my british empire

Chapter 427 Conqueror of Ireland

Chapter 427 Conqueror of Ireland

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By the end of 1559, the whole of Ireland was finally at peace.

Dublin, Ireland's largest port and regional capital, is buzzing today.

On the streets of Dublin, people are singing and laughing, smiling, clowns, singing and dancing, and even magic, all kinds of hawkers are hawking loudly, pedestrians are in an endless stream, looking up frequently, not knowing which product to choose.

And the children also surrounded the clown, clapping their hands while running, singing folk songs from nowhere.

In the streets and alleys, the army also lazily leaned against the wall, chatting from time to time, with smiles on their faces.

People no longer need to fear attacks as they once did.

Today is a happy day, but also a day of great significance.

Today, all the left-behinds from all over the island of Ireland came to Dublin and the Governor's Palace to celebrate the successful conquest of Ireland.

Yes, it took nine years to finally conquer all of Ireland.

Yes, that's right, on the island of Ireland, at the end of this year, almost all the tribes swore allegiance to His Majesty Edward, conferring dozens of titles, hundreds of knight titles.

Of course, the highest title would certainly not exceed the Earl, and an Earl was already their highest rank.

After more than three months of reporting and statistics, the population of the entire Irish region has reached 50, with more than 3000 immigrants and nearly 40 Celtics.

This is the result of the massacres and massacres in various strongholds. According to later statistics, the colonial rule in the past few years has wiped out at least [-] large and small tribes, and more than [-] people have disappeared from this world.

"Gentlemen, please be quiet!" Governor of Ireland Thomas Mane pressed his hands, showing a smile, and said excitedly:
"Although a few days ago, many tribes went to London to accept His Majesty's canonization, but the specific territorial contract has not been signed yet, and Ireland has not really been accepted into the embrace of the kingdom!"

When His Excellency the Governor spoke, including the remaining officials and the chiefs of the big tribes, all of them held their breath for fear of disturbing his speech.

"Yesterday, the decree from the king and the cabinet was officially delivered to me, everyone listen carefully!"

Hearing something related to their own vital interests, the dozens of big tribal leaders who arrived immediately pricked up their ears.

After glancing at the serious crowd, His Excellency the Governor continued:

"Earls are allowed to have 500 private guards; viscounts are allowed to have 300 private guards; barons are allowed to have 200 private guards; jazz and knights are allowed to have less than [-] private guards!"

Hearing this, all the tribal leaders suddenly showed smiles on their faces, which was in line with their expectations, and even exceeded their expectations.

In the past, when the population was only a few thousand people, excluding the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, only a few hundred people were obtained, which was quite in line with his requirements.

Seeing the many tribal leaders smiling, Your Excellency Governor twitched his mouth and continued:

"However, in order to protect the security of Ireland, every baron and above nobles must contribute half of their private soldiers as the army of the Kingdom of Ireland!"

"Knights and Jazz need to contribute ten pounds a year as a contribution and as military expenses for the army!"

"What?" "How is this possible?" The tribal leaders were shocked when they heard this, and began to discuss.

In this way, wouldn't these big tribal leaders be almost the same as those small leaders?Talk about status.

"Quiet—" Your Excellency the governor yelled loudly, raised his brows, and said sharply, "I'm reading out the king's decree, who wants to die?"

"Since you have pledged allegiance to our king, you should take corresponding responsibilities, otherwise, your tribe would have gone to see God long ago!"

Seeing these leaders lower their heads, His Excellency the Governor continued to read:
"Fifty miles for earls; thirty miles for viscounts; twenty miles for baronets; ten miles for knights and lords!"

Fifty square miles is equivalent to the size of five Macao, and all the noble fiefdoms add up to one-fifth of the island of Ireland.

Even the smallest ten miles has tens of thousands of acres, which is enough for the tribal people to live.

Regarding the area of ​​these lands, these naturalized leaders have received some common sense education, coupled with explanations, they are very satisfied with these.

Most of them were beyond their living area, and the resentment for the previous terms disappeared a lot.

So, everyone agreed.

In this way, His Majesty Edward got four-fifths of the Irish land out of thin air, and the Celtic tribes were also satisfied, and everyone was happy!

However, what all the tribes didn't expect was that the current population and land can certainly accommodate it, and even have a surplus.

And what if decades later?What about population growth?Everyone can't think of it.

"All nobles are required to pay taxes to the Governor's Mansion. The earl has one hundred sheepskins or one hundred pounds per year..."

"All nobles are not allowed to fight without authorization, fight, and obliterate against each other!"

"All nobles are not allowed to change the size of the fief without authorization, and those who violate it will be obliterated!"


In this way, the sixteen laws strictly stipulated the order of the island of Ireland, and also entrusted the nobles with responsibilities and obligations.

This has also become the pervasive law of the island of Ireland, and the Irish are also used to call it the agreement between the king and the Irish.

But, to more people in the United Kingdom, the Dublin Code is still the most familiar.

It is also difficult for our Majesty the King to rack his brains on how to rule Ireland.

Feudalism?County system?Or a colonial system, or a military region system directly under the army?
All these flashed through the king's mind one by one.

Finally, in desperation, he thought of the cabinet, the head of the coalition government.

After several days of discussion by the cabinet, combined with the actual situation in Ireland, a combination of feudalism and county systems was chosen.

Also known as: One Island, Two Systems

In one-fifth of the places occupied by the Keites, an enhanced version of medieval feudalism was implemented.

In four-fifths of the places occupied by immigrants, the county system is implemented.

In other words, each manages its own, and does not conflict with each other.

In this way, the entire island of Ireland is at peace.

It's just that Edward didn't care about whether the island of Ireland, where 10 people accounted for four-fifths, was suitable, and he wouldn't remind those tribes of their troubles after the population growth.

But it's a great merit to bring the Celts of Ireland back from slavery to, no, straight to feudalism.

His Majesty Edward feels that he has contributed a lot to helping the Celts directly save civilization from ignorance!
At this time, the cabinet tactfully reported that he wanted to add the title of "Conqueror of Ireland" to him, but his attitude was still very firm.

Edward had no choice but to accept it, although he had never been to Ireland once.

There was originally a title of "Conqueror of Scotland", but considering the feelings of the Scottish nobles, Edward did not accept it.

After all, Scotland has already been united with England, and it is also one of the main fulcrums of the United Kingdom. Taking this title is very embarrassing and easy to provoke hatred.

However, for the title of Conqueror of Ireland, it also sounds good.

His Majesty Edward is very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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