my british empire

Chapter 448 Royal Academy of Sciences

Chapter 448 Royal Academy of Sciences

The courier held a bottle of wine from France in his hand, looking at the intoxicating red color, under the sunlight, revealing a charm that seduces the soul.

It's not just wine, it's glory.

Suddenly, a sick flush appeared on his face, his eyes rolled up, and he smirked, giving off a feeling of witchcraft.

Just when the guards were about to start checking on the young messenger, he suddenly woke up.

"God bless my king!" He shouted excitedly, saluted, mounted his horse with a smirk, and left.

The guards stared dumbfounded at the messenger leaving, and glanced at their companions at each other, eyes full of envy.

This is wine from France. Even they can only look at it. It is difficult for ordinary nobles to taste it, let alone ordinary people.

This bottle of wine can't be sold in the market without hundreds of pounds.

Envy, jealousy, and hatred are what they think in their hearts at this moment.

In the carriage, Edward re-read the victory letter, his ecstatic expression gradually subsided, and only a faint smile remained.

From the perspective of the maid at the side, the faint smile on the king's face, combined with the shallow beard on his chin, coupled with his admirable power, made his every move full of strong male hormones.

Looking at it like this, the two maids unconsciously became excited, and the field suddenly became slippery, with sweet smiles on their faces.

The sound of "da da da" horseshoes was full of rhythm. In Edward's eyes, it sounded like a drumbeat, which made him feel more anxious.

This trip, the main reason why I came out of London was to visit the Royal Academy of Sciences and check the scientific research results.

Speaking of the Royal Academy of Sciences, this is a scientific research institute established by Edward not far from Windsor Castle, near the River Thames.

The so-called Institute of Scientific Research is an institution where Edward recruited a group of scientists in the name of the royal family to conduct scientific research.

In fact, in the sixteenth century, there were no real scientists.

Because the church controlled the university, the famous scholars of this era were basically theologians.

For example, Nicola Copernicus, the greatest scientist in the [-]th century, who wrote "On the Movement of Celestial Spheres" and the first scientist who put forward the hypothesis of "heliocentric theory", was a devout Catholic who was born in Poland.

In his masterpiece "The Movement of the Celestial Spheres: An Introduction", he wrote: "If there is a science that can ennoble the human mind and free it from the taint of time, it must be astronomy.

Because when human beings really see all the solemn order of the universe under the management of God, they will definitely feel a kind of impetus that urges them to tend to a standardized life and to practice various morality. It can be seen from all things that the Creator is indeed the source of truth, beauty and goodness. "

In God and the Creator, both refer to God, God's management and the Creator's truth, goodness and beauty.

So, he died of illness.

The Royal Academy of Sciences has five branches including the School of Astrophysics, the School of Geography and History, the School of Mathematics, the School of Chemistry, and the School of Biology.

Due to the slow development of science in this era, many scientists are basically omnipotent.

For example, the famous Galileo in history was mainly an astronomer and physicist, but if he was not good at mathematics, how could he study physics?
At the same time, he is also a thinker with his own theoretical system.

Therefore, astronomy and physics together, geography and history together, in this era, are basically interoperable.

At present, in the past two years, more than 100 scientists have been attracted to settle in, among which the School of Astrophysics has the largest number of 85, and Copernicus' book has too much influence.

There are only 46 researches on geography and history in Europe; biology has an unprecedented [-]. It seems that many doctors who want to study corpses are afraid of the church!

There are only eight chemists and 35 mathematicians.

A total of 192 scientists have settled in.

Although these people's quality is not very good, and they are basically part-time jobs, they have a common advantage: they have a strong thirst for knowledge.

Moreover, in the 21st century, the saying that science is the primary productive force is well known to all women and children.

What's more, these people are currently useful.

For example, chemists used to research and produce explosives, and they are very talented in explosives.

Therefore, Edward handed over the goal of researching the new formula of explosives to them.

Therefore, the School of Chemistry occupies the largest area and is also the most dangerous. Explosions come out from time to time, and the ears can't bear it.

Although nothing has been researched in the past two years, it has still made outstanding contributions.

For example, in terms of building national roads, building docks, mining, etc., as long as these experts come out, they are guaranteed to complete.

The amount of explosives, when and where to explode, all have their own tricks, and these chemists are good at it.

And mathematicians, who seem to be the most useless, are actually useful.

For example, the design of naval ships, the construction of royal palaces, and the design of national roads are all mathematics experts are good at.

And the most important point is that England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and various royal territories check their fiscal revenue and expenditure every year, and their budgets are now basically settled and formulated by them, the Ministry of Finance and the Parliament.

It can be said that at this time, the experts of the Royal Academy of Sciences are all useful and important.

In this regard, Edward specially allocated special funds from the royal family as the remuneration and salary of these scientists.

The annual salary per person is basically about [-] pounds, and the Royal Academy of Sciences has its own land, about [-] acres, and the food produced each year is basically evenly distributed to these academicians as a food subsidy.

More importantly, everyone will be granted legal immunity.

That is to say, no one can arrest any academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences unless the king agrees.

Of course, in order to encourage scientific and technological innovation, academicians of science can get rewards of tens to hundreds of pounds according to their discoveries and inventions, and their annuities are doubled.

In addition, part-time jobs have additional income.

For example, designing ships and making budgets, there are special allowances that can be obtained.

If the contribution is particularly significant, it is possible to be canonized as a nobleman.

Let's put it this way, as long as you get the approval of His Majesty the King or the consent of two-thirds of the academicians, you can become the most respectable person except nobles and officials.

This is what many commoners dream of: decent, rich, and carefree.

In the afternoon, a huge manor appeared in front of Edward.

(End of this chapter)

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