my british empire

Chapter 423 The Despair of the Irish

Chapter 423 The Despair of the Irish

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On the second day, the Celts used a test team of 3000 people. After dropping more than 1000 corpses, they retreated in a panic, ending the day's battle.

In this way, although the soldiers are all very happy, they look forward to the next war.

But Sir John was not happy, the smell of temptation here was too strong, even if he repelled, there was nothing to be happy about.

Sure enough, on the third day, the Celtics gave everyone in the castle a big one.

On this day, the sun concealed half of the face from the sky, and the morning dew wet the collars of the soldiers on guard. When the cool wind blew, they felt chilly and shivered.

But no one dared to slack off. Outside the castle, tens of thousands of troops were neatly staying in the camp, staring at each other. A slight loophole could deal a devastating blow to the castle, and no mistakes could be tolerated.

The soldiers standing guard felt that the castle was slightly shaken. Looking forward, an endless black phalanx slowly approached. At the front, five siege vehicles brazenly announced to them that the real war was coming.

Soon, the news spread throughout the entire castle, and everyone climbed onto the wall, watching this scalp-numbing moment.

Sir John looked at the five siege engines, his face changed drastically, and his face was full of hatred.

"Attention everyone, shoot me the people near the siege engine, shoot hard!"

Tens of thousands of people could not line up in front of the castle, but surrounded the entire castle, as if looking for its weak point.

However, the siege engine came directly to the city gate and attacked wantonly.


However, for each one, there were two or three screaming Celtic warriors, brandishing stone axes or spears, stepping on the corpses of their predecessors, rushing up one after another.

Soon, in less than half an hour, five heavy siege vehicles arrived at the city wall. On the arrow towers on the siege vehicles, the Celtic archers also looked at the soldiers on the city wall at the same level, and took away arrow after arrow. Take the lives of soldiers.

So, this annoyed Sir John very much.

He made people shoot the siege vehicles and the arrow tower at the same time. For a moment, the soldiers on the entire city wall became a little flustered.

Finally, the arrow tower was shot, but Sir John found that those Celts had followed the siege engine and climbed up the city wall step by step, although there were only a few sporadic ones.

However, the power of role models is infinite. Those Celts tried to climb the city wall against the rain of arrows with the spirit of not fearing death.

If viewed from the outside, a series of human-shaped echelons have formed and are continuously climbing upwards. Under the city wall, more Kate people are gathered and lined up.

It can be said that a person who climbs up the city wall may not necessarily die if he falls down, because there are several people helplessly paving the way below him.

It can be predicted that if no measures are taken next, it is only a matter of time before the fortress is captured.

Seeing such a scene, Sir John was taken aback, and his whole body felt a little bad.

"Quickly, everyone stand up for me! Hold up!" Jazz shouted loudly, "Quickly, let the Musketeers come out and let them support!"

The messengers faithfully fulfilled their duties, and within a short while, 300 Musketeers came to the crowded city wall with neat steps.

The soldiers moved away one after another, exposing the group of brave and invincible Celts who climbed the city wall to the sight of the Musketeers.

With an order, the muskets fired together, followed by a puff of thick smoke, and then most of the Celtics who climbed the city wall fell down in an instant.

The rest of the people didn't have the slightest sense of shrinking back, but yelled words they didn't understand, and rushed towards the musketeers.

Immediately afterwards, the first row retreated, the second row moved forward, fired, and fired again.

This time, the remaining Celts finally fell down, and at the moment when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, hundreds of people climbed up again.

As a result, the musketeers started a new round of shooting, and the entire city wall was suddenly filled with smoke, making it difficult to breathe.

In this way, on the third day, a tug-of-war began on the city wall, and it was very difficult to fight.

In the evening, when the Celtics finally withdrew their troops, everyone on the city wall exhaled heavily and patted their chests with emotion.

But Sir John didn't care about taking a break, instead he led his people around the entire city wall, to boost morale by the way.

"Don't worry, we will definitely win!" "In a few days, the reinforcements will arrive, persevere!" "Think about your family, they are in the city, for them, you must persevere!"

Just a few words, Sir John said back and forth, the tour was over, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

He was almost paralyzed on the seat, gasping for breath from exhaustion, then swallowed the bread in big gulps, and took a sip of hot soup regardless of his image, and he felt a little more relaxed.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of food in the castle, otherwise it would be really difficult.

"Sir, how many days will our gunpowder and arrows last?" He took a breath, and then he asked his ordnance officer.

"My lord, this is exactly what I want to say. Today, we have consumed one-third of the arrows and half of the gunpowder. If we continue today's intensity, we will last for three days at most!"

"The weekly output of the workshops in the city is only enough for today's consumption, my lord, please be restrained!"

Sir John smiled at his ordnance officer's words. He wanted to be restrained. Who would have expected that the Kate would be so fierce that they would force the musketeers out on the first day, completely breaking his plan.

"Sir, you are an ordnance officer, and you should know a lot about various weapons. So, do you have any countermeasures against siege vehicles?"

Today, what impresses Sir John is the five siege engines, which are simply siege weapons and make him miserable.

"Eh!" The ordnance officer had a thoughtful expression on his stiff face, and after thinking for a while, he finally took on a tinge of joy.

"My lord, there are still twenty barrels of strong fire wine stored in the warehouse. When it burns, the fire will be very strong, enough to burn those siege vehicles!"

After being reminded, Sir John's face immediately became happy, and then showed bitterness.

What should I do if I run out of wine!

The next day, under the strange eyes of the soldiers, Sir John brought in twenty barrels of wine, and the aroma of the wine immediately overflowed the city wall, causing everyone's noses to twitch.

Then, five siege vehicles arrived as promised. Under the eyes of the soldiers, Sir John ordered people to pour wine on the siege vehicles, and twenty barrels of wine were completely spilled.

The Celts below thought it was raining, but when they raised their heads, what fell into their mouths was wine, a high concentration of wine, and a smile suddenly appeared on their faces, and the siege vehicle was finally completely soaked.

The savages whimpered and rolled in their drinks with joy.

Seeing this, Sir John sneered, and dozens of torches fell down.

In an instant, all the siege vehicles were on fire, and the fire was so fierce that the Kate people around them couldn't avoid it.

And those who were covered in alcohol also burned, screaming and running on the ground, pulling innocent people from time to time, wanting him to save themselves.

Unexpectedly, with one infection, dozens of people were on fire, but hundreds of people were on fire, and the miserable screams sounded numb.

After burning for more than an hour, these siege vehicles were completely burned, leaving only a few ashes.

Seeing such a scene, Sir John finally realized that there are still so many ways to defend the city, so he raised his posture.

So, after returning to London, Sir John wrote a diary of his conquest in Ireland, and solemnly introduced the function of fire attack and strong fire wine not only for drinking, but also for killing enemies.

Not only did he become an authority in defending the city, but he also accidentally made the sales of the strong fire wine to a higher level.

Next, with the destruction of the siege engine, Sir John, who persisted for a week, finally waited for reinforcements of 5000 people, defeating the Irish's final counterattack.

Since then, the Irish have no choice but to accept the rule of the Tudor royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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