my british empire

Chapter 490 Ceuta Port and Berbers

Chapter 490 Ceuta Port and Berbers

The Ceuta region, which is located in the northernmost part of the Maghreb (collectively referred to as Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia), is the tentacles of Morocco, on the Mediterranean coast near the Strait of Gibraltar.

It can be said that its geographical location is very important and can control the Mediterranean Sea to a certain extent.

In fact, as early as 1415, it was occupied by Portugal and became a Portuguese colonial stronghold.

And Ceuta is not the only important place that Morocco belongs to. In a sense, Cape Tangier is more valuable than Ceuta.

Ceuta is in the interior of the Mediterranean Sea, Tangier is in the exterior, combined with Spain's Gibraltar, this is the real control of the Mediterranean Sea.

Of course, Ceuta is small, and it is a long and narrow island stretching out. It has a large military role but a small economic role.

Tangier is one of the four major cities in Morocco, and it is also the starting point for business travel in the Sahara Desert in Africa, with huge economic benefits.

So, this time, His Majesty the King put Ceuta as the target, not the richer Tangier.

"Hey! Dude, need a refill? I've got the sweetest wine!"

A merchant ship had just docked in Ceuta. Allen wrapped himself in a woolen coat and stepped off the ship. Authentic Portuguese was heard in his ears. selling their wares.

"No, okay, how much is a can!" Allen just wanted to refuse, but when he remembered his plan to come here, he immediately nodded and agreed.

"Guest officer, come with me, my shop has everything you need to drink at a low price, from Berbers, from Spain, from the French, I have everything you need, and they are well-known in the entire port of Ceuta!" The Arab businessman grinned. , Take a step forward, pull Allen and leave, that's called a quick one.

Allen followed without hesitation, and behind him, without knowing when, two guards also followed him without a knife or a gun, following him every step of the way.

"Hey! Papa Muhammad kidnapped another businessman, and he is going to make a fortune!"

"Yeah! This is the third time this month, there are so many fools!"

Soon Allen was taken to run through a small street, dozens of small shops, people coming and going, a mixture of various races and languages, and it was extremely lively.

It is estimated that it is the main trading street of the small Ceuta Port.

At the end, after a small shop full of bottles and cans, Allen could stop and rest for a while.

"Sir, it's right for you to come to us. Whether it's French, Spanish, or Berber wine, I have it, and even black special wine, which is very suitable for gifting!"

Only then did Allen take a closer look at the face of the Arab businessman, with a full unshaven beard, light blue eyes, a tall nose, and narrowed eyes, revealing a sly aura.

"Okay, bring me ten cans of this black wine!" Allen walked around the small shop, looked at a dark can with several exotic pictures engraved on it, and then opened it to taste. After tasting, he narrowed his eyes, pointed and said.

"Sir, you have good eyesight. This is the fruit wine brewed by the Zenata people of the Bani-Marin tribe. It is sour and sweet, and it is unforgettable!" The Arab businessman narrowed his eyes, glanced up and down, and said cheerfully.

"Just ten gold coins, and you can bring them back!"

"Yes!" Alan tugged his lips and agreed reluctantly.

But he cursed in his heart, the unscrupulous businessman, if it wasn't for other things, he would have left long ago.

"Sir, do you need anything else? This is the best shop in Ceuta Port!" The Arab businessman said, looking at Alan who was hesitant.

"Boss, I need to meet the Berbers nearby, and it's the leader!"

Allen glanced at him and said directly.

"Sir, what are you talking about, how can I know Berbers!" The Arab businessman said calmly with a confused face.

"Wow, wow~" Allen didn't say anything, just took out his money bag and threw it on the table.

All of a sudden, the golden coins in the purse leaked out without any accident, covering the small wooden table.

"This—" the Arab businessman stared intently at the coins on the wooden table, his eyes almost protruding, and he was stunned.

"Of course!" The merchant's face changed suddenly, and he said with a smile while counting the money:
"Although I don't drink alcohol, I know a lot of Berber people. These people graze and farm nearby. I often go to get some drinks. I know a tribal leader with hundreds of people. He just took over the position of the old leader last year!"

After receiving this news, Allen couldn't help but feel happy: Sure enough, the businessman is the most well-informed person, and the money was not wasted, and he found the target so quickly.

"Then, when can you introduce me to meet him?" Allen said impatiently.


"Wow, wow~" Another bag of gold coins was thrown over.

"The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I'll take you there, and I'm going to buy a batch of wine too! I can bring him here so you can meet each other!" The businessman said impatiently.

On the third day, Allen came to the wine shop with two guards.

And in front of the wine shop, there were indeed a few commoner men standing, with the same western face, but bronze skin, slightly bow-legged, looking around.

"Come on, let me introduce you, Mr. Allen! This is the leader of Ava Brown!"

I saw that the Arab businessman introduced to a young man in his twenties with a rebellious face.

"Hello, leader!"

"You are the businessman who wants to send us money, quickly bring the money, I am in a hurry to go back!"

The young man stretched out his hand and said impatiently.

Allen glanced at the Arab businessman inexplicably, glared at him, and then smiled and said to the young leader:

"That's right, I'm about to send you money, let's go in and talk!"

After Allen said a few words into the young man's ear, he entered the liquor store with a blank expression on his face.

The Arab businessman was about to follow in, but was stopped by Allen's guards, and Allen's voice sounded:
"Boss, borrow your shop and return it to you in a while!"

The Arab businessman watched the two enter his shop, but he could only jump, feeling helpless.

Half an hour later, Alan and the young leader of Ava Brown came out, both of them had satisfied expressions on their faces, and it seemed that they were talking well.

"Leader, I'm waiting for your good news!" Allen said goodbye with a smile to the Berber leader who was riding back.

"Of course, we Berbers always mean what we say!" The young leader turned his head, replied arrogantly, and left without hesitation.

The Arab businessman was left alone with a confused look on his face.

The next day, Allen secretly unloaded some long knives and matchlock guns from the merchant ship, and then quickly left with the merchant ship.

(End of this chapter)

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