojun said, my memory speed is faster than before.

Could it be that the storage capacity and speed of the brain have been greatly improved in just a few days?So can I still be called a human being now?

Forget it, let's read a book with snacks.

Overcast April 1861, 12
Today, it's time to go to court, and I changed into court clothes early in the morning.

Thinking about being alone in the room with Lan'er last night, what attitude will she have today?
In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Emperor Tongzhi sat on the dragon chair, and the queen mothers of the two palaces were still hanging behind the curtain.

"Ministers, do you have a memorial today?" A familiar voice came from behind the curtain.

All the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, and none of them made a statement.

Li Lianying stood up straight and shouted loudly, "Retreat!"

All the ministers left one after another. When Rong Lu passed me by, he snorted coldly. I didn't show any expression, and stayed behind to synchronize with Yixin.

"Liu Ye, how is the progress of the smoking ban?"

"It's not going well. It takes a lot of money to build a no-smoking hall and the required medicines. Now the national treasury is tight. It's really embarrassing!"

Yi Xin seemed a little helpless in her words, which also made me realize that the Qing Dynasty was not as rich as I imagined, and was already dying of illness. To really solve these problems, we cannot really rely on the imperial court, and a series of economic reforms are still needed.

"Prince Gong, Mr. Tang, please stop. The Queen Mother invites you two to go over." Li Lianying bowed her body and stood in front of her.

Yixin and I looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

"Eunuch, please lead the way."

Li Lianying led the way, and Yixin and I walked in front.

"Elder-in-law, you are so favored by the Queen Mother!"

I observed Li Lianying's expression, but there was no slight change.

"The slave is also sharing the worries of the queen mother, and it is the blessing of the slave to serve the queen mother well."

"What a Li Lianying, it seems that the queen mother has not misunderstood you." Yi Xin couldn't help but praise.

Compared with An Dehai, Li Lianying's calmness is an important factor for him to become a popular person around Cixi in the future.

When I saw Lan Er, she was sitting on the Arhat bed drinking tea.

"Sixth Master, Mr. Tang, sit down!"

Yixin and I sat down, while Lan'er looked cold and didn't speak.

After a while, she finally said, "Smoking ban is a major event that benefits the country and the people, and it is also a national issue that determines whether our Qing Dynasty can be rejuvenated. Last time Liu Ye and Master Tang mentioned this matter, I have no objection. Now, the national treasury is tight. , the long-haired army rebelled, and the foreign powers oppressed me, I have a headache when I think about it."

Lan'er stretched out her jade hand to rub her temples, and sighed, "Now the emperor is still young, and he still needs ministers like Liu Ye and Master Tang!"

Yi Xin glanced at me, raised her head and said, "Queen Dowager, I am the younger brother of the late emperor, so I should do my best for the Qing Dynasty."

Seeing Lan'er's helpless look, I felt that I really shouldn't be impulsive last night, maybe in her heart she felt that I should get closer to her.

"Queen Mother, the people must be enriched before the country can be enriched. So far, the priority is not to strain the treasury, but to truly win the hearts of the people."

"Oh? How to win the hearts of the people? Can I lose the hearts of the people?!" Lan'er's words were mixed with anger.

Not to be outdone, I replied neither humble nor overbearing, "The failure of the war with the foreign powers has caused the people of the country to lose confidence. Years of wars have made the people miserable. Basic livelihood issues, then the long-haired army will be wiped out sooner or later, and by that time, my Chinese sons and daughters are strong and strong, how can they be bullied by foreign powers!"

Every word I said was impassioned, and Yixin listened attentively even when he was beside me.

Lan'er was silent for a while, "Master Tang, I know all the truths you said, but how can we improve people's livelihood?"

Laner and I looked at each other, her eyes were full of anticipation.

Looking at the whole of China, farmers are the most important force, and if we really want to win the hearts of the people, we must deny the feudal land ownership system, curb the inequality of the rich and the poor, realize "equal land rights", "land to the tiller", and let agriculture provide the country with food reserves.

At this time, the national treasury is tight, so it is necessary to find out minerals as soon as possible and vigorously develop industry, so as to drive economic development and lead agriculture through industry.

However, if I said this, as the ruler of the feudal society, would Lan'er understand?

(End of this chapter)

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