my british empire

Chapter 445 Roon Family

Chapter 445 Roon Family
The Brittany region originally belonged to the Duchess Anna, who was then forced to marry Charles VIII and finally Louis XII.

He gave birth to his only daughter, Claude, who married Francois I and gave birth to Henry II.

Therefore, the last generation of dukes should be King Henry II of France.

In this way, the main branch of the Roon family is broken, and a new main branch is bound to be needed. After all, the Roon family has ruled Brittany for hundreds of years and has many branches.

As a result, the branch located in Montbazon was able to take over due to blood relationship factors, and successfully changed from the branch to the main branch, which is a great leap.

However, the resulting consequences are also very bad.

Because it is the upper branch of the branch, it does not have the kind of pride and confidence from the heart of the main branch in the past. It seriously lacks prestige and leadership for other branches, so it can only choose to discuss.

Rosalinne has always been the fiefdom of the Roon family, and the Rosalin castle, which has been constantly decorated for hundreds of years, is also the location of the main branch of the Roon family, and it is also the blood center that the Roon family has always recognized in their hearts.

At this time, in Fort Josephine, the round candlesticks hanging on the wall in the hall were already full of candles, even the candlesticks in the center of the sky were no exception.

A long table is placed in the center, and Louis Rohan, who is the main branch, sits on the seats listlessly. A dozen other clan chiefs with relatively high reputation and prestige are sitting at the long table, with different faces. This scene looks similar to The Last Luncheon mural is very similar.

And those branch patriarchs with no reputation and low status can only sit in the back and listen.

Even though the memory hall is very large, it still looks crowded after hundreds of people are seated.

Having ruled Brittany for hundreds of years, the Roon family has a huge branch, and they don't have to worry about cutting off their bloodlines.

Even in the period of the French Revolution, the Rohan family was still active, and even in the Napoleon period, there was a Marshal Rohan.

Even in the 21st century, the Rohan family is still active in French politics.

This is another plenary meeting of the Roang family after the last meeting to elect the succession of the main branch. It is grand and meaningful.

The servants served the wine carefully, with strict rules.

Since it was a great aristocrat who had been passed down for hundreds of years, everyone's words and actions were extremely standard. Before Louis Rohan spoke, the whole hall seemed quiet.

"Everyone, I just got the news that the English have captured the city of Brest unexpectedly, and have an army of tens of thousands. Today, the Roon family has reached a critical moment of life and death. Please speak freely!"

As soon as the young Louis' words fell to the ground, the whole hall suddenly chattered and discussed, and he didn't stop it.

The reason why it is unexpected is that the capture of Brest City was really not what they expected.

After all, the port closest to the capital, Rennes, is St. Roch, and next to St. Roch are all the Channel Islands in England, the islands centered on Guernsey and Naxi.

This is the heritage of the Duchy of Normandy, just ten miles from France.

Therefore, although the city of Brest is prosperous, the island with the most military value is Saint Rocco Island.

Therefore, a large part of Brittany's military power is in the port of Saint-Roch.

The most important thing is that after capturing the city of Brest, although the distance is relatively long, the embarrassing thing is that there are no relatively strong castles along the way, basically there is no obstruction and the force is very small, and you can directly reach the city of Rennes.

Tens of thousands of British troops (the effect of propaganda), if they act quickly, it only takes seven or eight days to reach the city of Rennes.

"My lord, the tens of thousands of English troops, with our strength of a few thousand people, cannot defend it. Let's just surrender!"

A branch patriarch, who looked mighty, unexpectedly uttered cowardly words, which surprised people.

"That's true. There is no doubt about the strength of the English. With the strength of our Bretons, we can't beat them! It's better to surrender!"

Other branches also supported and agreed to surrender.

It can be seen that England has cultivated a lot of power in Brittany for hundreds of years. After all, the exchanges between the two places are extensive.

"No, absolutely not!" A gentleman dressed as a branch shook his head and refused.

"Now, the English are coming in menacingly, and they may annex us in one fell swoop. Brittany belongs to our Roon family, and the Tudor family will never succeed!"

"The Roon family is the master of Brittany, and the English will never be allowed to occupy it!"

Behind him, there are also many branches supporting him.

As for Louis Rohan, who was sitting on the main seat, the titular patriarch of the family, he was a little embarrassed at this moment, and the scene was a little out of control.

"Ahem! Quiet everyone, be quiet!" He rolled his eyes a few times and said loudly.

It was only when he saw that all eyes were on him that he felt that he was the real patriarch of the Luo Ang family.

"Based on our current situation, we can't deal with the English at all, but the French are engaged in a civil war. Simply, we evacuate to the border castle!"

The border castle is a castle built by Grand Duchess Anna and her father on the Buffa border to maintain the autonomy of Brittany.

More importantly, it is very close to France, and France can be withdrawn if necessary.

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, and they all expressed their satisfaction.

Subsequently, most of the branches drove back home and started the great migration.

The reason why the Roon family is unwilling to be occupied by the English is not only their own long-term self-government thoughts, but also their beliefs.

Most Bretons believe in Catholicism, while the Rohan family believes in Protestantism.

Ordinary people, of course, thought that the English were Protestants, but they, the nobles, knew very well that Anglicanism had little to do with Protestantism, but was very similar to Catholicism.

This is why they resisted the English.

But in real history, these Protestant Roang families made the wrong bet and were forced to cut nearly half of their fiefdoms, causing heavy losses.

Contrary to what the Roang family had guessed, it took about half a month before the British army arrived at the city of Rennes.

The reason for this is the fault of alcohol.

More than 100 barrels of whiskey were consumed in a few days, and the journey was only halfway through.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, the Marquis of Edinburgh had no choice but to plunder the wine cellars of some manors to supplement.

It is against the rules to plunder the property of nobles.

Therefore, after each plunder, the Marquess of Edinburgh left an IOU, walking and drinking all the way, and the time was doubled.

More importantly, the number of opened wine cellars has reached hundreds.

The amount of IOUs he left has reached tens of thousands of pounds.

Therefore, looking at the tall city of Rennes in front of him, what he thought about was not how to capture it, but how to make great achievements so that it would be difficult for London to settle accounts with him.

(End of this chapter)

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