The glory of the king

Chapter 134 Was played?

Chapter 134 Was played?

"In addition, ordinary nobles can enjoy a [-]% discount when buying houses in cities other than the capital in Huangquan...

In short, after becoming a nobleman, there are many advantages.But when there is a big crisis in the country, the nobles need to contribute money and efforts.

At that time, ordinary people can spend nothing, but nobles may have half or more of their savings to be confiscated by the state.

But we don't have to worry, first of all, it is right to contribute to the country, and secondly, the nobles with higher social status will contribute more. We ordinary nobles, in fact, will not be affected much. "

Li Ting and Tao Tiantian may not know this, but Pisley obviously did his homework.

"Then... do we have to pay the monthly wages of the bodyguards, maids, and servants?" Tao Tiantian looked at his son and asked.

Peasley shook his head:
"The bodyguards and maids are Glory Warriors, and they can receive living expenses from the Mulla Clubhouse every month, and after becoming the servants of the nobles, the noble center will also give them a certain salary.

So we only need to pay the salaries of the 10 servants who are not Glory Warriors.It's not expensive, just one Kirin coin per person per month. "

"Ah~ one unicorn coin per person..."

Tao Tianliu frowned, pouted his mouth and showed the expression of a miser: "Those 10 people are worth 10 unicorn coins! No, no, it's too expensive. I don't want these servants, can I?"

Peasley laughed: "Of course you can. You are a noble lady, you can do whatever you say. And you don't want to be in the center of the nobles and you are secretly having fun!"

Tao Tiantian frowned slightly upon hearing this.continued:
"Then you don't want that bodyguard and maid. I'm used to your father and the three of us being together. If there are a few more strangers suddenly, I won't be used to it..."

Speaking of this, Tao Tiantian suddenly saw Liu Qinghe on the side, and then changed his words: "Of course, if classmate Xiaohe lives with us, that is acceptable."

Hearing this, Little Lolita was taken aback for a moment, then a shyness flashed in her eyes, and she smiled shyly: "Xiaohe dare not disturb the lives of uncles and aunts."

Tao Tiantian looked at the little girl with distressed eyes.

Peasley shook his head, and at the same time his expression became serious:

"Because of me, you have been assassinated twice recently. This is not a trivial matter that can be ignored by waving your hand


I can't be with you all that often right now.With one or two Glory Fighters protecting you, I will be much more at ease.

And the doll I gave you has a limited number of uses after all, if you can solve the problem without using it, that's the best.Use this item when you really have to. "

Speaking of this, Pease dreamed of the [Little Eight Diagrams Formation] that he just got. This thing may be more useful than the [Thousand Silk Puppet], and there is no limit to the number of times it can be used.

But this small gossip array can only be used with a wooden pull.They couldn't use Tao Tiantian.Otherwise, he would naturally give them this armor without hesitation.

Tao Tiantian reached out and touched his son's head:

"Fool, it's not your fault. As your parents, while enjoying the happiness you brought us, we are naturally willing to bear certain risks.

But we don't suffer from it, but we are proud of you.So you can rest assured outside, we will try our best to ensure your safety.

Even... Even if one day, we are really murdered, don't blame yourself.Don't do stupid things impulsively just to avenge us.Mother and your father only hope that you can live a good life.

You are a distinguished Glory Warrior, your life must be more exciting than the lives of ordinary people like us.Mother hopes that you can enjoy this wonderful world and live happily. "

After saying this, Tao Tiantian's eyes turned red again unconsciously.

Peasley looked at his mother's pear blossoms with rain, and at the same time felt distressed, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Actually, this assassination wasn't really a surprise to me. Bai Yiyun was devastated once. Judging from the normal situation, he will definitely do it again.

As a result, a bronze warrior was lost for the first time, and a silver warrior was lost this time.

Even if the other party is a baron, I'm afraid he will feel distressed.With these two lessons, I believe that the other party should not have the guts to make trouble again. "

Tao Tiantian nodded.

At this moment, Li Ting at the side suddenly remembered something, took out a piece of golden talisman paper from his pocket, and handed it to Pisley:

"This is what we got after fighting that silver warrior yesterday."

Peasley looked at the familiar talisman in his hand, and the scene when Situ Jing said those cruel words to him immediately appeared in his mind.

A wave of anger welled up in my heart like a volcanic eruption!
Oh shit!I was so tricked! ! ? ?
Seeing their son's expression changed dramatically, Li Ting and Tao Tiantian both showed worried expressions.Tao Tiantian wrapped his hands around his son's neck and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Feeling the warmth of his mother's fingertips scratching his neck gently, Peasley forcibly suppressed the flame in his heart to calm himself down.

Thinking about it carefully, although the profession of Warlock is rare among Glory Fighters, it doesn't mean that Bai Yiyun's subordinates don't have such people.

After all, the opponent is a high-ranking nobleman like a baron. It is not surprising that there are one or two warlocks under his command.

Although Situ Jing is suspected, it may not be the person she sent.If I gave up such a precious championship reward to help the other party, the other party shouldn't repay their kindness like this, right?
However, this assassination was a matter of last night, and winning the championship by himself is a matter of today.Is it possible...

Thinking of this, he became a little more irritable.However, he noticed the worry on his parents' faces, and he didn't want them to worry about him anymore, so he forced a smile and hid the matter in his heart.

It seems that when you find a time, you must ask Situ Jing for clarification, otherwise he may die of depression because of this matter.

Pisley put the talisman into the system, then looked at Liu Qinghe and said, "Xiaohe, take my parents to the cafeteria for dinner first. I have something to do, so I'll be there in a while."

After speaking, he smiled at his parents, and ran away in a flash.

Tao Tiantian looked at his son's leaving figure, with a strong worry in his eyes:
"My son seems to be hiding something from us..."

Li Ting sighed softly: "It should be something that ordinary people like us can't help with. Otherwise, he wouldn't have told us."

Speaking of which, Li Ting waved his hand and showed a smile on his face: "Okay, let's have dinner first. If you can spend a lot of money in your son's academy this month, you have to seize the opportunity."

Tao Tiantian rubbed his eyes and hummed heavily...

(End of this chapter)

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