The glory of the king

Chapter 161 1st Place Shocking!

Chapter 161 A Shocker!
"If possible, I want to be like my parents, willing to use my life to protect the ones I love, to help kind people, and to build a better world as much as possible.

Maybe... can't change the big world, but at least, I hope the world in my eyes is as beautiful as possible.This is not a gang game, this is my ideal. "

After saying this, Dugu Hanqing looked at Peasley expectantly.He hoped to impress this seemingly indifferent guy with these words.

However, to his disappointment, after hearing his words, Peasley was silent for a moment, but still shook his head:

"I admit that your ideals are lofty, but the problem is that you should not impose your ideals on others.

Who hasn't dreamed yet, but the key is that these illusory things must be realized by oneself after all. Anyone can only rely on temporary help, but cannot rely on it for a long time.

If you want to realize your dreams, there is no more useful way than improving your own strength. "

Upon hearing this, Dugu Hanqing shook his head and retorted: "What you said is not comprehensive. Personal strength is certainly important, but as the saying goes, 'A lot of firepower can make a difference', sometimes two people can accomplish things that cannot be done by one person. .

What two people can't do, maybe four people can do.In short, when it is time to rely on the strength of others, you must let go of your posture and ask for help.This is the way of the wise. "

Peasley pinched his chin and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "You are right. Unexpectedly, you are young and have a lot of experience."

Dugu Hanqing touched his head in embarrassment: "This is what my master taught me before, and I used it to show off."

Peasley was taken aback, thinking what kind of teacher it must be to let a five-year-old student have such a profound understanding.

At this time, he thought that Dugu Hanqing had always called him a junior junior. Could it be that he had already been photographed by the other party's teacher and planned to accept him as his apprentice?

With such doubts, he told Dugu Hanqing: "It's not impossible for me to join..."

Dugu Hanqing's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly: "If there is anything you need me to do, just ask, as long as you don't have any thoughts about my body, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Peasley glanced at the silver-haired boy in front of him with disgust, then coughed lightly and said, "If you want me to join, please tell me why you keep calling me little junior brother. Is there something wrong?" going to happen?"

Dugu Hanqing didn't show an overly surprised expression. In fact, he had already guessed that the black-haired boy in front of him was most concerned about this issue.

He smiled mysteriously and started bargaining: "As long as you agree to join me, I will tell you."

Peasley frowned: "I like to talk about it, but I don't talk about it."

"Okay, okay, let me say, let me say." The reason why Dugu Hanqing wooed Pisley so much is because he is his junior brother, and secondly, he is also interested in the strength and potential of the other party.He is not a jealous person, he is very happy to have a powerful junior brother.

"Actually, I'm not bragging. My teacher is definitely the best teacher in the Glory Continent. He dares to be number one, and no one dares to be number two."

"Is your teacher Teacher Cang?" Pisley gave him an annoyed look.

"Eh? Who is Teacher Cang?" Dugu Hanqing looked confused.

Peasley said impatiently: "Okay, stop bragging. Get to the point!"

Dugu Hanqing's mouth moved, and after deleting tens of thousands of words in his mind, he said: "My teacher, known as the old master."

As soon as his words fell, Peasley trembled all over, and felt that the sky above his head seemed to be trembling just now.He thought it was his own delusion, but saw Nezha turned his head, stared at Dugu Hanqing and said, "You want to die, dare to call out the teacher's name in the sky."

Dugu Hanqing quickly covered his mouth, and looked up at the sky with lingering fear.I was afraid that an invisible slap would suddenly come down from the sky and crush him into a pulp.

At this moment, the giant wheel was already driving on the golden sea of ​​clouds, but looking up from a distance, one could still see a layer of blue clouds.Peasley guessed that the cyan cloud was at least a few kilometers or even tens of thousands of meters away from them.

It's just that he doesn't know if there are other clouds on the blue cloud.

The vision of heaven and earth just now really shocked Pisley.He didn't expect that Dugu Hanqing and Nezha were the disciples of the famous master.However, what he didn't expect was that Dugu Hanqing just mentioned the name of the master, which surprised everyone.

What a powerful existence this is, so that the invisible and intangible God can have such a big reaction to a name.

A shocker!The only person in this world who can do this is the master.

Being able to become the disciple of such an awesome figure, Peasley felt that it might not be a bad thing.It's just that I haven't seen such a character before, so why would the other party want to accept him as a disciple.

Dugu Hanqing heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the sky had no reaction.Immediately looking at Peasley, he said triumphantly, "Did you see, my teacher is so awesome that he is afraid of the sky."

Peasley nodded in agreement and said, "Your teacher is indeed very powerful. Did he do something embarrassing to Tian to make Tian so afraid of him?"

"Pfft—" Yu Bai Yincheng on the side made a sound that seemed to be coughing, but also seemed to be laughing.

Dugu Hanqing said: "I don't know what the teacher has done to the sky, but I know that everyone is afraid of the sky, but my teacher is not."

"Maybe this is the difference between a saint and an ordinary person." Peasley looked at the sky and continued to ask, "You just said that your teacher wants to accept me as a disciple. Has your teacher met me?"

Dugu Hanqing said with a smile: "What do you think? You are no better than my teacher. Could it be that my teacher wants to accept you as a disciple when I hear your name?"

"That's right, if I can become a Jingtian, I don't need any teachers." Pisley walked to the edge of the giant ship, put his hands on the railing, watched the golden sea of ​​clouds roll, and unconsciously felt like riding the wind and breaking the waves a feeling of.

After Dugu Shiqing's narration, he basically understood the reason why the other party always called him little junior.

If he could learn from the legendary sage, he believed that he would have a huge improvement.

In fact, when he came to this world, his first reason was to make a living in this world.You don't want to be the strongest in the world, but you also need to be able to protect yourself.

Later, with Daji and the system, his goal was no longer just to do well in this world, but he gradually became interested in why he came to this world.

(End of this chapter)

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