The glory of the king

Chapter 125 Championship Challenge

Chapter 125 Championship Challenge

Zhuge Liang shook his fan with a smile, but cursed inwardly: "Old fox! Leave all the troubles to me without making a fuss."

And Peasley immediately revealed a look of surprise after getting Ximen Buhuo's promise.He looked back at the girl, but he didn't see her figure, and he had already left at some point.

He smiled and shook his head.

Is this a favor?

On the surface, it seems that he is at a loss, wasting an opportunity to obtain glory, wealth and even a panacea, magic weapon, and advanced skills for an irrelevant person.

But in Peasley's view, although he felt a little sad about this opportunity, in fact helping Situ Jing was equivalent to helping a family.

After selling a big favor from a certain family, maybe something happens in the future, and you can still seek help or even blessing from this family.This is more meaningful than the mere pills and armor these two students are asking for now.

This was the end of the championship award. Compared to the other two who were full of money, Peasley looked a little embarrassed with his empty hands.

However, the three of them were not in a hurry to step down, because there was one more thing that needed to be confirmed.

Zhuge Liang glanced at Pisley and Ning Yi, his expression slightly condensed, and asked, "Championship Challenge, do you want to participate?"

Ning also looked at the statue beside him.Luo Xiang glanced at him sideways, snorted coldly, and Ning Yi shrank his neck in fright.

He quickly shook his head at the rostrum: "The students think they are not capable of fighting the seniors, so forget it."

When Luo Xiang heard the words, his face softened slightly, and he said lightly: "You have self-knowledge."

Ning Yi smiled wryly, before he could say anything, suddenly a person stood in front of him.


Standing in front of him, looking at him seriously:
"I want to compete with the senior."

Ning Yi was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile: "Student, don't be joking. If I lose, the championship award will be taken back."

Peasley smiled.

In order to prevent the seniors from the championship challenge, the college naturally has a rule: if the challenged loses, the previous championship rewards will be withdrawn.

This ensures that the challenged will do their best.

That's why the success rate of the Championship Challenge is extremely low.

This second-year senior seems to be a good person, and he is a humble person.But Peasley knew that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

"Senior joked, it's my right to challenge you," Peasley said.

The smile on Ning Yi's face was slightly reduced, and he cupped his hands at the black-haired boy: "Since the junior insists on doing this, then I have to fulfill my duty as a senior."

Peasley nodded: "That's very good."

Ximen Buhuo on the rostrum showed a surprised expression, and said in a low voice: "This kid is good. Regardless of the result, he dares to challenge someone who is stronger than himself. This courage is worth admiring. Tsk tsk, a good show is worth watching gone."

Zhuge Liangliang nodded: "In this case...Zilong, I will trouble you to hold another competition."

Zhao Yun led the way.

Afterwards, under Zhao Yun's announcement, Luo Xiang left, and Pisley and Ning also stayed in the ring.

Because of the previous finals, Ning also had a lot of consumption.So Zhao Yun gave them half an hour to adjust.

Ning Yi immediately sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breath.But Peasley was obviously stunned for a moment, because Cao Xueling didn't fight him, and he is in full form now.

However, he still sat down, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, and started the mula practice.If you can practice for half an hour, practice for half an hour, and you must not waste time.

After the last few battles, his mula is very close to the eighth level of black iron.

Although Mulla has some relationship with various energy elements in the air, it mainly comes from the eyes of Mulla.

The training method of the Glory Fighter is to continuously rotate the eye of Mulla with consciousness, and then Mulla can be gradually produced.Just like the ink sticks used by the ancients when grinding ink, when ground on an ink platform, ink can be continuously ground.

When the ink stick is used up, but Mulla's eye is tangible and intangible, but it is inexhaustible.At this moment, Peasley is using his consciousness to constantly urge to accelerate the rotation of Mulla's Eye.

Half an hour passed quickly.Ning Yi opened his eyes, his eyes were piercing.Apparently half an hour of recovery worked for him.

He looked at the black-haired boy opposite, and found that the other party's eyes were still closed, and he couldn't help being speechless.

Just when he was about to step forward to wake him up, suddenly the breath of the black-haired boy gushed out like a spring, and a strong wind radiated out, rolling out the dust within one meter around him.

Then Peasley suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed past.

Black Iron Level [-]!

Peasley smiled slightly, he didn't expect to be promoted again at this critical moment.Although the promotion is not the level given to him by the system, it is useful to increase one's strength.

Ning Yi looked at the other party, his eyes flickered with surprise, thinking that this guy's strength has improved again at this time?

I don't know if he has been promoted to senior bronze or even the pinnacle. If so, he can't be sure to beat the opponent in this challenge.

"Now that you're awake, let's get ready. When you're ready, we'll start." Ning Yi smiled, showing the gentle appearance of a senior.

Peasley smiled back, stood up, stretched out a hand, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Please." Ning Yi said, taking a step forward with his left foot, suddenly he seemed to think of something, and said, "By the way, do you want to use a weapon?"

Pease thought for a while and said, "Use it."

Ning Yi: "Using it may not be a good thing for you."

Peasley smiled: "Try it and you'll know."

Ning also nodded and said no more.He took out a small cloth bag the size of a palm from his bosom, and then pulled out a three-foot broadsword from the bag.

Peasley looked at the cloth bag, thinking it was a storage bag with a certain amount of storage space.Looking at the broad sword again, it is bronze in color, with a blade half a foot wide, with dark red veins on the sword body, outlining two words: Shocking Shark.

"Silver Intermediate, Shocking Shark. Find out more." Ning Yi stuffed the storage bag into his arms and introduced it with a smile.

Peasley nodded, and revealed his own weapon.

A ray of light flashed, and a pot-shaped object appeared in his hand.

"Hunyuan Gai, subordinate Baiyin, let's find out." Pisley said.

Ning Yi's eyelids twitched: "Are you sure this is not an ordinary pot lid?"

Peasley smiled: "Try."

Ning Yi holds the sword in both hands: "Then let's try."

Peasley nodded.As soon as Hunyuan Gai took it, he suddenly felt full of strength.The attributes of this Hunyuan Gai are: "Attack +20, Defense +20, HP +20".There is indeed a huge difference between having a weapon in hand and not having a weapon in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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