The glory of the king

Chapter 150 Mysterious 1 Laugh

Chapter 150 A Mysterious Smile

But Pisley continued to tease her: "How can you pay me for those two pills with this little money? Then do you have anything else that can be exchanged at an equivalent value?"

Feeling the temperature in Pisley's hands, Liu Qinghe's mood improved a lot.She blinked her watery eyes, looked towards the bed, then glanced up and down, then shook her head and said, "I have nothing else to exchange."

"There's nothing else?" Peasley said with a disappointed expression, "If it really doesn't work, then... just use yourself to pay for it."

"Ah?" Liu Qinghe was taken aback for a moment, then a blush rose on her face, and she immediately realized that the other party was deliberately teasing her, and gave him a shy look.

However, she looked at the other party's extremely expectant eyes, and said:
"Then...then before I pay you back, I will temporarily...temporarily compensate myself to you! But, in terms of our relationship, you can't charge me interest~ Wait until I pay you back Money, I will redeem myself."

Peasley narrowed his eyes and smiled, "What's the relationship between us? Why don't I charge you interest?"

Liu Qinghe was taken aback, and blinked his confused eyes: "Good friend?"

Peasley shook his head and said seriously: "No, we are son and daughter-in-law."

Liu Qinghe's face suddenly turned red like a burning cloud, she was extremely shy and said angrily: "I don't care about you!"

Peasley coughed lightly: "Okay, okay, I'm not kidding anymore. Then you don't have to take the thousand unicorn coins you owe me too seriously, just pay back 10 a year."

Liu Qinghe rubbed her hot face, and didn't think too much about Pisley's meaningful words, because for her, paying 10 a year is not a small burden.

Peasley looked at this silly little loli, and couldn't help showing a pitiful smile.

Although his mental age is in his 20s, in fact, it is actually easier to be with these pure-hearted and simple-minded children than to deal with those adults with complicated hearts and bad stomachs.

Because you can understand the meaning of their every move, and you can guess their little thoughts.Although they sometimes make trouble for no reason, most of the time they will be happy for a long time because you do a trivial thing for them...

Sometimes Peasley wonders why people have more fun things when they grow up, but they are not as happy as they were when they were young.

Later he figured out that there were two reasons.

The first reason is that the reason why I was so happy when I was a child was because I could not ask for it. Once I finally got a toy that I had been looking forward to for a long time, I was very happy to play with it.But when I grow up, things to play with are at my fingertips, so I can't play the feeling that I used to have.

Because it is too easy to get, it will not be cherished.Sometimes cherishing a thing is also a kind of happiness.

As for the other reason, it is because when people grow up, they will have all kinds of invisible oppression from their parents, society and people around them, and their own desires will also increase.

I want money, I want beautiful women, I want luxury cars, I want to know if my dick is longer than other boys, I want many things that I don't have.

What I couldn't ask for suddenly became a thousand times what I had when I was a child, and the accumulation of such negative emotions became a kind of thing called "annoyance".

Once people have troubles, how can they be as carefree and happy every day as they were when they were young?

Just as Pisley was sitting on the bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about this, Liu Qinghe's small face suddenly appeared in his vision.

"What is Xiaopi thinking?" Liu Qinghe asked with a smile, the troubles just now were gone.

Children are like this, it is always easy to forget the unhappy things, and only remember the joy and happiness.And grown-ups are really the complete opposite.

Pisley stretched out his hand and pinched Liu Qinghe's little nose.

"Oh~~ don't pinch it!"

Liu Qinghe showed a painful expression, but did not struggle.There were only groans that made Peasley think about it.In fact, Peasley's pinching is not too heavy, but this may be a girl's instinctive performance.

After playing for a while, the two stopped.Liu Qinghe looked at Pisley, and suddenly said seriously: "Xiao Pi, don't blame my father. In fact, he came here this time for other reasons besides asking for money."

As soon as Liu Qinghe's father was mentioned, Pisley's face darkened a bit, and he rolled his eyes and said, "Your father is quite handsome, why doesn't he behave like a father? Why? Are you ashamed to ask your child for money?"

Liu Qinghe poked his index fingers with each other, and said in a low voice: "Actually, my father came to see me yesterday...I'm quite, very happy...and he knows that I won the competition bonus, which means he came to see me in the competition !

Maybe my father became like this because my mother passed away.One night, I heard my father crying secretly under the quilt..."

Hearing Little Lolita's understanding words, Peasley sighed softly.Maybe her father did have something to hide.

But forcing his wife to have so many children, and selling so many children without mullahs on the black market, even if there is a big unspeakable secret, it can't prove that this man is not a scum.

But after all, it was Little Lolita's father, and Peasley didn't say any bad words in front of her.

"Actually, this time, he told me one more thing. He said that he would go to a faraway place to do something during this time, and he might not be able to come back for a long time.

He also said that the subsidy of the Mulla Club for the past few months has been paid by myself, but I can only get five unicorn coins for living expenses a month, and I will keep the rest and hand them over to him when he comes back.Although it's only five unicorn coins, it's much more than when he was a black iron warrior! "

When Liu Qinghe said this, he laughed foolishly at himself.Peasley touched her little head distressedly, and didn't want to mention the man who made him feel sick to this silly girl.


In the afternoon, it was the second class competition.

Peasley and the others arrived at the venue early.Although Peasley doesn't need to play this game, he is still more concerned about the result of the game.

The five classes participating in the second round are classes [-], [-], [-], [-], and [-].

The lottery was still conducted by Zhuge Liang himself.

Class five vs. class eight in the first game.Class five belonged to the class that used all the masters in the first round, so the strength of the people who played in the second round was relatively weak.Although they also tried their best to compete, but facing the eighth class with stronger average strength, they still lost without a doubt.

In the second round, Class Nine and Class Ten were drawn.

Before Situ Jing from class ten came to the stage, she suddenly smiled mysteriously at Pisley.

(End of this chapter)

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