my british empire

Chapter 407 The Puritans in England

Chapter 407 The Puritans in England

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Regardless of what everyone was saying, Elvis quickly chose to leave, because, he did not lie, he was also a dock worker.

However, unlike everyone else, he does not believe in the state religion, that is, Anglicanism.

He believed in the Protestantism that came from the European continent—Calvinism. If it is more accurate, he believed in a sect, which became famous in the future, and all believers were called Puritans.

The so-called Puritans refer to the religious reform movement that began in the first half of the 16th century and swept across the entire European land. Martin Luther in Germany and Calvin in France became the leaders of Protestantism after the Reformation.

Due to the arbitrariness of the Anglican Church, the Reformation came late, but the Anglicans were still influenced by Calvinism, and it was still very large.

In 1524, Tyndale, an Englishman, translated the New Testament into English. He can be said to be the first Puritan in England.

The early Puritans hoped to live in full accordance with the principles of the Bible, and obedience to the teachings of the Bible could be said to be their top priority.

Tyndale's aim was for every literate person in Britain to have a Bible.

Historically, the Protestants in Britain, those who believed in Calvinism and were dissatisfied with the teachings of Anglicanism, were called Puritans.

Because of the religious persecution in the United Kingdom, most of the Puritans fled to the United States, so when people talk about Puritans, they generally refer to the Puritans in the United States.

In history, the famous "Mayflower" ship, the pioneer of American immigrants, contained more than 100 people, all of whom were Puritans.

What are Puritans?
Puritans are not only a sect, but also an attitude, a tendency, and a value. It is a general term for the beliefs of believers.

The Puritans are the most devout Protestants with the most holy life. They believe that "everyone is a priest and everyone has a calling".

It believes that each individual can communicate directly with God, and opposes the arbitrariness, corruption, red tape and formalism of the priest group.

They advocate a simple, practical, and equal life of believers before God.

If this is the case, Britain will not wantonly suppress the Puritans later.

These Puritans have always been dissatisfied with the reform of the state religion, or they were dissatisfied with the incomplete reform.

In the end, it even turned into supporting the national republic and opposing the monarchy, requiring the church to dominate the country, not the country to dominate the church.

Of course, under such extreme circumstances, some people must be dissatisfied.

So the Puritans were divided into two, the moderate Presbyterians and the Independents.

At the beginning, the Presbyterians supported the revolution together with the Independents. After Cromwell failed, he immediately flirted with the Royalists and moved towards a compromise route.

And our independents are firm and unyielding. They would rather go to America than support the republic.

Thus, America was born.

Speaking of Puritans, we have to talk about its origin, Calvinism.

This sect was extremely reactionary in the eyes of King Edward.

Because it not only rejects the interference of the king and the government in religion, but also advocates republic and equality, and even requires the church to govern the country and make the government subordinate to the church.

More importantly, he actually did it. Calvin directly turned Switzerland into a **** country.

Moreover, due to the emphasis on education and economic development, Switzerland is developing well.

Moreover, this person is very similar to the old Maozi of later generations, he likes to export his thoughts.

Thus, with precedents and successful implementation, French Huguenots, Dutch Beggars, English Puritans, and Scottish Covenants were born successively.

"Elvis, how is your operation going this time?" During the break between work, a fellow Calvinist who also belonged to the firm faith asked softly.

"It's okay. Everyone is very interested in what I'm promoting, and they listened intently. I think that after a while, someone will join us!"

A little bit of excitement appeared on Elvis' face, and he said excitedly.

"Very good, keep working hard, I think our team will grow a lot in a short time!"

"Well! I believe this day will come soon!" Elvis said confidently.

Afterwards, with excitement, Elvis felt that his strength had increased a lot, and his steps were much easier.

In this regard, he attributed everything to Almighty God, and his faith became more and more pious in his heart.

He didn't notice that when he was speaking, someone behind him was watching him.

In less than 10 minutes, two pigeons flew out of Plymouth.


A day later, two letters of report were placed on Edward's desk, and the leader of Darkblade, Guy Ham, and Jack from the Palace Intelligence Service stood on top of the king with their heads bowed.

"Okay, that's great. The family has formed a scale and is organized. You just came to tell me that Calvinism has taken root in England!"

Edward looked at the two leaders of the intelligence department who were silent and bowed their heads in front of them. He was so angry that he stared at them fiercely and said angrily.

"You said, I spend tens of thousands of pounds every year to raise you, and you actually give me such a grade, can't I just feed the money to the dog!"

Having said that, Guy and Jack lowered their heads and knelt down on one knee, saying that they dare not, His Majesty forgives them.

But they were thinking in their hearts, if we only relied on the little money you gave without extra income, we would have starved to death.

Of course, they didn't dare to show it on their faces, they still had the appearance of pleading guilty.

Seeing this, Edward still looked at the two angrily and said nothing.

The air froze like this.

Time slipped away, and more than half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Edward saw a little white hair appearing on the top of Guy's head, and saw that Jack had grown from a teenager to a strong young man. He sighed that time flies, and he sighed softly:
"Get up, as a punishment, you will be fined half a year's salary, and you will be resigned to stay in your post, so as to see the effect!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your forgiveness!" The two quickly got up and thanked, with a look of gratitude.

"Guy, you Dark Blades are in charge of the area north of London, including Scotland and other places, find out all the Calvinists, don't act rashly!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Afterwards, Edward looked at the young and strong Jack again, and ordered:
"You, with everyone in the Palace Intelligence Department, carefully screen all the areas south of London, and don't act rashly!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Jack raised his head and agreed forcefully.

"As for London, the two of you act together, as your comparison, the winner will be rewarded!"

Edward pointed to London on the map on the wall, glanced at the two, and said meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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