my british empire

Chapter 470 Shelling

Chapter 470 Shelling
ps: I also casually respond, ask for tickets, ask for subscription
Because the English arranged the camp near Orleans, the Duke of Guise was unable to gather all the troops to attack Orleans.

The Catholic Allies, who were unable to concentrate all their strength, naturally had no choice but to shrink into a fist and the Huguenots who had boosted their morale.

In this way, under the scorching sun, the Catholic Allies and the Huguenots were engaged in a arduous siege and defense battle.

The Huguenot faction was short of troops. Even though the Duke of Guise did not use all his strength, Prince Condé still dispatched all his troops to resist, which was quite difficult.

And the Catholic Allies were also suffering.

Even with a large number of troops, some troops are still allocated to defend the English, and they cannot use their full strength.

This feeling was extremely uncomfortable for the Duke of Guise.

Enemy from the front and rear, although not to, but not far away!

Another week passed, and the Protestant army and the Catholic army went up and down the city of Orleans, leaving a total of nearly 3000 corpses. The number of other disabled people is hard to estimate.

The city of Orleans has become a black hole, devouring life constantly, and showing no sign of satisfaction,
The quaint city walls, the original stained blood has not yet dried up, but at this time new blood has been added, forming one after another blood scabs.

The original gray-black color has now turned red-black. If you look carefully, you will also find that there are many human organs left on the uneven surface of the city wall.

Teeth, bones, long hair, nails, and even withered and deformed ears are creepy to look at.

The moat under the city wall has long been filled with corpses and mud, and it has changed from a muddy black river to a land composed of corpses and mud.

It is expected that by next year, this place will become fertile soil.

Boris stood on the city wall and watched as the Catholic allies dragged his own body back, and sent some old, weak, sick and disabled to come close to the city wall to collect armor and arrows.

Holding the spear with his right hand, his left hand drilled into his back, stretched out his hand to scratch, and the long nails kept scratching up and down.

After a while, he felt that he had grabbed something with his left hand, and when he put it in front of his eyes, it turned out to be a tooth, which was black and exuded a rancid smell.

Boris quickly threw it away, then patted his left hand to shake off the mud under the nails, and then rubbed vigorously, as if he wanted to get rid of the bad luck in his hand.

Shrinking his head, Boris felt that his face and the back of his neck were red and hot from the sun.

Sweat was already dripping from his forehead and neck unstoppably. The rough and inferior linen clothes were soaked in sweat and stuck tightly to his body, making him uncomfortable.

"Damn the sun!" Boris swore softly.

Watching the Catholic allies receding like water, he stared down again boredly, watching the hard-working old, weak, sick and disabled, secretly picking up the arrows on the ground, and then accidentally being shot by the city wall. archers shoot.

At the same time, taking advantage of this leisure time, the veterans on the city wall boredly bet on which picker would be shot next.

The veterans, like him, stared at the bottom of the city wall with amusement, their eyes fixed.

While they were enjoying this moment of leisure, suddenly there was a loud noise from afar, and exclamations came from around them.

"Run away, run away—"

Boris couldn't figure out why there was the word "flee". They were on the city wall, but the Catholic allies didn't attack, so what were they afraid of!
But he looked up suspiciously, in front of him, dozens of huge stones drew an arc in the air, and then quickly magnified in his eyes.

Only then did he realize that the enemy had already used artillery.

It's a pity that the stones came straight towards him as if they had eyes, and directly smashed his whole body against the city wall.

Before he could react and move his footsteps, he was smashed into a blood cake, and he went to see God.

Not only him, but even the other soldiers who joined in the fun were also rubbed by stones, dragged and rubbed on the ground, dripping with blood, staining the entire city wall, and the original black was reddened.

Others didn't dare to look at the corpses, they couldn't die anymore, the most important thing at the moment was defense.

The Protestant soldiers were soon instructed to stay on the city wall and not to move.

Therefore, on the city wall, the soldiers shrank their heads, glanced down from time to time, and then hid behind the wall, cowering.

For the whole morning, the entire city of Orleans was spent in the roar of uninterrupted artillery fire.

Although the casualties caused were not large, it sapped the confidence in the city of Orleans.

Huge boulders outside the city were continuously thrown into the city, destroying many houses and sending many people to meet God.

Although the residents in Orleans had recovered a lot under the comfort of the priest, they were still in a trance and anxious.

The soldiers on the top of the city are even more so.

They hid under the wall, trembling, and waited in fear for the arrival of the boulder flying from outside the city. At some point, they were hit, and went to see God in a bloody mess.

In such a conservative situation, the process of waiting for death greatly drained their morale.

After all, when someone beats you and you can't beat others, it is impossible to expect this group of troops, which are mostly composed of farmers and soldiers, to withstand the psychological trauma.

At noon, Prince Kong Dai personally inspected the city wall, noticing the low morale of the soldiers defending the city, he frowned.

Morale is something that cannot be lost.

So, he gritted his teeth, killed a few pigs and sheep, made meat soup, and rewarded the hard-working soldiers.

Furthermore, he invited some Huguenot priests to come up to comfort the fragile hearts of these wounded soldiers.

Moreover, he also ordered the artillerymen, who had been suppressed all morning and couldn't lift their heads, to return the stones that flew into the city with only three or four artillery pieces.

Although this is not as good as the Catholic Allied Forces, it got rid of the passive beating situation and gave the Protestant Army some extra psychological comfort.

After using these methods, Prince Condé finally stopped his morale from falling, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the difference between famous generals and ordinary generals!
You can find out where the problems in the military are at once, and try to solve them as much as possible.

In the afternoon, the Catholic Allies started a new round of bombing operations, and Orleans also made limited counterattacks.

The little girl who seemed to be molested by everyone resisted helplessly a few times.

But there was a bigger round of attacks, this time the infantry and artillery coordinated operations, which caught Orleans by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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