my british empire

Chapter 451 Negotiations

Chapter 451 Negotiations
ps: I tried the anti-piracy version of the chapter yesterday, thank you for your understanding.

However, under the command of the Marquis of Edinburgh, the twelve iron cannons ignited the gunpowder primer, and then immediately ejected twelve stones with a diameter of about one foot, shooting towards the city of Rennes.

While the Marquis of Edinburgh was hoarse, he held the rapier in his right hand, raised it above his head, and swung it down vigorously, with great momentum.

On the side, the other cavalry companies, infantry commanders, and adjutants looked at such a majestic movement, and they cooperated with each other with expressions of admiration and applauded loudly.

"Boom—" "Boom—"

However, what is embarrassing is that the stone did not hit the city wall, but most of it fell into the moat, splashing a large amount of water, not mud.

"Boom—" "Boom——"

Instead of the expected voice, another voice appeared.

Seeing this, the Marquis of Edinburgh moved his lips in embarrassment, glanced sideways at the trembling artillery commander, then looked straight ahead, and coughed:
"Ahem! En! This position is still too far away. Move it a little further. Everyone did a good job in this test!"

It turns out that Lord Marquis is trying to shoot!Everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized, but there are still smart people who know the truth, but it is inconvenient to say it clearly.

The moat water, which was originally dirty and full of garbage, splashed on the city wall at once, and some mixture of feces and urine stuck to the city wall. It was black and yellow, which made people sick to see .

At this time, it was June, and the temperature in France had reached about [-] degrees. This kind of sourness spread throughout the city wall.

"Ouch—" "I can't do it, oh! My God!" "God! Please bless me!"

The soldiers guarding the city wall were shocked by the menacing artillery of the British at first, but in a blink of an eye, these stone artillery fell into the moat again, making them all laugh out loud.

However, the laughter didn't last long, and the air they breathed was filled with a disgusting smell of smoke, which was like defecating in a hut that had existed for decades.

In such a situation, the faces of the soldiers suddenly changed, they covered their noses, and hurriedly backed away, full of disgust.

Among them, a soldier didn't know what happened. His eyes jumped forward, his legs softened, and his body fell down. The order on the city wall suddenly became chaotic.

That's right, this moat contains an untold amount of rubbish from the city of Rennes, no matter what it is dumped in, it's disgusting.

This is because the city government knew that the British army was coming, so it gave some guidance in advance. Otherwise, the entire moat would have been blocked up to half the height of the city wall, and the British army could directly step on the garbage to enter the city.

Therefore, there are two colors on the city wall of Rennes at this time, one is off-white and the other is dirty black.

After the first round of mistakes, there were no problems in the next few rounds. One-third of the stone bullets fell into the city, one-third hit the city wall, and another third disappeared.

In this way, there were more than ten rounds of going back and forth. After a whole morning, the entire city of Rennes was smashed unevenly, and the stone bullets thrown in the city also caused serious damage.

Rennes City also used several cannons on the city wall and began to counterattack fiercely.

However, a few cannons could not cause damage to the British army, let alone wipe out the artillery positions!
In fact, after the Marquis of Edinburgh saw that the city of Rennes was only defending but not attacking, he realized that it was only a matter of time before the city of Rennes was captured.

If there is no soldier camp outside the city to cooperate with the city, then the city can only be beaten passively and cannot fight back.

Sure enough, after a break at noon, after several rounds of shelling continued in the afternoon, the entire surface of Rennes City was already pockmarked, full of pits and crumbling.

Looking at this scene, the Marquess of Edinburgh felt a bit of relief, and the embarrassment of the morning had been swept away.

At this moment, the white flag was suddenly raised in Rennes City, and then the city gate fell, and a cavalryman with a white flag on his body rode a horse and slowly came to the British camp.

After some tests, the envoy of Rennes met the famous conqueror of Edinburgh, the Marquess of Edinburgh.

"Respected Lord Marquis, on behalf of all the citizens of Rennes City, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to you!"

The envoy came to the front of the Marquis of Edinburgh generously, faced various British commanders, and spoke without changing his face.

"I thank you for your greeting, but, Mr. Messenger, I didn't know that you came out of Rennes. Is there anything I can teach you?"

The Marquess of Edinburgh accepted the blessing politely, but then asked directly with his eyes wide open.

"Due to the escape of the Roang family and the heroic command of your lord, I am here to negotiate with you on behalf of the city of Rennes!"

The envoy emphasized the Roang family, and said that it was not because their combat effectiveness was too rubbish, but because there was something wrong with the higher-ups.

Regarding this, the Marquis of Edinburgh was noncommittal, with a disapproving expression on his face, and so did the others.

They all believed that even if the Roon family was still there, with their strength, they could still capture the city of Rennes.

"What are your conditions, Mr. Messenger!" With a smile on his face, the Marquis asked frivolously.

"Or, what conditions do you need to surrender!"

Lord Marquis's frivolous question made the group of judges laugh, and the tent was filled with joy.

"On behalf of the city of Rennes, I'm going to negotiate with Your Excellency!" The envoy looked at this scene, his face flushed slightly, and he still said in an unassuming manner.

After the Marquis of Edinburgh made a gesture of invitation, he took a breath and continued:

"First, after your army enters the city of Rennes, you are not allowed to carry out any acts of robbery!"

"Yes, but you need to provide [-] ducats as compensation!" The Marquis of Edinburgh added randomly.

Ducats are gold coins minted in Venice, Italy, and circulate throughout Europe.

The livre currently in circulation in France is just a silver coin.

Taking a deep breath, the messenger nodded heavily and replied, "Yes!"

"Article [-], don't kill the citizens of Rennes at will!"


"Do not persecute or kidnap any member of the city government!"


"Do not interfere with judicial and administrative operations!"


"Why?" asked the messenger.

"Not just Rennes, but even Brittany, all rights belong to His Majesty the King, including your city government!"

The Marquis of Edinburgh stood up, looked at the messenger with a serious face, and said loudly, immediately winning everyone's applause!
"Okay, Mr. Messenger!" The Marquis of Edinburgh looked directly at the calm messenger with a grim expression, and said firmly:

"I agree to the previous few items, but please remember, we are the winners now, and you are the losers. There is no need to talk about the latter conditions. These three conditions are the conditions I give you to surrender!"

"Please cherish it!"

 Recommend a book by Nanming, the writing is good, reborn as the emperor of Nanming, I recommend everyone to read it


(End of this chapter)

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