Chapter 99
Shi Dakai finally surrendered, but he did not surrender to the Qing Dynasty, but chose to follow me. This should be a cause for gratitude for me.

A generation of heroes actually chose to submit to me, it seems that I am quite attractive.

"King Yi, from now on, you and I are brothers who share weal and woe."

I held Shi Dakai's hands tightly, full of joy and indescribable excitement in my heart.

Shi Dakai shook his head slightly, waved his hands and said, "Don't call me King Yi anymore! That's already in the past. From now on, I will be Shi Dakai, an ordinary Chinese."

I understand what Shi Dakai thinks in his mind right now. Once upon a time, he was so glorious, but now, he just walked around the gate of hell and came back. His life and dignity are all in the hands of others. For such a hero It's better to get to know it directly.

"Then I'll call you Brother Shi! I've arranged everything. When it's dark, you go out of the city to find Wanquan. There are many people who need your help."

I patted Shi Dakai on the shoulder and looked at him fixedly.

"What do you need me to do?"

"You need to organize manpower, appease the people, and try to win the hearts of the people. Of course, what you do is not for the sake of Qing Dynasty, but to be worthy of your own conscience."

I gave full play to the role of an orator, and Shi Dakai nodded slightly with a confused look on his face.

"Okay, I'll go."

In the evening, Shi Dakai left the city under the secret escort of the housekeeper.

I was resting in bed when there was a knock on the door.


"Sir, it's me."

Fu Shanxiang's crisp voice came in from outside the door.

It's so late, what is she doing here?
I got up suspiciously, put on my shoes, and slowly opened the door.

Fu Shanxiang was wearing a long white dress, holding a plate of pastries in his hand.

"Sir, I saw that you didn't eat much tonight. You must be a little hungry now. I specially made some snacks for you to try. I hope you won't take offense."

"Where is it! Miss Fu, come in, it's cold outside!"

I hastily let Fu Shanxiang in, and now it's winter moon, and it's already very cold outside at this time.

Fu Shanxiang gently put the pastry on the table, did not sit down, but stood there motionless.

"Miss Fu, you've been outside for a long time! You must be freezing, so hurry up and warm your hands!"

With that said, I stood up and pulled Fu Shanxiang to the bedside of Arhat.

The moment I touched Fu Shanxiang's hand, she couldn't help but move, but then let me lead her away.

"Look at you, your hands are so cold, let's bake them first!"

I seem to have forgotten the ancient rules of giving and receiving intimacy between men and women. Fu Shanxiang blushed for a moment when he acted presumptuously.

"Miss Fu, what's wrong with you? Why are you blushing so much?"

"'s nothing, maybe it's just a little hot after coming in!"

With that said, Fu Shanxiang took off the cloak on his body.

The graceful figure, graceful demeanor, and fresh and refined face immediately made me a little dull.

"Sir, would you like to try my pastries?"

Fu Shanxiang stood up, slowly picked up a pastry from the plate with one jade hand, and brought it to my mouth.

"Sir, I made this specially for you, try it!"

The beauty in front of me has already made my mouth water and my Adam's apple tightened. Coupled with the delicious pastries, I am really drunk.

I swallowed, smiled awkwardly, took the pastry, and took a light bite.

"It melts in the mouth, it's really delicious!"

I couldn't help admiring, and ate up the next bite.

Fu Shanxiang couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh when he looked at my eating.

"Sir, eat slowly, there are more!"

I suddenly realized my gaffe and scratched my head.

"Miss Fu, I was a little rude just now."

"Sir, it's okay, the little girl wants to tell you something today?"

Fu Shanxiang's expression was solemn, his eyes were full of fluctuations, and his red lips were slightly parted.

My heart moved, she didn't want to confess to me, did she!Although Fu Shanxiang is a great beauty, I still have Laner in my heart, isn't it a bit bad to do this!

"Sir, you may have heard that I have a relationship with Yang Xiuqing, but I, Fu Shanxiang, am an innocent daughter. The rumors outside have always been false. I once vowed to find someone worthy of entrusting my life. This person not only wants With extraordinary talents, you must have the ability to govern the world."

I stared blankly at Fu Shanxiang's confession, she couldn't be playing for real!Unfortunately, that person is not me!

"Miss Fu, you are so beautiful and intelligent, you will definitely find this wishful gentleman."

"Sir, the wishful gentleman I am looking for is you."

Fu Shanxiang didn't give me any chance, just blurted out.

"No way! Miss Fu, I actually have many shortcomings. I'm not as good as you think. You don't know me very well. I will delay you."

The peach blossoms are here, and even if you say you can’t stop them, a beautiful woman comes to your room to confess to you at night, what does it mean?
Of course I am attractive. Although this is ancient times, I still have to maintain my bottom line and not mess around. I already have Laner in my heart.

Fu Shanxiang waved his hand and approached me with infinite tenderness in his eyes.

"Sir, haven't you married yet? Why can't you accept me?"

I was speechless and smiled awkwardly.

"The reason why I don't have a wife now is because the people are still in dire straits and the country is still impoverished. How can I talk about my children's affair now!"

What I said was so impassioned that even I was moved. I only remember seeing such boring words on TV dramas.

The male protagonist does not want to marry the female protagonist, and insists that he will beat the devils out after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, but they may all die in the end.

"Sir, I didn't expect you to have such a high realm. It seems that I, Fu Shanxiang, have misjudged the person. You care about your family and country, and you put your children's private affairs behind. You are really an upright man."

It seems that Fu Shanxiang was fooled by me, so I don't have to worry about anything anymore.

"However, sir, there is an old saying, 'The family governs the country and the world'. If a man wants to serve the country, he must first get married before he can achieve great things."

I was immediately speechless, Fu Shanxiang was worthy of being the female Zhuge of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and he took me in after a while.

"Miss Fu..."

Just as I was about to speak, Fu Shanxiang stood up on tiptoe, his red lips gently sealed my mouth, and his eyes met immediately.

She and I remained motionless like this, as if we could hear her heartbeat at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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