The glory of the king

Chapter 127 The Weird Song

Chapter 127 The Weird Song

Ning Yi played with the dagger in his hand, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

But he also knew that he couldn't really take away the dagger in the academy, and he still had to return it to the opponent after the match.

Just because he can't do it in the academy doesn't mean he can't do it when he's out of the academy!
"Before the game is over, let me play with this dagger. Oh, there is a word engraved on it, it can't be your little girlfriend's name!" Ning Yi smiled, wanting to see the other party Embarrassed look.

But Peasley was calm and not annoyed at all.He is a smart man in his 20s, how could he get angry because of such superficial words of a six-year-old child.

"You are right, this is indeed the dagger my girlfriend gave me."

Ake's beautiful face flashed across Pisley's mind, and he said without blushing, "But I'm not a stingy person, so I might as well borrow my senior for fun. Then the senior's [Shocking Shark], can I also let me play?" play?"

Ning Yi's smile suddenly turned cold: "If you have the ability, come and get it!"

Peasley smiled, but was not in a hurry to act.

He knows that it is really difficult to defeat the opponent in his current state.The reason why he was not fully suppressed by the opponent now was mainly because the opponent did not use his full strength.And his own strength is also excellent.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's already a one-sided situation.

Taking advantage of the opponent's full strength, Peasley licked the rale whistle behind his teeth and decided to use it.

Miracles will be achieved by surprise.Otherwise, when the opponent really got serious and prepared, even if he used the rale whistle, he couldn't guarantee that the opponent didn't have any cards to deal with.

Thinking of this, Pisley looked at Ning Yi.Suddenly, his eyes moved from the opponent's face to the top of the opponent's head.

"I'll go! What's that!" Pisley yelled strangely, pointing to the sky behind Ning Yi.

Ning Yi sneered: "Please, I'm already six years old. Can this kind of three-year-old kid's tricks not be played in front of me?"

Peasley didn't care about the other party, still staring straight at the sky, the expression on his face was suddenly full of panic, and he even took a few steps back as if to run away.

Ning Yi frowned slightly, but couldn't bear the curiosity and fear in her heart after all, and glanced behind her.But the moment he turned his head, the corners of Peasley's mouth curled up slightly.

Seeing that there was nothing behind Ning Yi, he suddenly understood, and secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good!Hastily covered Mu La to the whole body.

However, the expected sneak attack did not come. The moment he turned his head, a strange sound of music suddenly sounded.

"Brother, your hometown has four hundred catties of ducks sent to Panama, wow, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, no way to pay, a fool inside a stupid pig is a father, who bought the book, If you live, you pay the bill..."

Peasley's face darkened immediately.Nima whistled a song? !And why is the style of this song so weird...

But although it was weird, the effect of [Rale Whistle] was immediately revealed.

Ning Yi frowned violently. When the song suddenly sounded just now, his head suddenly froze. The mura all over his body seemed to be blocked by something suddenly. Even the rotation of the mura's eyes in his mind became Slowed down.

How is this going?

Ning was also puzzled, but he didn't have time to think about it, because the black-haired boy's attack had come like a storm.

At the beginning, he was able to deal with the black-haired boy's attack with ease, but at this moment, because of the mutation of Mu La in his body, his strength was obviously weaker than before by more than one level.

He naturally didn't know that the effect of the rale whistle was to reduce the strength of all enemies within 5 meters by 30.00%, and the duration was 10 seconds.

The time was very short, so Peasley unreservedly showed his full strength in these 10 seconds!
A pair of illusory straw sandals appeared on both feet. This is a novice item rewarded by the system, so it will appear translucent.Dodge rate +1%.

A pair of transparent [novice shorts] on the lower body, and a pair of [novice commoner] on the upper body, with a total of +4 defense points.

A sparkling necklace around the neck, critical rate +1%.

Hunyuan Gai with his left hand, and the novice sword that has not been used for a long time in the system backpack with his right hand.

Finally, a green hat appeared on its head.oh!Green glow!However, the attributes of this [forgiveness hat] are still very good: defense +10, crit rate +5%.

When this outfit appeared, Peasley shone with illusory light all over his body, looking extremely dazzling.

There was a lot of praise in the audience, but many men saw a trace of fear in their eyes when they saw the green hat.

Green hat, male enemy.

However, Peasley's opponent had no time to appreciate the brilliance on his opponent's body, because he was enduring Peasley's increasingly crazy attacks.

But the jealousy in his eyes grew stronger.There are so many treasures on this black-haired boy.

I don't know if these illusory equipment are real, but they can obviously increase the opponent's strength.And this mere commoner, what right does he have to have so many good things? !

Although there was a mass of anger surging in his heart, at this moment he was crazily suppressed by the other party, unable to vent the anger.

Although he didn't quite understand what happened exactly, but he guessed that the dark-haired boy was probably responsible for it.

But this method is not to improve one's own strength, but to reduce the opponent's strength.Then this method is not considered a violation of the regulations.

He was originally level 23, because the effect of the Rale Whistle reduced his ability by 30.00%.

If you just look at the numbers, it's only about level 30.00 now.But in fact, his own strength is a silver warrior after all, so even after subtracting 18%, it will be much higher than the sixteenth level.At present, the strength is about [-] or so.

For Peasley, this is the first time he has fought an opponent stronger than himself.But as long as he can control the opponent's strength to be at the same level as his own, he has a great chance of winning.

But the chance of winning is only ten seconds.

Ten seconds is very short, and the time to sip tea is over.But ten seconds is also very long, enough for a master to kill several enemies.

Peasley wanted to defeat his opponent within these ten seconds.

At a certain moment, Peasley's illusory traditional long sword collided violently with Ning Yi's broad sword [Shocking Shark].Both of them were numb in their hands.

But then Peasley was overjoyed, because a large bright red number appeared on the opponent's head: "-30".


The long-lost crit!
Peasley was overjoyed. After a fierce battle, the opponent's HP had dropped from 230 to 150.

Peasley's blood volume has dropped from 255 to 190, which is still an advantage.

What he is least afraid of is exchanging blood with the other party, because he naturally has some means.

(End of this chapter)

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