The glory of the king

Chapter 131 Ice is better than ice water ice

Chapter 131 Ice is better than ice water ice

The opponent's sprinting speed was extremely fast, but Pisley naturally wouldn't just sit still, the wooden pull was transported to his feet, and there was a gust of wind at the soles of his feet.

Relying on his agility, Peasley avoided the impact of the horses, but the cavalry was strong because his core was not only the horses, but also the horsemen.

The bright silver spear was like a cloud-breaking thunder dragon, stabbing towards Peasley with unparalleled momentum.

Peasley was shocked, and quickly put up the lid of the pot in his hand to resist.Hearing a thunder, Peasley's silver-grade pot lid suddenly burst open a big hole.

And he himself was blown away by the powerful force.

Peasley struggled to get up, and the electric arc was still faintly running on the pot lid on his left hand.He looked at the young general, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart.

Can't fight, absolutely can't fight.If you can outsmart, you must not be tough with this guy.

The previous Liu Bei and Sun Shangxiang were not weak, but they didn't fight.If he really wanted to fight, he would have no life to get to this point!
Peaslee looks at the "-30" popping out of his head

, There was a panic in my heart.If it's just an ordinary silver powerhouse, it's not like he's powerless.

But a master like Zhao Yun who is a top existence no matter what rank he is in is obviously not something he can fight against now.

Zhao Yun turned his horse's head and prepared for the second charge.Seeing this, Peasley quickly stretched out his hand and shook the opponent: "Wait! General Zilong, don't do anything yet! I have something to say!"

Zilong retracted his spear slightly and looked down at the other party: "What's the matter?"

Peasley breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and said, "General Zilong thinks how likely he is to win against me."

Zhao Yun looked at the five-year-old child in front of him, and said calmly: "It's just a little boy, it's not inevitable that this general will win you."

Peasley shook his head: "No. Your Excellency Silver Warrior, and this is your Bronze Warrior. Just now I can take your first blow, and I can take your second, third or even tenth blow."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun recalled that a five-year-old child was not afraid of his sprint just now, and he dodged flexibly, and was able to respond to the long spear he stabbed. It was really not easy, so he changed his words:
"It is indeed possible. But even so, I still have a [-]% chance of defeating you."

Peasley still shook his head:
"Long Ming."

Zhao Yun frowned.

"Sky Dragon."

Zhao Yun pursed his lips.

"The Cloudbreaker Dragon."

Zhao Yun stared.

"The Dragon of Thunder."

Zhao Yun sighed softly: "I admit now that you have a [-]% chance of winning. It's just that you, a child, know so much about my moves."

Peasley still shook his head, obviously not satisfied.He thought for a while, his face froze, and he said, "You used to have another name called Shadow."

Zhao Yun, who had always been calm and composed, finally changed his expression several times. He swiped the spear on the ground, and the tip of the spear rubbed against the ground to produce splendid sparks.

Zhao Yun stared at the spark, and said word by word: "[-]%. You are now. There is a [-]% chance of winning."

Hearing this, Peasley finally nodded in satisfaction.said:
"It's an honor to be able to compete with General Zilong [-]-[-]. But you should know that it is not an easy task to fight against an equal opponent. In the art of war, if you can outwit, you will never win by force."

Zhao Yun nodded in agreement: "So what are you going to do?"

Peasley: "The general thinks, who is better, outsmart or military victory?"

Zhao Yun: "Naturally, it is outsmart. Subduing others without fighting is the best way."

Peasley: "Since this is the case, the general may not be able to win the battle with me. Then we might as well not fight by force, but instead fight with words, how about?"

Zhao Yun's eyes flickered, and he naturally saw through the opponent's purpose.In fact, in a real fight, the opponent may not have the so-called [-]% chance of winning at all.

But this child gave him an unfathomable feeling, even if there was a real fight, I am afraid that this opponent must be difficult to deal with.

If there is a way to quickly solve the other party, he is willing to accept it.It's just that in this way, maybe the other party will have some conspiracy in it.

Just when he was uncertain, Peasley smiled sarcasticly, and continued: "There were not many famous generals who were brave and resourceful during the Three Kingdoms period. From my point of view, apart from Zhang Wenyuan of Wei State, only Your Excellency can be called this."

Zhao Yun arched his hands: "Your Excellency is absurd. There are many famous generals in the Three Kingdoms, and there are more brave and resourceful people than Zhao Yun. However, since Your Excellency wants to fight, why not have a fight?"

Unlike Guan Yu's pride, Zhao Yun has always been very humble.Therefore, in Zhao Yun's life, he was rarely defeated.Even if it is defeated, the loss can be minimized as much as possible.

At this moment, in his opinion, literary fighting saves more time and energy than martial fighting.

Peasley laughed loudly and said, "I made a pair. If you can match the sentence without any mistakes within one minute, I will be considered a loser."

Zhao Yun smiled: "Are you right? Oh, although I am a martial artist, I write the couplets at home every year, so I still have some experience."

Peasley nodded: "That's very good. That General Long heard clearly, I'm just a simple pair,

Don't pay attention to flat rhyme.There are only five words for this pair, listen carefully: Ice is better than ice water. "

At the first glance, Zhao Yun felt that this pair was very simple, so he blurted out:

"Flame is better than fire... well, it's not right. Let me think about it. Xunzi's "Encouragement to Learning" has a saying, "green, take it from blue, and green from blue; ice, water is from it, and colder than water", from this Look, Qingsheng Qinglanqing?"

Peasley pinched his chin and thought about it, then shook his head and asked, "What is Qinglan?"

Zhao Yun was silent, there really is nothing called Qinglan.Ice is better than ice and water. These five words seem plain at first glance.But if you take a closer look, you will find that these five words are quite meaningful.

Ice and ice water are actually the same thing, but because of the different forms, there is a huge difference between the two.Moreover, the meanings of the three ice characters are also different.

The first ice is a noun, referring to ice cubes; the second ice is an attributive of "water", referring to the state of water, and the third

Ice is an adjective.

What else is similar, and can

Literally a huge connection?
"Love needs love love?"

Peasley curled his lips: "It doesn't make sense."

"People are better than people?"

Peasley shook his head: "No confrontation."

"Ming is brighter than the bright moon?"

Peasley still shook his head: "What is the first invention?"

Zhao Yun was dumbfounded.

Just when he was about to say something, Peasley said, "One minute has passed. Your Excellency lost."

Zhao Yun's complexion changed, and he sighed softly: "Zilong lost. But...can you tell me the right pair, if you can't tell me, then Zilong will not admit defeat."

(End of this chapter)

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