Chapter 122

Peasley pushed his chin up, his eyes full of puzzlement:
"I haven't fought yet, so why admit defeat?"

Cao Xueling shook her head: "I don't want to fight with my friends."

"Friends..." Peasley shook his head helplessly, "Even friends should do their best in such an important game. What's more, are we considered friends?"

A hint of disappointment flashed in Cao Xueling's eyes: "It turns out that Si Pi didn't treat me as a friend, I was just being sentimental..."

"Uh, that's not true." Peasley looked at the disappointment on the opponent's face, and quickly waved his hands, "It's just that I think it's because we are friends that I want to have a good fight with you."

After understanding the meaning of the other party's words, the disappointment on Cao Xueling's face was replaced by surprise.Still she shook her head and said:
"I don't fight. Don't want to fight with my only friend."

"The only friend?" Peasley showed a surprised expression, "Don't you have any other friends?"

A trace of loneliness flashed in Cao Xueling's eyes:
"My grandfather said that you can only be friends with those who are as strong as me or stronger than me. Among the peers I know, you are the only one who is as strong as me, or even stronger than me."

"Huh?" Peasley obviously didn't expect such a weird grandpa to exist in this world, "You grandpa is too strict. Then if I lose to you, I won't be qualified to be your friend?"

The corner of Cao Xueling's mouth ticked: "Exactly. Although my grandfather is strict, he is very strong. I have never seen anyone stronger than him. Everything he said is the truth to me."

Peasley was slightly surprised, how strong is this little girl's grandfather?Is it better than Zhao Yun, or even Zhuge Liang?

I don't know what kind of person it is.But being able to teach a granddaughter like Cao Xueling is not an easy one.

Although the other party had an expression of admiration on his face when he mentioned his grandfather, Peasley felt a kind of helplessness that the weak could not understand from the other party's expression.

Strong, Note, Solitary.

Are the strong doomed to be alone?

Although Peasley doesn't agree with this kind of talk, it is undeniable that among the countless powerful people throughout the ages, many of them are indeed alone, walking in their own kingly way.

But from another perspective, the words "you are my only friend" also indirectly reflected Cao Xueling's own strength.

Maybe she had other friends before she met Peasley.But when these friends were defeated by her one by one, she became more and more lonely.

No wonder when Peasley first met each other, she was sitting alone in the class, not responding at all to people walking in from the outside.

Such a proud and inferior girl obviously lives in her own small world most of the time.He never cared about the disturbances of the outside world.

Seeing that Pisrie was in a daze, Cao Xueling chuckled:
"Actually, I'm not interested in champions at all. It's my respect for you to step into this ring. I think it's worth exchanging a champion for a friend. And I hope that we can always be friends."

After saying this, Cao Xueling, who was sitting in a wheelchair, bowed slightly to Pisley, saluted respectfully, then turned the chair wheel and went down towards the ring.

"However," when she reached the edge of the ring, she suddenly stopped, "If you are defeated by me one day in the future... we may not be friends anymore."

After saying this, the rich wood dragged her wheelchair up, and then it landed outside the ring as steadily as a feather on the ground.

Her coming out of the ring meant that she had really lost her qualifications, and it also meant that the finals of the first-year individual competition had come to an end.

Peasley looked at the back of the other party and sighed helplessly.If it is not a friend, is it an enemy?
He understood that this was not Cao Xueling's willfulness.Only being friends with the strong is the bottom line of dignity that she imposed on herself as a disabled person.

Peasley didn't think much about it, and now, he can only accept the championship he is bound to win with peace of mind.

It's just that he can accept it, but the audience in the auditorium may not be able to accept it.

There was already a lot of discussion at this moment.

"Are you actually admitting defeat?! Is that girl funny? If you say you admit defeat, you will admit defeat? Are you taking the game as a joke?"

"I was still a fan of that girl, but now I'm a fan!"

"That's right. Don't you care too much about the feelings of us viewers?"

"Could there be some inside story?"

"There must be an inside story, but it's not so obvious. It must be that the boy and the girl have some ulterior relationship, otherwise how could they easily admit defeat?"

"That's right. The champion reward is a requirement that the dean and the city lord must meet. If I have the strength of a little girl, I will fight to the death. Wealth and wealth are within easy reach!"

... Although there were many discussions in the audience, most of them were talking about Cao Xueling's actions, and no one questioned Peasley's strength.

In fact, it would not be too surprising which of the two finalists won the championship.After all, the performance of these two is obvious to all.

It's just that there is a process missing, and some are not used to it.

So Zhao Yun finally announced that Peasley became the champion of the first-year individual competition.

Cheers erupted from Class Nine immediately, and many people in Class Eight even felt happy for this brother class.

No way, the teachers of the two classes have a good relationship, so the classes led by the two teachers are definitely quite close.

But the other classes were relatively silent, especially the first class.

Originally, the champion of the individual competition was very likely to fall into their class. Although there was no real benefit to them, it would still allow them to

With some bragging capital.

As a result, the strongest person in their class actually surrendered as soon as he said he would admit defeat.It's hard for them to understand.

However, because of Cao Xueling's strength, no one dared to say anything more.This girl has never taken the initiative to talk to them, or had any conversations with them.Even the teacher didn't care much about him.

She is clearly in this class, but she seems to have her own world.No one seems to be able to enter that part of the world.

But the student in the other class called "Lispi" seemed to be able to.

Maybe it was for this reason that she would admit defeat?

Peasley stepped off the stage, and Yi Xing walked towards him.


Peasley smiled wryly and shook his head: "There is nothing to congratulate. I didn't even fight. I'm very guilty of winning this championship."

"What's the matter?" Yi Xing smiled, "You didn't steal or grab it, and it doesn't matter to you if the other party gives up. Why do you have to carry any ideological burden? And if you can enter the finals, no one will dare to question your strength."

(End of this chapter)

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